Cultural Vistas Fully-Funded Summer Internship Program Engineering, Startups and more
- India
- Bangalore
- Germany
- Berlin
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires
About Program
The Cultural Vistas Fellowship is a FULLY-FUNDED program that affords U.S. university students the opportunity to enrich their academic learning through 8-week professional internship and summer immersion experiences in Argentina, Germany, and India.
Up to 12 fellows are selected each year for this unique opportunity to advance their career goals, develop global competencies, and experience life in another culture. Strong preference will be given to students historically underrepresented in international exchange. This multinational program is funded by Cultural Vistas and focuses on the theme of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Funding for this program includes: all program-related travel expenses (including round-trip airfare to and within internship country; travel to NYC for pre-departure/re-entry seminars); accommodations throughout program, including pre-departure/re-entry seminars; emergency medical insurance; internship placement; orientation and support services.
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- Fully-funded fellowship opportunity, covering program-related transportation, accommodations, internship placements, online seminars & support services, and emergency medical insurance.
- Customized eight-week internship placements with the theme of entrepreneurship and innovation
- Six-week virtual learning seminar, plus pre-departure orientation and re-entry seminar in NYC
- Spend an amazing summer in Berlin, Buenos Aires or Bangalore!
- This will look GREAT on your resume or grad school applications!
I roughly spent like $100 a week, on food and personal stuff. I ate really good in Argentina so it was a bit expensive. CV payed for my housing, transportation and flight so I was only responsible for food. I did make trips within Argentina and that was about $400 to visit Iguazu Falls included flight, lodging and activities.