Forum-Nexus Study Abroad

Forum-Nexus Study Abroad

Why choose Forum-Nexus Study Abroad?

Forum-Nexus has a track record of 34 years as a leader in multi-city summer programs in Europe for students majoring in Marketing, Management, International Business, International Studies, Communication, Economics, Engineering, Nursing, Pre-Law, and more.

What makes Forum-Nexus unique?
- Learn while traveling and exploring different European destinations.
- Share your study abroad experience with top students from all over the world, making life-long friendships.
- Earn up to 9 credits transferable to your college or university.
- Travel with world-class professors who are always on-site to assist you in achieving the best educational experience.
- Visit leading European companies and prominent international organizations and get to interact and network with their executives.
- Improve your level of International IQ which helps you become more qualified in the job market



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Yes, I recommend this program

I loved this program

I have loved this program, I enjoyed the fast paced nature of moving around and getting to experience so much.
Hugo is upbeat and lively and this helped to get everyone excited and ready to explore!
I am happy that i chose to do this because i have got to learn and experience new cities with new people.
Lake gard was my favorite!
I enjoyed the class formats and have the IQ back to back.
I think i would repeat doing it, as it was fun and very informative for me.
Also, I really enjoyed Ed's class and learning about the EU.

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Yes, I recommend this program

I really enjoyed and everyone I met!

It was amazing!!
Hugo is so much fun and informative.
I always wanted to travel and this made it so much easy for me to do it!
It was my first time and I wasn't alone.
Loved the cities we went to: Barcelona, Amsterdam, Greece, Milan, Lake Garda, Paris.
Hotels were very nice.
Classes were little long but very informative.
I really enjoyed Laura as a professor, at times it was little stressful having to talk about things with no prior knowledge but she was amazing and have to stay in touch. I learned a lot for future professional endeavours.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go for ittt
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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved them

Super Great! I will have this experience in my head forever.
always had helpful info to share when in a new place.
Loved the way Ed taught.
I would recommend Forum nexus to my friends, met so many people will have the memories forever!
I should have prepared more for rainy weather in Amsterdam.
Great wifi and AC in hotels.
My level of international IQ improved so much!
Hugo was always so upbeat and positive, always made the day better.
I learned so much knowledge about the places we went.
definitely recommend it!!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Experience That Changed My Life!

I thoroughly enjoyed the program and would definitely participate again. I made a lot of new friends and loved all the cities especially Paris and Riva del Garda.

As for academics, International IQ was fun and engaging and my knowledge definitely improved. The Art History class was interesting and truly helped me to gain a greater appreciation for art and its history in Europe. ICVs are also a great way of experiencing Europe.

It's a wonderful experience that really changes your life and that's why I would recommend it to everyone!

  • Made a lot of friends!
  • Beautiful cities
  • Learned a lot
  • It ended too soon :(
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best experiences of my life

Forum-Nexus has been one of the best experiences in my life. I took one regular class and Ed is a great professor and he cared about everyone in class. I also took a marketing internship and I loved everyone I worked with. Through the internship I got to speak with marketing personnel across all different cities as well as handle the company's social media accounts during the program. I also helped with marketing research.
I enjoyed all the cities of the program. This was a great opportunity to experience all of Europe!

  • Traveling to many different places
  • Taking courses and an internship at the same time


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose Forum Nexus because it was a multi-country program. Having never traveled outside of the country before, I loved the idea of getting to explore several places in one trip. Not only did I get to see nine of Europe's biggest cities, but I also had the ability to do some independent travels during the weekends to maximize my time abroad.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The program providers took care of everything on the trip except for independent student-lead weekend excursions. They made all accommodations for hotels, transportation from city to city, itineraries, etc.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Make the most of your time, 5 weeks goes by fast. Say yes to every opportunity, go on every trip, stay up late, get up early, and do as much as you can. There are endless amounts of things to do academically, socially, and culturally.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Most weekdays you go to class in the mornings and then a professional visit or cultural tour in the afternoon. Then, it's dinner time and evenings are free to explore the night life.

On weekends, Forum Nexus hosts their own optional day trips for those who are interested but students can also do their own independent travels on the weekends. Usually one day per week is spent traveling from one city to the next, which is a good opportunity for studying and catching up on classes while on the train or bus.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear?

My biggest fear was the language barrier. On the first day in each new country, Forum Nexus professors would go over some of the basic go-to phrases that might be necessary to use in each language.

For example how to say hello, thank you, how are you, do you speak english, etc. I never found the language barrier to be a problem though because many Europeans speak english and there is english written in train stations as well.

Write and answer your own question.

Did you make a lot of friends?

YES. The social aspect of this trip was one of the best parts of the whole experience for me. You spend 24/7 with these people so you get to know each other very quickly. Within the first 5 days I found myself part of an inseparable group of friends. We became so close that all of us were in tears leaving each other at the end of the trip. There are several people that I keep in daily contact with that I met on the trip and am so thankful Forum Nexus brought us together.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Brandon Locke

Job Title
Admissions Advisor

Brandon is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and graduated from Robert Morris University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. His first study abroad experience was a university-sponsored nursing trip to Managua, Nicaragua to provide healthcare to underprivileged communities. Brandon has been working with Forum-Nexus for 3 years as an Admissions Advisor, helping students from all over the U.S. to explore options for their very first experience abroad.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is seeing the Eiffel Tower for the very first time. In high school, when we had to choose which language that we wanted to study, I chose French because I wanted to be able to go on the class trip to Paris.

Unfortunately, I was not able to join the trip, but I was able to see the Eiffel Tower on my first trip with Forum-Nexus during our stop in Paris. I think being able to experience it as a young adult was much more meaningful, and I’m reminded of this memory each time I’m in Paris with FN students who are experiencing it for the first time!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Being on the Forum-Nexus team has really taught me how to work efficiently in an always changing environment, as our program travels to several different cities and countries in one summer. I have also learned how to communicate through different language barriers and better understand and appreciate people from different cultures. I have been able to take these experiences and transfer them to my daily life.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

It is often difficult for pre-med and nursing students to find study abroad opportunities, but we offer several independent study courses related to healthcare and I think that makes us unique. One of our pre-med students from last year shared that he has had multiple interviews for medical school, and in each one of the interviews, he was asked to elaborate on his time and experience with Forum-Nexus. It is amazing to hear that students can use what they learn abroad with us to help stand out to potential employers.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Our summer program in Asia is my favorite program that we offer. We visit so many unique and wonderful places in a short amount of time. Each place is different and amazing in its own way, and it’s a perfect opportunity to dive in to the culture and lifestyles of the locals. I also love that, in all of our programs, we offer the opportunity for students to travel independently on the weekends, and there are so many amazing destinations within a short train or plane ride.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We are a traveling program that visits multiple cities in multiple countries all in one summer. We live and learn immersed in the culture alongside the local population and we are really able to get a sense of how they live each day. I am especially proud of our team each summer when everything that we have worked for all year long comes together seamlessly. Our team is dedicated to Forum-Nexus and takes pride in the work that we accomplish every day.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe that the biggest factor in being a successful company is believing in your product and being passionate about your work. We strive to provide a first-class experience for all of our students and each team member believes that what do every day is amazing. We are here because we all have been a student at one time or another, and first-hand have seen how life-changing Forum-Nexus can be.

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