LoPair Culture Exchange

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My challenge - Four seasons in Beijing

Soon I'll finish my Au Pair Program in Beijing. I started with a 6-month program and along the way I decided to stay 3 more months Chinas capital. China was my first time leaving and living abroad on my own and although it was scaring and different in the beginning, I adjusted pretty fast and well to the country and culture.
Throughout the program there were definitely a lot of ups and downs. Half way through the first part I decided to leave the family because of several issues with the children that weren't solvable. It took some time to get the rematch into motion, but once it happened I got a new family super-fast. After moving, things got much better for me and I started to get the feeling of family, even so much that I decided to extend my program (most people declared me crazy at that point) but I really enjoyed the time with my family. They took me to many places and cities in my 6 months with them and I'm grateful for all their effort.
During my time in China I also got to meet a lot of people and made friends from several countries. We had classes together and spent a lot of our free time visiting places around the city. Hopefully the contact lasts for a long time and opportunities for some trips to each others home countries will occur.
There were times when I was about to lose my head over some things because they are just very different from the western world, but that’s what you should expect when you go to a country like China. Stay open-minded, compromise and be flexible, that makes things a lot easier and if not, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it won’t be forever.
It’s been an exciting time here in China that helped shaping my personality further, as well as my knowledge and understanding. I got to love a lot of things around this country and I will definitely miss it a lot when I return home, but I'm also looking forward to go back to my family again.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The three most unfamiliar things were definitley duck head, rabbit head and scorpions. Because of the family I also had chicken and pig feet and probably many more things I didn't even want to know. It is weird and somethings aren't really delicious, but it's worth the experience and people surely are shocked.
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Yes, I recommend this program

a very special experience

I spent 6 months with a family in Beijing. I experienced winter and summer (sort of), ups and downs. It was my task to care for two children (3 and 4 years old). Through many obstacles I've had to face I not only learned a lot, but also improved myself. On one hand it was very hard communicating, as many Chinese families don't speak English and in the end I would say communication was the biggest problem. On the other hand I had to learn and speak Chinese faster and more because of that. The program is great for making friends, but I was never able to do my Chinese homework due to the work. I had to bring the kids to Kindergarten in the morning, then pick them up in the afternoon and play/ study with them until bedtime. I definetly went through a cultureshock phase while living in a Chinese family. It is more like adapting to a new culture than culture exchange. It was hard but very rewarding to me.

What would you improve about this program?
I would honestly want to improve so much.
1. we are being reminded countless times how Chinese people are different and its a different culture so we need to put up with certain things. but the host families should also be reminded that they are inviting a foreigner into their home and thus also need to adapt a little.
2. the host family could have sold me to human trafficking and no-one would have noticed for a few months. surveillance of family and protection of aupair is not enough.
3. the families are always more important clients than you. this fact depicts itself in various aspects. the family is breaking the contract? who cares, your opinion doesn't matter. you have to work more than 30 hours, even 100 hours a week? no-one can help you. what the family wants the family gets. the organization needs to make sure the host families know the contents of the contract and stick to the terms.
4. the host families treat you like staff. family? bullshit. you are being overworked and underpaid. so just leave the family-like relationship you tell us we would have out of the description.
I paid more for the program than it got me back so I think there is definetly something wrong. every month my pocket money ran out in the first 2 weeks after I got it. I didn't spend recklessly but I was very active, visiting sights and scenic spots.
conclusion: this is a job offer not a cultural exchange program so please just tell the truth and don't deceive young and ambitious people.
Response from LoPair Culture Exchange

Dear Virginie,

Thank you for your valuable comments regarding to LoPair Au Pair China Program.

We truly value your feedback for this program as it could help us to improve our program in the future and we are very sorry to hear that you had mixed feelings about your experience in China. We always try our best to deliver our high standard assistance to every aupair because helping every to have a good experience in this program means everything to us.

We are very happy to hear that you think you’ve improved yourself in many ways through this program, such as you’ve improved your Chinese language skills and made a lot of friends over the past few months.

As for your disappointment for the program, we assure you that we have addressed this issue with the team to find out what went wrong and take steps to ensure this is not repeated complained issue. Although we still need to make some clarification about some points such as your opinion about the pocket money being too less, we are sorry about that but the standard amount of pocket money of au pair China program is between 1500—2000 RMB as set forth by the national association to make sure it meets the legal requirement for cultural exchange programs in China.

If you still have more valuable opinions, we welcome you to contact us anytime for further discussion. My email address is iris.guo@lopair.com, or you can call me on (+86)18006718359. Please do believe that not just the host families are important to us, the aupairs are also the ones that we truly care about and we want you all have great experience here. Thank you once again for your feedback, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Iris Guo
Lopair Program Advisor

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Yes, I recommend this program

9 months in China

Hi everyone,
I'm actually completing my 8th months in the beautiful city of Hangzhou as an au pair and I'm proud to say that I did it. Thanks to this opportunity i was able to discover fully the life in a chinese family and to improve my Chinese very fast. Being an au pair in this country is an experience full of surprises. You learn things every day about yourself and about the world you live in. I belive that the qualities of a person who can be an au pair in china are : full of energy, adaptable and curious. I won't lie to you it can be very difficult. You can feel a bit lonely sometimes and don't understand everything about your life environment but it's fine because you will make a lot of friends through lopair. They will understand you more than anyone and you will have the love of your host kid. You need to cherish this friendship more than everything, because this kid will be your best friend and best ally.I hope you will enjoy China. Have a nice trip and be ready for this adventure that will change you forever.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
In China you have a lot of unknown food for me. I really love food in general. But i will always remember this moment when during the spring festival we had a family dinner and my host mom but in my plate an enormous big feet and a chicken feet. The nails were so long. Yuck yuck yuck. I still have this picture in my head.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Gained another family

For me working as a au pair was really a bless. I got a super nice host family. And don't really had problems. But nevertheless it was tiring working as a au pair. I mean after some time you get tired of it, you don't know what you want to do with the child, but for something like this the organisation lopair is there. They helped me developing new ideas etc.

Actually they prepare you well for the work as a au pair, so you don't really need to worry.

But If you want to work as a au pair in China, keep in mind, you need to choose your family wisely! Ask for a actual schedule, what they think about clubbing! Because if you are in shanghai or beijing YOU NEED TO VISIT A CLUB AT LEAST 1 TIME. Ask them how it works with your free time and also how your room looks like!! And as a au pair you will definitley work more than 30 hours keep that in mind. You never know when the child is sleeping etc.

What would you improve about this program?
Put family's out of the programme that already had au pairs but who leaves the programme because of the family. And update the family information before you give it a going to be au pair!
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Yes, I recommend this program

AuPair in China

After the first 6 months I feel so excited to extent four more months. The time being here us great as we make new friends, learn the Chinese culture and finally the language.
For everyone who us looking for an adventure, for something new and an unforgettable life experience...
I'd definitely recommend China as your gap year destination...
This great great great life exper3inc is for everyone who wants to have a great great great life experience.
So don't hesitate to apply for this great great great life experience programme and extent your own horizon. Becaue if there is something I can tell you then the following which I will mention in the following one or two paragraphs...(Maybe just one):
This opportunity going abroad and enriching oneself with a lot of different experiences won't be available in ones whole life. Bring young and free means enjoying ones life the best we can.
So apply now and safe even some money for applying in advance...who knows

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
That's a difficult question...but so far I ate a lot of weird things. Maybe it will be even more strange in future..
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Yes, I recommend this program

I gained in character and probably size (China has some great food!!)

I certainly got a lot of value out of 6 months in the Lopair Au Pair Programme and would certainly recommend it to any young person who excels but more importantly enjoys working with children.

As an 18 year old, coming to China has been my first adventure as a fully fledged adult and for that is has been perfect. You are still very much dependant for food and living and have to follow a strict schedule that may impact your social life but there is also a gain in responsibilities as you care for and mentor a child. I found living with my host family nothing like a work contract but instead I was very much integrated as one of them. Granted, living in a foreign country does involve certain obsticales but the family and my local coordinator were very caring in helping to overcome anything.

Before coming to Beijing, I was wondering how hard it would be to meet people. Turns out, five minutes after saying goodbye to my parents at the airport, I met another British boy headed for China with LoPair and since then we've become good friends despite the fact that we've been in different cities. I've made some friends for life while I've been in China and now it gives me an excuse to book a holiday and visit them some day.

To any person considering this opportunity, I believe the three most important characteristics you need to show in order to gain the most as an au pair is patience, open-mindedness and friendliness. In the end, your time spent here is a luck of the draw when you are matching with a host family so I can't emphasize enough to consider carefully when choosing. Some au pairs really hit it off with their families, some can be left a little in the rain. Luckily, I was one of the fortunate ones and got on very well with my host family. I look forward to keeping in touch as I go on to other adventures!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Choose your host family wisely and try to balance Au pairing with meeting friends.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great opportunity to experience China and their culture

I am going to finish my 6 months program and I am so happy to feel how much my host kids have learnt during these months but also so sad to say goobye to my host family. I am very lucky to call them family now because they really make me feel part of them.

Hangzhou is an amazing city with a lot of history and nature. If you really take avantage of your days-off you can travel a lot around China and discover their amazing culture.

You also go twice a week to chinese course, the teachers are awesome and it is the best way to improve your chinese, but if you really want to learn you must study by yourself.

Finally you will meet a lot of people that will become a big support for you and make your time more enjoyable!

Now that is almost over I am so happy I went through the bad days but also through amazing moments that I will keep forever. I feel grateful for this opportunity.

If you decide to come to China do your best and enjoy every second here. Good luck!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be really sure about this program. And if you just want to try new culture you may start with 3 months and extend later if you are happy in China!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Advice for future au pairs!

This program is a great way of experiencing China! You will see parts of China that you would never see as a tourist. Hangzhou’s local coordinator is AWESOME!! She helps with everything and is always there for you!! Come to Hangzhou!! Here is beautiful landscape, lake, temples, tea fields and also super convinient to travel from!! I strongly recommend to come first for only 3 months and then extend if you would like. I have seen too many cases where au pairs were going to stay for longer (6-9 months) but had to/wanted to go home earlier and therefor had to cancel the program and pay a lot of money... also, don’t go through an agency in your own country because they will charge you a lot of money! If you go through lopair directly you pay so little it’s rediciolous. So don’t make the same mistake like I did! Good luck!!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Cold inside and food manners! Very diffenrent from what I’m used to
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Yes, I recommend this program

Three months in Hangzhou

I think the enjoyment of your programme will definitely come down to the family you are matched with as this is where you will spend the majority of your time. From my own personal experience whilst my original family was somewhat welcoming the language barrier was extremely difficult at times and from hearing stories of other au pairs family I felt like this family lacked the cultural exchange aspect and the sense of being part of their family. Luckily though for the last month of my stay I was able to swap families which I was so thankful for. My second host family was so amazing and the host father was fluent in English so this much communication between the family so much easier. I will genuinely miss my second host family.

By far my favourite part of the programme was making friends from all over the world. Honestly it made the time in China so much more enjoyable. The chinese lessons twice a week were also excellent. My chinese teacher Mango at the language school was an excellent teacher!

As for the staff at Lopair everyone is so friendly! I cannot thank my local coordinator Yvonne enough. No matter what time of the day it was I was able to message Yvonne for help and she would reply straight away and was always happy to help!

Although this experience was challenging at times I am so thankful I decided to partake in this programme. You will definetly gain invaluable skills of independence and personal growth from your time in China.

What would you improve about this program?
I feel that the pocket money is not enough for your time in China especially if you want to do more activities and travel. You will definetly need to subside some of your living costs with your own personal savings!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A wonderful experience

I am about to finish my six month program in Hangzhou in a few days.

I was lucky to get a wonderful and welcoming family with two lovely children. Compared to a lot of the other aupairs I had a big advantage, because my family was able to speak both English and German, which made the communication very easy.

Hangzhou is a beautiful city if you are looking for something completely different. It isn’t as crowded as Shanghai or Beijing and there is still plenty of nature surrounding the city center.

The best part of the whole experience was meeting all the other aupairs and getting to know so many people from all around the world. I made a lot of new friends and I am even going to visit some after my stay in China is over. I would definitely recommend the program.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
There were plenty of dishes where I wasn’t even sure what I was eating but the weirdest ones were for sure pig feet and duck tongue.