I moved to Vietnam with The Fewer Things and it was the best decision I ever made!
TFT offered guidance and support from the very beginning, especially Jaemi, who was always happy to help. Initially, they helped with completing the TEFL course, legalising documents and providing guides on how to adapt to a new life abroad, which made the process a lot easier. When we moved to Vietnam, social events were organised to help us get to know other expats and we had regular check-ins to see how we were doing. It was great to have someone to turn to for support if needed during a time of a lot of change.
Vietnam itself was an amazing place to both live and teach. I was placed in lovely schools across Hanoi where each day brought something new. Teaching is such a rewarding job and being able to do it while experiencing a new country and culture made it even better. There are also plenty of opportunities to travel across Vietnam or to nearby countries throughout the school year, making it ideal for those who want to travel while earning money.
TFT are the perfect company to help you move abroad and I highly recommend!