Warriors Academy

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy Gap Year Program in South Africa

My son just completed school and this course filled those precious gaps in his armour and knowledge, to unlock the joy and opportunity in his adult life, which is something to be treasured
The diversity of the course about nature and human habit is immense
The mantra of healthy positve living is commendable
The life lessons of how to recover from a setback on all spheres of life and to excel
Not to be a victim but to be in charge of your own destiny
To have a humble confidence that comes from deep inside, knowing the gifts that were bestowed upon you

What was your funniest moment?
To watch the regular YouTube feeds, often with some hilarious moments when these young adults are taken out of their comfort zones
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy

I spent a total of 21 weeks with the warriors family and there is no way I can describe my experience a few simple words!
All advice I can give anyone considering coming to warriors is one simple sentence... Don’t hold back for a single second! Take every challenge by the horns and don’t let go.
This program is jam packed with all the things you thought you would never do! From sky diving to hiking in the Kruger National park and so much more!
I promise anyone who decides to join this program that you will not regret it!

What was your funniest moment?
Swinging over the water in the early morning hours with all my warm clothes and not taking into account the extra stretch of the rope!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy

Warriors Academy has taught me more in 1 year them I have known throughout my whole school syllabus. They push you to self master yourself to become a higher version of yourself that you never knew existed. Every quest that goes by you notice huge changes in your self growth and determination. I'm making sure that all 3 of my brothers join Warriors once they are done with school. Some of the stuff that we learn at Warriors, people go there whole lives without knowing or experiencing. Warriors has brought me to my full potential and I wish that for anyone who gets the opportunity to find out about this place.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Just realizing how many people go into university and the work industry without knowing the things that Warriors has brought me to realize and understand about life.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Academy

They are just amazing ! Helping you get that physical exercise and emotional support . Warriors academy is for adventurous and outgoing people . I’ve only spent one week here and enjoying it so much ! I started studying but then it wasn’t for me . I started to think do i want to keep studying something thats not for me or work on myself ? And decided to take a gap year . I heard of warriors from a good friend and decided to give it a go . A gap year is not bad it helps you actually a lot ! I would definitely recommend warriors .

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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors academy

Best year to find yourself and better yourself. You get to do things that you never thought you would do. It is as physically as emotionally. You develop skills that are going to be very useful in life. It doesn't matter where you come from or what you've done in you're life, if you come to warriors you will turn you're life around and be the best version of you. The hikes are beautiful aswel as the cycling. You get amazing well balanced food. I would recommend warriors to anyone that wants to find themselves or have a better vision of what they want in life while having fun.

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Yes, I recommend this program


Warriors is an amazing opportunity to learn and grow and to have a bit of fun along the way. At warriors we do many activities to Push the limits both mentally and physically which shows yourself what you can do. Here you are also taught to work woth the other students and participate in activities that require team work. The adventure side of it is amazing, the hikes that we go on is some of the most beautiful ones I have been on and the other activities are breathtaking It is by far the best option for a gap year and I would highly recommend it.

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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best years of my life. Gained so much from Warriors Academy gap year program!

Amazing time with amazing people. One of the best years of my entire life and probably one of the best years I will ever have. I have gained so much knowledge as well as mental and physical strength from Warriors Academy. I highly recommend it to young people who still need to find themselves and to recognize fully what they want to do with their career. I highly recommend Warriors Academy to anyone who is feeling lost or confused with their career choice and want to gain knowledge and find their path in life.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve racking moment I have had during my gap year program was probably abseiling down a 60m cliff. Anything to do with heights I get very anxious and nervous for, yet everything is safer than driving on the highway.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome gap year experience

I participated in the 2020 summer quest and would highly recommend this program to any who is not sure of what they are going to be doing with their future.
Base camp is set in the beautiful mountains in Limpopo. A beautiful backdrop during which I learned a lot about myself during Toltec week and on many of the other adventures. I met lots of new people who started out as strangers but became family in the end. I am very sad I am unable to complete the other quests due to the Covid pandemic.
South Africa

What would you improve about this program?
I would not change a single thing. This gap year program is perfect
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors adventure of being alive

The meaning of warriors for me is being strong and not giving up. Warriors have driven me towards my purpose and fulfilled me with inner and outer strength. It thought me discipline and self confidence. The importance of integrity. And how working together does not only makes things better for others but also for yourself.

Every person here thought me something. Agree to disagree. And in the end it all comes down to win win. We all came here for one reason and that is to better our self in some areas in our life.

The incredible thing about being part of Warriors is that you have the opportunity to get answers for things you've always questioned. People who support you and give you advice on years of knowledge and experience. We may not be family by blood but we know each other better than most families do.

How I see it is you can either come here to enjoy it like you would on vacation and do the Adventure part. Or you can better yourself while being on an adventure.

Before I came to warriors my life was pretty blurry. I didn't see a way through. I had no determination to do the things that had to be done. In the beginning it was hard but you get used to the tough times.

The amount of knowledge I gained is unexplainable. I see things differently now. Life is different now.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Have more people from around the world to join in on the adventure and physical and mental challenges.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Gap Year

Most entertaining way to spend your gap year possible, they have a bit of anything for just about everyone. You'll improve yourself both physically and mentally and have fun while doing it. The program really pushes you and makes you leave your comfort zone in order to grow as a person and this is probably my favourite aspect of the program.
The staff are also a great addition to the program, being more than just facilitators, they are like a friend that you can look up to and learn from.
Would recommend to just about everyone!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Within the first week of being here we learnt how to walk on fire.