Architecture Internships Abroad

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Architecture Internships Abroad

Architecture Internships Abroad


Are you fascinated by the intricate design and beautiful structure of the Sydney Opera House or the Eiffel Tower? Do you love to analyze the engineering measurements of various buildings? As the intersection of engineering, design, and art, architecture is an amazing field to dive into. Architects around the world are responsible for constructing the houses of citizens, designing public gathering places, and creating wonders of art.

One of the best ways to learn more about the different architectural ideas and trends is to travel abroad for an internship. For those interested in pursuing an international architecture internship, get ready to be challenged, have fun, and start building your portfolio on foreign soil.

Photo Credit: Ian McGregor

Program Types

Commercial/Institutional Architecture:

Most architecture internships abroad will be at firms that specialize in commercial and institutional design projects. This type of work will require you to conduct research, analyze structural limitations, and gain an understanding of the more specific mechanics of construction. Some possible projects include designing company office buildings, malls, or schools.

Landscape Design:

Landscape architecture internships will give you the opportunity to assist in the design and implementation of various landscape projects as well as administrative work. Landscaping differs greatly from traditional structural architecture design, as contractors must consider several environmental aspects and use vastly different materials for construction. Landscape architecture interns tend to be more fascinated by the artistic aspect of design and interested in beautification.

Historical Preservation:

Architects are not constantly designing new infrastructure; in fact, most of the historical buildings you have been renovated by modern architects to be preserved. Thanks to these architectural efforts, buildings that were constructed hundreds or thousands of years ago are still relatively undamaged and intact for future generations to enjoy.

Popular Destinations

The location of your architecture internship will very likely determine the type of work you will be doing. While interns in Europe might be working in a large private architecture firm, interns in more rural places may be designing basic infrastructure literally from the ground up. If you aren’t sure where to go for your architecture internship, travel to these popular destinations around the world for a great international work experience!

  • China: Since the construction of the Beijing National Stadium, or “Bird’s Nest”, during the 2008 Olympics, architecture has become a booming field in China. Architects and designers from around the world meet in China to collaborate, share ideas, and jump aboard the next hot design project. In fact, many Chinese architecture firms are specifically keeping an eye out for foreign talent to bring in a new and unique perspective to their design concepts. Finding an architecture internship in China is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in a creative design atmosphere, learn from seasoned architects, and set yourself apart from others.
  • Italy: With Brunelleschi's Duomo in Florence, Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Saint Mark’s Basilica in Venice, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy is filled with beautiful architectural wonders. A prime location for aspiring architects, the cities and villages are a major inspiration for new projects or historical renovations. The architectural trends of the past and present are so dominantly represented in various parts of the country that any architectural style is welcome. If you are interested in learning more about architecture while living in a world center for artistic and cultural exchange, go to Italy!
  • Australia: There is no doubt that Australia has recently become the new international architecture mecca. Architects in Australia have developed a great design culture and embraced sustainability as well as environmental responsibility initiatives. This is extremely attractive to a younger generation of architects-in-training who want to improve the world and experienced architects looking for new challenges and build for the future. With many major architecture firms, Australia is a great place for interns to get more experience in the field and learn from seasoned architects.
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Dubai has unexpectedly sprung up as a major innovator in the field of architecture. While the country’s economy was originally built on oil in the past, the government has drawn out numerous plans for urban development and extravagant architectural wonders. A huge real-estate boom has begun an era of modern and innovative design. With the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Burj Al Arab, the only 7-star luxury hotel in the world, and a man-made archipelago of 300 islands, the UAE is leading the architecture world with insanely creative projects and pushing the limits of design. Dubai is an amazing place to find an architecture internship for the innovative and ambitious architecture student.
  • India: India is becoming a more and more popular place for architecture interns. The Taj Mahal itself brings thousands of visitors from around the globe each year. As a rapidly growing country rising in the international arena, India’s architects are also receiving more attention than ever before. With many slick new modern architectural pieces including skyscrapers and shopping malls, the country is experiencing an architectural boom. This is a great opportunity for interns to get contemporary design experience and work on projects that are utilizing the newest green technologies and promoting sustainable initiatives.

Planning Your Trip

When and Where to Look for an Architecture Internship:

Architecture internships can be found year-round, although many architecture firms may expect to have more interns over the summer. Depending on where you would like to intern abroad, there may be more internship opportunities in architecture when the economy is doing well or when there major developmental plans underway. You definitely want to find opportunities that pertain to your design interests and are available in places that have a strong architecture network so that you can be immersed in a great learning environment. Most importantly, begin your research early.


Since jobs in architecture aren’t falling from the sky at the moment, it is an excellent idea to begin building a robust professional network as soon as possible. If you can't find in-person internships, it's also possible to complete a virtual internship online. Not only will having connections with other architects be beneficial for your architecture career, but it also gives you many opportunities to learn from others and collaborate. Get to know your colleagues at work, attend any networking or social functions in the office, and check out local professional groups. There are even quite a few international online architecture networks or forums that you can join to get to know others or receive some advice!

What People Are Saying

International Internships in Madrid with The Intern Group

The experience itself was amazing - Madrid is an incredible city, especially for younger people. First and foremost, the team at TIG is splendid. Extremely kind and supportive. As an intern, I felt...
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Customized Internship: Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco

If you want to learn about Peruvian culture and improve your Spanish while working at a local organization that matches your interests, Linguistic Horizons is the program for you. In my interview with...
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AIFS Abroad Internships in Madrid, Spain

I loved loved loved my program. I am studying fashion psychology and my supervisor Edith was amazing. I learned so much! Our location supervisor Lourdes was so kind, caring, and amazing. I highly...
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which country is best for architecture internship?

    The best country depends on the type of architecture program and experience you're interested in. However, you can consider one of the following popular destinations for an international internship in architecture such as China, Italy, Australia, the U.A.E. and India.

  • How do I get an architecture internship abroad?

    Although architecture opportunities can be found in pretty much any corner of the world, most internships can be found in countries that have major infrastructure or development plans underway. It's common to find summer positions, so start looking online and networking a few months beforehand. Take time to review four to five different architecture programs and research the company reputation before applying and accepting an internship.

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