What has been your career path so far - how did you end up at Semester at Sea?
Holly: I started as a resident assistant and leader in my campus community at St. Edward’s University in Austin, TX. When I graduated, I worked at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) as an admissions officer and loved it! I obtained a master’s degree at Texas State University in Student Affairs in Higher Education. I knew I wanted to combine my passion for studying abroad with my passion for student affairs, so here I am!
Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?
Holly: I studied abroad as a graduate student through Semester at Sea’s Student Affairs at Sea. Most of the ship’s 740 passengers were undergrads, which was a lot of fun. We read about what higher education looked like in other countries and then visited those places in person. It was the best semester I ever had (no offense, alma maters)!
I always wanted to study abroad, but I loved my leadership roles so much in college that I never wanted to leave and give those up. Finally, it was my last chance in college and I knew it was “now or never.” My family does not travel so it was my first time out of the country, and guess what: I went to EIGHT countries!
What separates Semester at Sea from other study abroad program providers?
Holly: Semester at Sea is the ultimate in comparative global education. It can be hard to decide on one country to spend a semester in, so why not visit a lot? Not too many people can say they literally traveled around the globe. I also like the fact that we visit some of those “destination” locations, but we also go places that are not so main stream. Oftentimes, that ends up being a student’s favorite place. Some of our students even decide to study in a particular country or express a new-found interest in the Foreign Service as a result of their voyage, which is very meaningful to us.
We have some really prominent people board our ship as voyagers or speakers. Some of those notable people include Archbishop and Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu; former president of Cuba, Fidel Castro; Nelson Mandela; Mother Teresa, and the list goes on. Students become inspired to be servant leaders. They become aware of human rights issues in countries all over the world. They become global citizens.
The ship itself is also very magical. Is it cheesy to say “magical?” It offers services that a typically college campus would offer (health center, library, student life, recreation facilities, etc), but you are surrounded by the beautiful ocean.
What does the future hold for Semester at Sea. Any exciting new programs to share?
Holly: We have over 55,000 alums, so we are constantly listening to them in order to make our program strong. We are always welcoming really interesting guests on board that impact the program’s future in very positive ways. We’re always looking into new ports to visit.
What about the future of the industry? How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?
Holly: I think studying abroad is becoming more of “the standard” in a college experience. More universities are stressing the importance of international education and students are spreading the word about their experience. Studying abroad is also becoming more diverse in terms of who studies abroad and where they go. With all of these current trends, I think we’re going to see international education more accessible and desirable.
How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?
Holly: The future of U.S. study abroad is very bright, indeed! Data from the Institute of International Education confirms that an increasing number of U.S. students are experiencing the benefits of international study. In fact, the 2009/10 academic year saw a 3.9% increase over 2008/09. Moreover, study abroad is becoming more accepted as a critical component of the well-rounded undergraduate experience. SAS is proud to be part of this movement towards a greater cosmopolitan emphasis in American higher education.