Footprints Recruiting

Footprints Recruiting

Why choose Footprints Recruiting?

Ever been to China or Korea? Interested in teaching in the UAE? Or have you ever wondered how different the American expereince can be way up in Alaska? Discover all of our destinations and learn about the necessary qualifications. Since 2001, we've answered many of your questions over at Footprints Recruiting is here to assist you in finding the overseas teaching job that fits best for YOU – and it is 100% free!

Take your career on a field trip! Apply now!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching abroad in South Korea

I taught at Chungdahm Learning, part of Creverse. It was fun but both rewarding and tough. The curriculum was demanding, and the expectations were pretty high, which really pushed me to improve as a teacher. They really valued critical thinking and English fluency. The workload was definitely heavy, with long hours and a fast-paced environment, but the strong training and support from colleagues definitely helped a lot.

It took a bit to get used to the cultural differences, but overall, it was a really fulfilling experience that helped me grow professionally and gave me a deep appreciation for Korean culture. If you want to grow as a teacher I would do it for sure.

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Yes, I recommend this program


I must admit making this BIG decision which I know will be life changing not just for me, but my family too got me thinking over time. But after I applied with Footprints "I was pleased with all the communication that I received from them since my application form. Even though I was anxious and frustrated at times due to having to wait, wait and wait. At the time I didnt underatnd that it was no reflection on Footprints as they were awaiting feedback from ADEC, but now I understand.

Keeping me in the loop and ensuring that I remain positive is what gave me hope to leave. Now that I am here, I am so happy. I have been placed in a lovey villa, got a stunning school and thoroughly enjoying my experience being in the UAE.

Making the decision to come here has been one of the best for me. Even though my children are finding in difficult in their private, we as a family have been making this trip memorable and worthwhile."


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Yes, I recommend this program

3 years and counting!

Recently I started my 3rd contract with EPIK! My original plan was to stay for 1 year but that has turned into 3. Needless to say things have been pretty good here! EPIK is a good company to work for, but I have seen a little bit of a decline in new EPIK recruits lately, part of the reason is the Korean Public Education system are beginning to cut down on the amount of TEFL Public school teachers in Jeju and other regions, so I have seen many EPIK teachers take the leap to private academy's that seem to offer better housing and benefits. For me I prefer big classes over smaller private ones (I like the chaos of having 30 kids in a class haha) so I am content at the moment! I do feel however that after my current contract has finished I will be moving on to another country to teach and the first place I will start my search is with Footprints! From start to finish you guys helped me all the way to Korea! Without Footprints watching over me, this whole adventure would have been ever more scary. Your help with the application and visa process was invaluable! Not only that but once I arrived at the EPIK orientation in Seoul I was lucky enough to meet other Footprint recruits. It was also great that while in Korea footprint linked us with other recruits who had already been here for some time. Your continued support has been greatly appreciated!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience with Footprints

My experience with Footprints was great. They provided ample resources and assistance in navigating the complicated application process. Even after I arrived in South Korea, they were there to help me get on my way. I think the best compliment I can give is that the recruitment process was so smooth, the details of it practically disappeared. Everything was easy and straightforward.

Teaching abroad was unlike anything I've ever done in my life. To attempt to describe it in fewer than tens of thousands of words would not be doing the experience justice, so I will say this instead: if you have the opportunity and the means to go aboard, do it. At least once in your life. I may never live aboard again, but I will always be glad that I did. I learned things about myself and about the world that I couldn't have imagined learning before I left, and I'm sure you'll feel the same if you teach aboard.

Yes, I recommend this program

An experience that can't be bought

The mere thought of applying for a teaching position overseas is very easy. Taking that first step is like standing on a river bank not sure which side is safer.....stable land or moving water. Yes weird comparison. The most important step is research and questions. To help you find a sure footing would be a very good and helpful recruiter. 11 years ago I made that decision, and promised myself only 2 years and then heading back to my base..South Africa. Mmmmm well my 2 years stretched into 11 years and I am strolling into my 12th years. Teaching in the Middle East can be scary yet rewarding. You should have a goal...ask yourself...Why am I going to take on this adventure? You should never come with an attitude, be the "Know it All" girl/guy, and negativity. Come with a bag filled with humble beginnings, open mind, adventure, positive attitude and most of all gratitude. You are a guest here, so act like it...Yes there will be LOTS, MANY, PLENTY things that you do not agree with and do not like, but its not forever. Make use of the opportunity to ENJOY the culture, country and it's people and what it has to offer. Keep contact with friends and family back home as they would be your pillar of strength when emotions take over. Take part in anything and volunteering, adventure camps, community walks/runs, flea markets, shopping festivals, National Days, visits museums to enrich yourself with the country and it's history and last but not least......don't forget to TRAVEL. I have traveled places, which I know for a fact would not have been possible had I stayed in my country as an educator. The people here are proud of their heritage, respect it. All this is possible with a helpful and supportive recruiting agency. Footprints was my ticket to a journey that can never be bought, but only enjoyed through experience.

What would you improve about this program?
The recruiter should arrange more get together sessions with the rest of the teachers in one city/country


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Stephanie Heinrich

Stephanie Heinrich is from Glendora, CA and currently resides in Okcheon, South Korea working as a Guest English Teacher at three public schools, teaching children ages 4-18. She graduated from the University of California, San Diego in 2010, completing a Bachelors of Science in Ecology, Behavior, & Evolution; and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. At UCSD she was co-captain of the Women's Water Polo Team and Division II Player of the Year. Upon graduation she moved to Australia to play water polo professionally for Drummoyne Water Polo Club, and lived there for a year working and traveling. In 2011 she came back to San Diego and worked as a scuba diver for SeaWorld, San Diego; until leaving to work as a Research Associate with SKS Ocular, an ophthalmic drug delivery technology lab. In her spare time Stephanie also worked as Head Coach of the Women's Water Polo Team at La Jolla Country Day School. Before leaving for South Korea in February 2014 she completed her TEFL certification to aid in her education training. In the future, Stephanie hopes to use her teaching experience and science background to help in marine conservation efforts in the field or through education. She is also currently working on establishing her own photography business. In her free time Stephanie enjoys hitting up the beach, scuba diving, surfing, spending time with friends, and a good microbrew beer.

Why did you decide to find a teaching job through Footprints Recruiting?

While living in Australia in 2011, I had decided that I wanted to continue my work abroad experience somewhere in Asia. I had originally considered teaching in Thailand, but after doing some research a friend recommended teaching in South Korea. My first reaction was "yeah right, not happening."

After looking into it, I was impressed by the benefits of the program. For me, the decision had to be worthwhile; things such as a secure job, good pay, and the opportunity to travel as well as bring money home after my contract. A different friend had actually taught in Korea, and recommended Footprints Recruiting.

I immediately got in touch with them, completed the first interview, and was really pleased with the people as well as the support they provided so I continued the process with them. In addition, compared to other recruiters they had a detailed and organized website, and all the reviews were generally positive. Since they were much more familiar with the whole application process, I felt like I had nothing to lose.

What made this teach abroad experience unique and special?

Teaching in Korea has been unlike any experience I have had traveling or working abroad elsewhere. The most immediate difference was the language barrier, and I have since become very good at charades. I have picked up Korean words here and there, but nothing even close to conversational. Bringing that language barrier to the classroom has been one of my biggest challenges (especially when I have no co-teacher), but so rewarding when you are able to break that wall down with your students. I have had the privilege of meeting some awesome people both Korean and foreign, as well as visiting many incredible places all over Korea.

Additionally, I was very lucky in my school placement, my co-teachers at all three schools have been very helpful; and being in the middle of the country has allowed me to travel easily on the weekends. Korea has further deepened my passion for traveling, and learning about other cultures. One thing I did not expect to encounter was the inevitable “Korean Surprise”; this is when situations take a complete 180 in a split second, out of nowhere. For example: “Oh I'm teaching 1st and 2nd graders? With no co-teacher?” Surprise! It does and will happen, guaranteed. But these moments have taught me to just relax and go with the flow, something I think is very important when you are in unknown territory.

How has this experience impacted your future? (Personally, professionally, academically, etc.)

I came to Korea with three goals in mind- to gain teaching experience, travel, and save money. All of which I can say have been accomplished so far 9 months into my 12 month contract. I have been playing with the idea of becoming a teacher in the states, and teaching abroad has given me a peek into this career.

Obviously, it’s going to be a bit easier at home without the language barrier. Don’t get me wrong though, teaching still has its ups and downs wherever you are and there is no easy road. But, on those good days it is so rewarding to be in the classroom so it is a possibility I am considering when going back home. Looking forward I am applying to go back to get my Masters in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation so that I can keep my options open of either working in the field or teaching at a private school.

Besides that, I am also looking to continue with photography as a side business, a hobby that has turned into a passion through traveling. Personally, this experience has been a real time of growth and self-reflection. Having a long distance relationship has probably been one of the hardest things to do over this year, but it has strengthened our relationship to a whole new level. I guess my grandma was right when she said “Distance only makes the heart grow stronger.”

While it hasn’t been easy, it can be done and makes coming home all that more exciting. Plus, I could not have done this without the support of my boyfriend, family, and friends. Experiences like this really help put what is important in your life into perspective.

What is one piece of advice you would offer someone considering teaching abroad in South Korea?

If you are considering teaching abroad in Korea, do it. I believe living abroad is an opportunity not enough people take advantage of. Even if it is not in Korea, teaching or working abroad looks great on your resume, and is an unforgettable life experience. I would highly recommend using a recruiter as they know the process, and there are many steps along the way that can get confusing and intimidating. I have not met one person who has regretted their decision to teach abroad, the worst-case scenario being you quit and go home.

Regardless, it’s an experience worth doing if you are considering it so don’t second-guess yourself. Also, be prepared to get homesick; it’s completely natural. You just have to stick it out. I recommend getting out of the house, and even out of your town on the weekends, meet new people and see new things. Keeping your journey fun and refreshing will remind you why you came, and I guarantee your hometown will be just how you left it when you return after your contract.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Mark Royle

Job Title
Operations Manager
Mark has been with Footprints since early 2015 and has seen significant change in the world of international teaching over this period of time. He has helped teachers secure great positions in 17 countries to date.
Mark Royle

I vividly remember when I stepped off the plane in Brazil for the first time. Brazil is a country that has always captivated me. I had been reading about the country's cities and history, and learning the language for years. Of course, books, documentaries, and language apps are barely the tip of the iceberg. Speaking Portuguese to a Brazilian in Brazil for the first time, and having him understand me, was one of the greatest thrills of my life.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

There is so much more to teaching abroad than simply applying for an interesting job and booking a flight. In order to obtain an entry visa and legal work permit to teach abroad, each country has its own regulations and policies, and it has become a fascination of mine to understand these processes around the world. In fact, I have recently completed the coursework toward obtaining my Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultancy license. This means that before the end of 2019, I will be licensed to advise people seeking to immigrate to Canada.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

How about from a non-returning teacher?

I assisted a teacher with securing a job in Korea in 2015. He decided to stay for second year as he was learning the language and wanted to become fluent. As his Korean kept improving, he stumbled into a role as an extra for a Korean drama. This lead to a couple of small speaking roles, which eventually lead to him staying in Korea as a regular TV personality. He still there on TV, as far as I know.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

We work with a very small public school district located along the west coast of Alaska in a very remote area of the state accessible only by air. While the focus of Footprints since day one has been clearly set on helping teachers obtain great international teaching jobs, there is something that I find incredibly interesting about a domestic opportunity that provides much of the draw of traveling abroad. This program offers licensed teachers from the United States an opportunity to earn a great salary, while experiencing the local culture of rural Alaska. I am not a licensed teacher, nor am I American, but if I could take part in this program, I wouldn't think twice.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Footprints is always adapting and evolving. Recent challenges have arisen in Asia where a BIG shift has been taking place, specifically the emergence of China as a destination for teachers. A major point of pride for Footprints in addressing the concerns stemming from China's incredible demand for native English speaking teachers is that we are very particular with who we partner with. Prospective teachers can be assured that Footprints is not trying to just fill as many jobs as possible with any old school in China. We are building relationships with a select number of reputable organizations that we trust.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Footprints has adapted to many trends and changes over the years. As programs are introduced, grow, change direction, and in many cases, eventually end, we have done our best to stay on top of everything. We always try to make sure that we have excellent opportunities to offer our adventurous teachers.