
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program


This program will provide a very different experience based on what part of Colombia one is sent to, but no matter where you go it is a beautiful country with extremely kind and charismatic people and it's an amazing opportunity to explore Colombia. Colombia is full of natural geographic beauty from the coast to the mountains and coffee region. Not to mention, each different region and even city has a distinct culture with different food, accents and personalities. Colombia is on the rise and it's a great time to visit and explore.

What would you improve about this program?
Stagger payments for more expensive cities
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Yes, I recommend this program

A great

I learnt a lot during this experience. I had lovely host families, I especially bonded with the first family and I already miss them so much! I always felt very very welcome by the families, neighbors,teachers,students and everyone else in the small town I lived in. The English teachers at the schools took me under their wing and were almost like other host mothers . The children at the school were lovely to teach, always cheerful and lively. I loved living in the European culture and walking through the streets of the cozy town i lived in. The school timetable was also very flexible and I was also able to go to Rome, Venice and Germany during this trip.

The biggest challenge I faced was the language barrier. Sometimes it can be isolating not understanding what people are saying around you or not being able to have a hearty conversation with anymore for a few weeks. The other challenge is living with the host families. Don't get me wrong, I'm so so glad I stayed with the wonderful families I was placed with and got to experience the local Italian culture first hand, however if you're thinking about doing this program just consider that for 3 months you will be a guest in someone else's home and you have to *always* be polite,friendly and clean up after yourself. Lastly, another challenge I faced was preparing the lessons. I prepared all the lessons for the 3 different years each week myself. I enjoyed this freedom, however I sometimes wished I had more help as I was not always sure what level of understanding the different classes had and sometimes my lessons were too easy or too hard for the class.

Overall this was an unforgettable experience! I was overwhelmed with love and generosity. I got to live out my dream of living in Europe for a few months and being able to teach young children. I will hold on to the beautiful memories I made in Italy for all my life.

What would you improve about this program?
I think Greenheart should maybe try organize a date where the participants have the option meet at certain main spots around Italy and create a platform where they can plan this all together. For example Greenheart can say the 13th to the 16th of March could be a good opportunity to visit Rome, would anyone be interested? And then those who are can be put onto a facebook group and can organize accommodation etc. I just feel that the few days in Turin weren't long enough to meet everyone properly and plan trips together.
Yes, I recommend this program

My time I Colombia

I did the SENA 9 month program for Volunteers Colombia through Greenheart travel. The Greenheart travel organization can be hard to deal with and it depends on who you get as your coordinator. I thought the long training and orientation was unnecessary. However, I had a great time in Colombia. The country is absolutely gorgeous with lush rolling green hills. The people are also so sweet and welcoming. Our landlady immediately wanted to be my friend and I’s madre colombiana. Also, teaching at SENA is fun. The students love doing games and activities. They will get very involved in whatever you give them. I found that they all had a desire to learn English and tried in class. I also liked my coteachers and I had a positive experience working with three different coteachers. It is easy to make friends. Students will want to hang out with you as well as other teachers. In my city we had an English/Spanish night at the local university and students from the university as well as the volunteachers would meet up to practice each others’ languages. Additionally, the monthly stipend we received was enough to live on. A high wage in Colombia is $1000/month and we made half of that. I spent all of my money there because I wanted to make sure I supported their economy. Once you are in Colombia you won’t want to come back. I miss it everyday and am planning another trip back.

What would you improve about this program?
Some coordinators were not very helpful when it came to housing and other situations. Also, the training was repetitive.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience

I spent ten months in Neiva teaching English at SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, a network of free, nationwide, vocational training colleges in Colombia), on a co-teaching programme organised by Greenheart Travel in collaboration with an organisation called Volunteers Colombia. I studied Spanish at university, partly because I had always wanted to go to Latin America. The programme allowed me to make that happen with the security of a job, a Regional Coordinator to direct any worries or questions to, and a monthly stipend. They provided lots of help with visa documentation and other heavily paperwork-based tasks such as getting a bank account, which was much appreciated as it was my first time having to do all that (I am British, and had previously only lived abroad in Europe). Neiva is a small, not particularly well-known city, which I liked as it was easy to feel at home in a short time, and hardly anyone spoke English. I loved it because it is hot all year round, and there are interesting places to visit nearby, most notably the Tatacoa Desert (highly recommended). Living there was a world of new experiences and insights in to Colombian culture, as well as a lot of staring at my blonde hair and tall frame, which stemmed from curiosity as to why I was there. I think it's important to be open to being placed anywhere, and to remember that there are pros and cons to each city/town. I probably wouldn't have been able to fund weekend trips with my stipend so easily if I had been placed in a bigger, more expensive city. At SENA I taught young people and adults who were training to work in accountancy and business, subjects which I know almost nothing about, but that was OK because most of the English classes we gave were basic, general English. Occasionally we would do a subject-specific class or activity, and I would have to do my research in advance! I was lucky to work with really supportive and enthusiastic teachers, who understood the co-teaching model (ie. they didn't usually leave me to teach the class alone, or not include me in their lesson planning). Your experience can depend a lot on who you work with, but you shouldn't let that put you off. The most important thing I learnt was how to be flexible and open to last-minute changes of plan, which happen a lot in Colombia.. I fell in love with the country and I am still here more than a year later, now working in Pereira on a different educational project. I would definitely recommend Greenheart programmes as an accessible way to move abroad and experience something new, with support when you need it.

What would you improve about this program?
There were some initial issues regarding the provision of information about our start date; I had to book my flight from the UK to Colombia with only two weeks' notice, which was not ideal. However I recognise that this stemmed from the programme's dependence on the government (as SENA is a public institution) and I had the impression that they were doing what they could to help us. I was lucky in that I was one of the only ones that was granted the shorter contract; most people who had applied for it were told they could only join the programme if they opted for the longer contract (in the end I actually ended up extending and doing 10 months anyway). I feel that the programme could have been more transparent about this issue.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience

I am very thankful for Greenheart giving me the adventure of a lifetime. They made moving to Thailand a very easy experience. They were able to answer all my questions, which made me feel much more comfortable with everything. Once I moved to Thailand I found myself trying out new adventures and having experiences of a lifetime. Living in Thailand really taught me a lot about myself and helped me grow as a person.

What would you improve about this program?
Continue updating it's documents
One month in España
Yes, I recommend this program

One month in España

As a teacher, I am always on the look out for opportunities to travel during the summer. Greenheart Travel provided a way for me to combine my two passions: teaching and traveling. Last summer (2017) I participated in Greenheart's Teach in a Homestay: Spain. I stayed with my fabulous host family for 1 month from June-July and it is truly an experience I will never forget.

What I absolutely loved about this program:

*The preparation- Greenheart thoroughly prepared me for this experience. I was sent a book with Spain's cultural and historical background. I also received a packet that covered everything I needed to know: weather, customs, tips, how to handle culture shock, what to bring, what to expect, etc. It was extremely helpful and I found myself referring to this packet many times throughout the duration of my stay.

*The support- I don't think my experience would have been as successful without the help of Megan Arzbaecher, one of Greenheart's program managers. She answered any and all questions I had, replied promptly to my emails, sent me reminder emails and touched base with me frequently weeks before my trip.

*The online community- I loved that I was put into a facebook group that brought together alumni and newcomers of the Teach in a Homestay program. I was able to communicate with others who had gone through the program and hear their experiences/advice. In addition, I met newcomers who would be in my area in Spain.

My time in Spain:

I was placed in Madrid and stayed with my host family for one month. Greenheart made sure to place me with a family that could host me during the time frame I was available and with a family that would suit my personality/needs (I had to fill out a lengthy survey). The expectation was for me to teach English to my family's daughters for 15 hours each week in exchange for food and stay. Who can beat that? Such a great way to experience a new culture and get to know a family! Even though I have teaching experience, Greenheart provided access to lesson plans, ideas and games to teach English to the family. They made it very easy to have a successful experience.

I would definitely do this program again in a heartbeat! I learned a great deal about the Spanish culture, my host family and surprisingly...myself! I would recommend this program to anyone who is willing to fully immerse themselves into a new culture.

What would you improve about this program?
I personally did not have a problem with this program. I felt very supported, informed and wouldn't change anything about it.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Greenheart made Thailand SO easy

Greenheart made my time in Thailand not only possible, but really easy. Embarking on a huge trip by yourself, or even with friends, can be a really intimidating thing, particularly when you're committing to many months or even a year. Thailand was a place I'd heard a lot about, but it hadn't hit its social media stride the way it has now, so I really knew nothing about it. Greenheart provided me with so much information and such great resources that I never really felt nervous or unsure. My contact was Sara Dorsey (I'm sorry I know you have a new name now but I can't remember what your married name is!!) and she was incredibly knowledgeable, willing to answer as many weird questions that I could come up with, and was SO responsive whenever I needed anything. Having a company genuinely "be there" is rare, and I found this organization totally was! I highly recommend Greenheart to anyone who asks me about my travels -- if I recommend it to my friends, siblings, friends-of-friends, etc. then I DEFINITELY recommend it to you, too!

What would you improve about this program?
I had no issues with Greenheart. The key, in my opinion, for the success of both your company and your participants is ample information and a good response rate, both of which I found you already had.
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Yes, I recommend this program

3 lovely months in Spain!

Going abroad and staying with a local family in any country is definitely a step out of your comfort zone that you SHOULD take. I became really close with the family and we bonded in lots of different ways. I participated in their family events & activities (dinners, birthdays, Christmas!!!) and really felt like I got to experience the food and culture of Spain. We had big dinner where everyone was always singing and dancing, and they always included me. At one dinner everyone around the table got a musical instrument and sang songs together!! It was so cool. I felt like I was apart of their family and it makes for some really great memories. It’s so nice to see a city through the eyes of someone else and not just as a tourist. I got to travel to other cities and countries on the weekend took which was awesome! It was important for the family that we spoke in English around the kids so they could learn more & not speak to me in Spanish, so considering that, if I did a homestay again, I’d enroll in a separate language course. I wanted to learn some Spanish so I did go to some language exchanges, practiced my Spanish, and met new friends. I would be clear about your goals (language learning, traveling, whatever it may be) with the family right away. Communication is key. You and the family want to get as much out of the program as possible, so talking about your expectations is something I’d recommend discussing. Sometimes I had to push myself to speak (some days I just wasn’t confident!) but overall people were super friendly/understanding and I didn’t get down on myself if I had a not-great speaking day. Overall, I’d highly recommend this homestay program. Greenheart provided me with a ton of materials before my trip, and also consistently contacted me with questions and support. Every time I talked to the support team at Greenheart I got more and more excited for my trip. They also get you health insurance & link you up with a great family depending on your interests so it’s a great time for both parties. I’d love to do another program in the future. I love to travel and Greenheart just offers more easy opportunities to fuel my travel love!!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Phuket: not what I expected

Being placed in Phuket was shocking to me, as all I knew about the island was it's party reputation. I had no idea that the island itself was so vast, beautiful, and authentically Thai.

The school I was placed at was a municipal school with about 1500 students K-6. I taught every grade level, but primarily focused on EP1 and EP6. Being a government school, there was always a bit of red tape, but I connected with my Thai teachers almost right away as they were so welcoming and smilely and they made the transition so much easier. The school gave us a lot of freedom: freedom in what to wear, how to conduct our lessons, how to grade our students. I don't think this was the typical experience for teachers in Thailand, but the autonomy made the job really enjoyable. Of course the best part of every day was the kids - despite not speaking the same language, we could still laugh and learn together. I loved teaching my kids English songs that we could sing together, and they loved performing them for me!

Phuket quickly won me over, and my visions of drunk tourists and buckets were only partially true. Yes, Phuket is a party island brimming with tourists - but that's only one small part. The other 40km of the island is untouched and beautifully Thai. I bought my dinner from the local market every night, conversing in my broken Thai; I would watch the sunset from a beach where I was the only farang; my motorbike got me around the island every day.

What would you improve about this program?
The TESOL course was a ton of fun and I loved it, but it became quite monotonous when we were presenting lesson plans every day. Maybe finding a different way to teach the lessons?
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!

As an educator in America and feeling defeated with the politics that make teaching in America a challenge I decided to go to Thailand on a whim! I raced through the process and arrived a terrified, isolated and distraught human. I thought what have I done!? Adjusting to a new culture is challenging and I thought just making it on the long flight was facing my fears. The amazing part of my year abroad is that it seemed to surface some fears that I had buried away. I switched locations mid year and lived down by the islands. The town that I lived in opened my eyes! I connected with the local Thai people, my students and many foreigners. I allowed myself to truly embrace life in a different set of eyes. It’s safe to say there is more than one way to live life! Thai people keep it simple. “Have you eaten? Are you happy?” Mind blowing. It was only upon return that I realized how complicated we make life in America. They keep it simple and stress free. To say that Thailand changed my life is an understatement. I grew in unexpected ways and I let go of unnecessary fears. I would highly recommend going abroad with Greenheart Travel. Ask any questions and they are very supportive! If you’re looking to challenge yourself in ways you never imagined, laugh at things that are so unfamiliar from your own culture, than your ready for a journey of lifetime. Don’t second guess yourself! Doooo it!

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