Warriors Academy

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing

After I have finish my A levels in Singapore I will with out even contemplating go on the gap year with the Warriors Academy, but until then I will just have to bide my time. I strongly believe that the warriors have change my life multiple times and I have no complaints what so ever. The food, activities, accommodation and vibes were “off the wall”
I had an amazing week with them on the Warriors Adventure Tour. This week is a great introduction to the gap year and I recommend it to anyone considering a gap year.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
You must be open to do things you would not necessary do on your own accord.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors tour

This tour has left me completely speechless, there are no words that can truly explain my experience. I found myself again. I was able to get my adrenaline pumping and experience nature in a whole new way! I made so many new friends who I know will be friends for life. I was able to create a special individual connection with each person. The facilitators really made me feel comfortable and at home. There was no judgment no matter who you are or where you are from. I would highly recommend this tour to any adrenaline junky teen who need to get out for a while.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I met someone who makes me feel like I am safe and loved, I fell in love with out realising it.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Warriors Academy is an extraordinary experience that helps develop yourself and inspires you to become the best you, by challenging your limits and teaching you life skills. Challenging your limits means you pause long enough to understand what it is all about before deciding what to do.Teaching life skills develops critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills, and creates learning experiences that create memories. Memories tell stories that create rich emotions and feelings of joy.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors trip

This trip to me personally was really a life changer. The amount of fun I experienced during the short period of time was more than I have experienced in the rest off this year. During this time I met a lot of new friends and we got along really well, and I even ended up falling in love. I leard a lot of lessons such as the value of friendship, leadership, respect, trust, etc. This trip really is worth it and I would suggest this trip to all teens out there, as it is perfect for all. Next year I'll be assisting at this trip and hopes to see a lot of new faces

What was your funniest moment?
Having a mosquitoe fly up my nose and shooting it back out straight to the tent.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My big review

My experience on the tour was great because it brought lots of people from all over to come and spend time with each other and get to know each other better. All the activities we did brought us all together.Everyone that went and all the leaders of the camp where all welcoming and kind towards each other which made the tour a-lot more fun. The activities that we did where fun and we where constantly doing something which was good because we where never sitting still and doing nothing,I would definitely recommend for anybody to come and try out and visit the camp

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve racking experience was when we went to go and do the big swing and standing and waiting for your turn to jump
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy Tour 2020

Was the best week of my life. Learned and did so much. It was amazing. They learn you to face your fear. They also build up your self-esteem up so much. The staff are so motivated and make you believe so much in yourself. The energy of the entire program are amazing. There is never a dull moment the entire time. The food are absolutely to die for and at the same time healthy. No matter how bad you did at something they wil always gives you a positive inspiration talk. I whould do it anytime again.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
They learned us how to make a belly. This was amazing.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Adventure Tour

I was having quite a stressful time with my exams, but my moms very next words was the silver lining to my year, "Your going on a Warriors Camp as your Christmas present!" My stressful week suddenly seemed just a little bit more calm. The time had come, I was on my way; to new places, new friends, new adventures! I was absolutely shocked at the extent of quality of the activities we did. I'm an absolute adrenaline junky and I love nature! I would definately recommend this to someone that is adventurous and overall wants to explore, not only nature, but also grow their own character. We learnt that it does not matter where you come from, who you are, what your background is, we are all human and that everyone deserves a chance and deserves a place in this extraordinary world! ❤

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I was stressing quite a bit for the "Big Swing." I felt like passing out🤣 Even though I have already done sky diving, I managed to become a little bit nervous. However, I knew i was in safe hands. My fellow team mates helped me calm my nerves through hyping me up and getting me to dance! I ended up becoming quite excited to do it! The moment I stood on the edge I felt complete euphoria, it was amazing. I don't regret a moment! I would do it a thousand times over :)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors adventure tour

This was the best adventure experience I have ever experienced. I would not mind doing this again or doing the gap year programme. It was fun and inspirational. I have taken a lot from this experience and would love to continue doing similar activities. I recommend this programme to everyone who loves adventure and loves new experiences. It helps people overcome their fears and overcome the fear of interacting with strangers. It helps build character and can help you improve on your confidence. I highly recommend this programme for a gap year or a week's adventure experience

What was your funniest moment?
To look at the frightened faces of your fellow group members
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors 2020

Warriors is a comprehensive gap year programme designed to allow youngsters to grow into capable, confident and emotionally mature young adults. It is packed with activity which covers physical endurance, overcoming fears, adventure and extreme adrenalin experiences, as well as self awareness, problem solving, and skills development. It teaches the participants teamwork, but also individual independence, perseverance and discipline. They learn that when they break the rules there are consequences, but also to then get over it and move on. Everything is aimed at personal development and improvement, while still having fun and the adventure and experience of a lifetime. My daughter benefitted hugely from this programme - it was exactly what she needed as a school leaver who needed to "find herself".

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I think my daughter's most nerve-racking moment was the storm they experienced during the Traverse Hike on a mountain in the Drakensburg. They had to lie flat on the side of the mountain and tough it out until it had passed. The knowledge and safety training of the instructors accompanying them, and sticking together as a team got them through.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy South Africa

Great program for those wanting a gap year to grow and mature. To experience the natural world around them. To learn team work and self management, To be able to be self sufficient and be an asset in the world today.
Meeting people from all over the world, learning how to get along with all types of people and how to manage difficult situations in life.
Becoming physically aware, exercising and learning healthy ways to live and look after your body.(cycling . hiking, food nutrition etc)
Seeing South Africa and surrounding countries in all their beauty, learning different cultures (although Covid put a damper on that this year)
Learning to care for the less fortunate than ourselves (doing outreaches)