The Lex Fellowship

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Rome Late Summer of 2019

The Lex Fellowship was a great learning experience that puts you right in the heart of foreign culture. I was fortunate enough to have an amazing legal advisor, site manager, and lex representative in the 2019 late summer Rome Trip that made my experience all the better. The hands on approach that the law firms take when you visit them leaves a lasting impression on you even though it can seem like a short amount of time. Each firm specialized in different areas which was also a very eye opening experience as someone who was somewhat undecided on what I wanted to specialize and focus on moving forward in law school. The amenities (apartment, food provided, excursions) were good although do plan on spending a good amount of money on your own excursions if you want to fully take advantage of your time abroad. Overall I would give the fellowship a 9/10 experience, the freedom they provided me was adequate to explore and pursue my own interests, while some meals could have been better and some things could of gone smoother than they did... the whole experience was still great. You have to go abroad with an open mind and open heart if you want to fully appreciate and enjoy your time there. If you have expectations/concerns/fear you will only hold yourself back from the possibility of a greater personal experience! Some of the kindest people I have ever met in my life were on this trip and I keep in touch with a number of my fellows still today!

What would you improve about this program?
Better excursions and food selection on the lunches that were served in the firms
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly Recommended: The Lex Fellowship

The Lex Fellowship is an incredible program from which I learned much about the legal systems employed by Spain and the European Union. My fellow students and I were awed by our visits to twenty four international and Spanish law firms, as well as four graduate institutions. There is no better opportunity for undergraduates interested in pursuing a career in law, or learning more about international law, than the Lex Fellowship. Every attorney I encountered throughout the program was clearly committed to helping students learn as much as possible about the law. From intellectual property law to maritime and mergers, lex fellows enjoy what is certainly an academic opportunity of a lifetime.

The Lex Fellowship staff are also incredible people of strong character and personal integrity. Staff would take their personal time to speak with students about the law, philosophy, theology, and history; they are committed to making the program excellent and I would be remiss if I did not say that they succeeded. Staff found excellent restaurants in and around Madrid which ensured that students could sample good, healthy, Spanish cuisine. I have been on similar study abroad trips where the food is lackluster and students take ill; the Lex Fellowship staff does such a fine job of providing good food and are that I did not take ill once during my month in Madrid -- quite a feat.

I am both honored and blessed to call myself an alumnus of such a stellar program. I recommend it highly to any student interested in pursuing a career in law or learning more about international law with a fine group of scholars. Become a Lex Fellow. You will be better for it.

What would you improve about this program?
Loved it as it is!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Law, Culture and Lifelong Connections

The Lex Fellowship was an immeasurable experience. Being in the company of aspiring lawyers, like myself, is ruled me to keep moving towards my goals. Having face-to-face meetings with partners of successful law firms in varying fields of law is an something that i may not have been given the opportunity to do in the states. It has already begun to pay off in ways that I did not expect and has landed me invaluable connections in my field.

The dedication of the Lex Fellowship’s staff is evident in the quality of law firms that we were able to engage with on a day to day basis and the quality of the cultural exposure we were afforded. They were engaged in the material we were being exposed to, enriched our meetings by tying everything together outside of the office, and understanding of the need for us to have fun while we were abroad.

This program helped me decide that I want to take a gap year before I attend law school in order to gain more professional experience and further explore the vast field of legal practice. It has shown me that I will continue to receive as much as I put in - by showing the relationship between preparation and the information we garnered from our most productive meetings. It exposed me to a new side of my passion - policy; and has further fine tuned my aspirations so much so that I now have a working game plan.

I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking for a pre-law summer program as well as cultural immersion.

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Lex Fellowship Experience

The Lex Fellowship is an unconventional Study Abroad program where you and a group of students whom are also interested in a career in Law are exposed to knowledge and experience from some of the most prominent lawyers and legal professionals in Spain. During the Lex Fellowship we got to push our own limits in terms of the breath of our knowledge, while also learning about new cultures and ideas. The Lex Fellowship emphasises personal growth, professional growth and creates life-long friendships. My personal experience what riveting, from start to finish I felt a rush of excitement. Every day was a new and equally satisfying experience, during this time we had the opportunity to meet on average two law firms a day and speak to both Associates and Partners. This was, in my opinion life changing because not only did we have the privilege of sharing ideas with extremely accomplished legal professionals but we also got to see the on a more human level and discuss personal questions.
On top this, the Lex Fellowship staff was sensational. They made sure we had everything we needed, and were ready to help at any hour of the day. The Lex Fellowship also provided us with the opportunity to visit some extremely amazing Universities, for example the world renowned IE Business school. All in all, the purpose of the Lex Fellowship was to help us decide our futures, whether it was to discover if law school was for us or not, and what type of law you wanted go into. For me, because I can only speak for myself, this did just that, and I am excited to see what this fellowship grows into. Finally, even if you are not that much into law, the cultural immersion (because you are living in Spain for a whole month) and life long friendships that you make with your fellow fellows, is second to none.

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly have no suggestions, just keep it the way it is.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Perfect balance of legal experience and international cultural immersion

Being a part of this program was an incredibly fulfilling experience for me. I was fresh out of my first year of undergrad with a passion for the law, and this Fellowship gave me the guidance and understanding I was looking for. We had the chance to visit 24 firms, as well as top-ranked universities in Madrid such as IE Law School and IESE Business School, allowing me to consider Spain as an option for graduate school. Speaking to lawyers and partners everyday gave me an unimaginable amount of insight into the day-to-day works of a law firm that I never would have experienced in the States. Being able to ask the lawyers questions about their past cases, as well as having them explain to us the ins-and-outs of everything from maritime law and intellectual property to corporate law and labor, allowed me to learn so much about the realm of the legal field as a whole. Coming into this program, I was very interested in pursuing international law; however, I did decide to keep an open mind in order to get out as much as I could and further narrow my interested area of law. Now, I have decided to pursue international human rights after meeting with the firm Ernesto Diaz-Bastien, an experience I will never forget.
The knowledge of the program staff was immaculate; from daily philosophical talks to a deep understanding and explanation of the rich culture of Spain, I always felt like there was something new to learn. The balance of meeting with law firms and having time to explore the city was perfect in my opinion. By living right in the heart of the city right off one the main streets, Gran Via, the program allowed for just the right amount of free time to experience Madrid to its fullest, while still providing group excursions. For example, we visited two historic cities in Spain - Toledo and Segovia - that broadened my scope of the culture of this beautiful country.
This program truly helped me understand what I wanted my future legal career to look like, as well as gave me a great understanding of the culture of Spain, and I could not be more grateful. I would definitely recommend this program to individuals who want an international experience of the law and are willing to come in with a very open mind!

What would you improve about this program?
More communication between staff and students on updates with schedule times
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing program to learn more about law and the great country of Spain

This program changed my life. I came into this program very open minded which was key. I was able to gain an incredible amount of knowledge about all different types of law including corporate law, intellectual property law, and maritime law. By visiting over 26 different law firms we got great advice and insight from prestigious lawyers that very few people get to experience. Every single firm and lawyer we met with were so charming it was honestly impressive. They were so welcoming and willing to provide us with information that would help us further our careers. This program helped me figure out which type of law I personally want to study in law school but also helped me figure out which ones I do not which is just as important. Most people go into law school with no real insight into how a law firm works but through this program we got to see the ins and outs of 26 beautiful and prestigious firms. Besides the learning part of this program the cultural experience was amazing. We had planned excursions that were so much fun and had tours so we got to see the most important parts but also were allowed free time to go explore on our own. The program allows you freedom to get as much out of it as you want, it is up to you to make the most of it and you really can.

What would you improve about this program?
The amount of firms were an amazing experience but maybe make it a week longer so each day is not so busy. But I still had plenty of time to have a tremendous amount of fun and learn as much as possible.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Lex Fellowship Experience

Deciding to participate in the Lex Fellowship program was one of the best decisions of my life. The program gave me the opportunity to learn more about the field of law, but it also gave me the chance to fully immerse myself in another culture. During the program we met with lawyers from over twenty firms in Madrid. Every lawyer we met was very welcoming, and the meetings were very engaging and informative. Through these meetings we were able learn about the different fields of law, as well as the types of cases that these lawyers deal with on a daily basis. For someone like me, who came in very undecided about which field of law I wanted to go into, these meetings helped me decide on the field of intellectual property law. Not only did this program get me excited about a specific area of law, it also renewed my confidence in law school. On the study abroad side everything from the location, the housing, the group meals, and group excursions were amazing. The housing was very comfortable and very clean. It was located right in the middle of Gran via, one of the most popular destinations in Madrid. This location was perfect because we were a short walk to so many beautiful sites, as well as so many authentic restaurants. The excursions were definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip. We took trips to Segovia, Toledo, as well as a bull fighting arena in Madrid. I was able to tour Cathedrals, and Castles, and also learn more about the rich cultural background of these cities. The program also gives you a lot of free time . This allowed me to really get to know the other fellows and to really experience Madrid. The time I sent with other fellows has given me not only great memories, it has also provided me with life long friends. I would definitely recommend the Lex Fellowship to any student hoping to learn more about law, as well as have a rich and fulfilling cultural experience.

What would you improve about this program?
I would say just letting the fellows know sooner when there is a change in the schedule, but other than that I thought the program was excellent.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Legal experience and an awesome time abroad!

The Lex Fellowship strikes the perfect balance between all that is great about a study abroad experience and a legal internship - I truly loved my time in Madrid as part of this fellowship! Not only was I able to experience working in an international law firm firsthand but I also had the opportunity to explore a wonderful new country and all that it has to offer. Rather than tell you why you should apply for The Lex Fellowship, I'll tell you why you shouldn't. Don't apply for this fellowship if you hate going to work in a fantastic work environment where everyone you work with genuinely cares about your learning. Don't apply for this fellowship if you don't want to kick start your legal career, learn about the laws and legal culture of another country and gain invaluable insight that will put you one step ahead in today’s increasingly international legal market. Don't apply for this fellowship if you don't want to meet a group of amazing people who you will undoubtedly keep in touch with after the program is over. Don't apply for this fellowship if you don't want an amazing culinary experience; from tapas at bustling food markets and late-night hot chocolate and churros, to lunch at Europe’s first Michelin starred Mexican restaurant and dinner at the oldest restaurant in the world! Don’t apply for this fellowship if you don't want to spend your ample free time admiring world-famous artwork such as Picasso’s Guernica, exploring Madrid’s many historical landmarks or even shopping - Madrid has more than enough to keep everyone busy! Don't apply for this fellowship if you don't like to have a flexible program that provides you with just the right amount of structure yet gives you plenty of free time to make the program the best that it can be for YOU. I can't recommend this program highly enough. Whether a career in law is something you are seriously considering or have already decided to pursue, this program will bring you one step closer to your goals and the wonderful staff at the Lex Fellowship will be there to support you every step of the way.