Forum-Nexus Study Abroad
Why choose Forum-Nexus Study Abroad?
Forum-Nexus has a track record of 35 years as a leader in multi-city summer programs in Europe for students majoring in Marketing, Management, International Business, International Studies, Communication, Economics, Engineering, Nursing, Pre-Law, and more.
What makes Forum-Nexus unique?
- Learn while traveling and exploring different European destinations.
- Share your study abroad experience with top students from all over the world, making life-long friendships.
- Earn up to 9 credits transferable to your college or university.
- Travel with world-class professors who are always on-site to assist you in achieving the best educational experience.
- Visit leading European companies and prominent international organizations and get to interact and network with their executives.
- Improve your level of International IQ which helps you become more qualified in the job market
Forum-Nexus Student Assistantship Program
We are proud to offer study abroad scholarship opportunities to a Forum-Nexus program by participating in a student assistantship. An assistantship is a work-study opportunity in which a student can complete hours before, during, and after a Forum-Nexus summer program in exchange for a tuition-reduction scholarship.
Alumni Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.
Staff Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.
Professional Associations