LoPair Culture Exchange

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

6 months in Shanghai

My personal experience with LoPair has been okay. But the fact that I already knew the Italian family that I have been staying with here in Shanghai means that I have not been using the support system that LoPair offers you and therefore do not feel like I can review it.

As an au pair you are signed up at a mandarin school where you take language classes, that are mandatory, and you are also supposed to have cultural classes. Unfortunately I have not been able to attend the cultural classes sense we didn’t get more then one weeks notice about when these would be held. I gave this feedback to the company so hopefully it will change.

One thing to keep in mind if you want to come to China for an exchange is that usually it’s a big cultural difference between the au pair and the Chinese family so don’t be afraid to ask if you can be put in contact with one or two people that has already been here so you can get a better insight.

What would you improve about this program?
As I wrote in my review I think there could be improvement in the planning of cultural classes.

I had appreciated to have been contacted at least a month before my departure date to be informed about what needs to be done before I leave and to book the flight ticket home. Instead I got contacted a week before.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience in Shanghai

I spent 6 months in Shanghai starting in November. It has honestly been one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. The family I got matched with have been absolutely fantastic. Obviously there have been some huge differences between our cultures but they were fantastic and enjoying hearing the differences in culture and expectations. The mandarin has been difficult to learn but my teacher was wonderful and helped every step of the way. I've heard other people have had bad experiences but nothing of my time here has been anything less than great. (Also the family took me with them on their holidays so I got to travel beyond Shanghai, beyond the tourist facade)

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Au pair Hanzhou with lopair

Excellent! A very fun and inclusive way to really experience a different culture. Hangzhou is a beautiful city and lots of interesting touristy things to do on days off. West lake at sunset is a must! The food is great and my family have been good at introducing me to a wide range of cuisine. The culture class is a great oppurtinity to meet up with the other au pairs and enjoy chinese culture together. Travelling in China is also relatively easy and cheap with high speed rail links between most major cities.

What would you improve about this program?
The classes could be improved if arriving au pairs were not put in the same class as au pairs who have already been in class for 2 months.
Yes, I recommend this program

The long 6 month journey

As I started I didn`t know what i should expect. A new country, a new culture, a new family, a new home. I had to take care of 2 boys in the age of 3 and 5. As soon as I arrived in Shanghai, I was a part of the family. They often took me to different places, showed me the city and intruduced me to the chinese lifestyle. If there were any problems, I could easily talk to my Host-parents or my Local Coordinator about it. Especially the first oriantation days were really helpfull to get a view on how my life looks like for the next 6 months. The most important thing with chinese kids is to be patient! If you are patient enough and get through the first month, you will also easily get through the rest.
I can totally recommend this programm to everybody who wants to learn more about the chinese culture, the language, the food and likes to play and work with children!

What would you improve about this program?
It is hard to meet other aupairs in your free time and do activities. Everybody has on another day off, you have to be very flexible with your time and normally you have to work way more than you should. Maybe except for the cultural class there should also be an activity class at least once in a month.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience as an aupair = experience for life-time

If you are child-loving, eager to experience a different culture and are interested in learning China, this program is excactely the right one for you. As every other aupair I also had some cultural shocks at the beginning even though I was already aware of cultural differences! However the cultural differences are sometime quite helpful to experience Chinese lifestyle.... From my point of view I can just say that it was a wonderful time and I enjoyed myself a lot. I had a wonderful time with my second host family - they were just the perfect fit! Playing games with children, read books to them and simply teach them English - that’s basically what aupairing in Chinese families is about... Of course you will also experience Chinese lifestyle, food and culture when living together with your family ;). But you should now that being an aupair is a “serious job” and it’s not about partying! If you’re looking for this, then this is the wrong choice to make... But I guess you already know that! Just be open-minded and try to integrate into the Chinese family, then the experience might be the best one of your life!!! Looking back I cannot say I regret my decision to come to Shanghai: It’s a great town for sightseeing, for learning Mandarin at Mandarin House (especially learning this unique language made my aupair in China a fantastic experience) , meeting new friends (Chinese and expats) and meeting a fabulous host family!!! I will definitely miss mine and really hope they will visit me some day in Germany ✈️!!! That’s what your aupair is about: Taking a new family/ home into your heart and building up a lifelong lasting relationship with them❤️.

What would you improve about this program?
The staff is great and always helpful but I e.g. never got to sign my second contract... That was pretty weird for me! And I must say I unterstand families insist on curfews, but I think they should only apply to working days as never actually having a night off is quite hard as your social life is really minimalized... However all in all I can highly recommend this program for adventurous people, who are interested in China and love to work with children;)...
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Yes, I recommend this program

My aupair experience

Mi au pair experience in china has been wonderfull, first when I came I didn’t really knew what to expect. It was a leap of faith. I didn’t really knew much of my host family or the kids that I would be with, but I decided to give it a chance and I have no regrets. The Chen’s have been more than welcoming. they have embraced me with my highs and lows and I’m more than greatfull because I fell pampered and taken cared of everyday since I arrived. They have shared not only their culture, views and costumes but their home and love. It has become a place where I feel comfortable and happy. We all help each other and try to make everyday the best of it. Not speaking the same language can be a huge barrier to deal with simple daily life issues, so it is really important to be with opened minded people that are willing to embrace the task. The Chen’s are always willing to listen to me in the most basic ways, we take things with humor and that helps to overcome any misunderstandings that life may bring. My 3 little girls are more than just my host kids, they have become my partners in crime, my playmates, my sunshine and my sisters. I’m so lucky to have them. They re intrepid, funny, loving and playful. Everyday I try to make them learn something new in an interesting and enjoyable way and they are always exited to see what new task I’ll prepare for them in the future. They are clever, smart and just wonderfull to be around. They try to keep me informed about what hapends around us even if I don’t speak the language so they have become my best allies during this journey, I can’t imagine having my Chinese experience without them. And ofcourse there has been moments of doubt and loneliness but I think that has made me even more aware of the things I have at home and usually give for granted, there’s nothing that a positive attitude and hard work cant beat . I have a different perspective of society and life since I came to this beautiful country. in china is not about how strong one person can be, Chinese know better when it comes to that, they believe that United, better things can be achieved and that includes family. I know my time here has been a great experience for them and for me and I will miss them when I’m gone. They will always have a place in my hearth and the Chen’s have made china a place I’m happy to call home.

What would you improve about this program?
I think it needs more guidance for the au pairs and better activities for them to relate
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my Life

Being an Aupair is challenging, but rewarding. Rewarding because you get to become part of a family and immerse yourself completely in the cultural. You also get to meet so many people from all over the world and learn a language that at first may seem impossible, but is actually quite easy. You get to make life long friendships and you get opportunities to travel around China. 
Living in a foreign country is obviously going to be difficult. Having an open mind is definitely a must, keep in mind you're in a  different territory which means different rules, different traditions and customs. I lived 6 months in Beijing and 6 months in shanghai and i must say Beijing was my favorite. I think its the perfect place to experience china. During the time I was an Aupair I got hosted by 3 families and the the children I taught captured my heart completely. I love them, they will always have a special place in my heart as well as the families. 2 out of the 3 families that hosted me were perfect matches, now, with that being said, not every match is successful. Choose your host family wisely. Get in touch with other Aupairs and ask questions, but remember everyone's experience is different. If you have a problem with your host family remember communication is key. Talk it out with them first and if you can't reach an agreement then get the company involved. If you have a conflict with the family do not take it out on the company. They will help as much as they can. 
I fell in love with China so much that i signed another 6 months. Unfortunately my year abroad has come to an end, but I'm not sad because I know I'm coming back soon. China has become my home. Give it a shot. Its worth it.

Yes, I recommend this program

3 month au pair program

I very much enjoyed my time as an au pair in Shanghai. Having studied for a year in Hong Kong I was eager to return to Asia and experience living day to day in China. The opportunity to live for 3 months in one of the world's global cities has been invaluable. In 3 months, I had secured a job, set up a bank account, found flat and made a network of friends. Without this opportunity none of this would have been achieved.

Yes, I recommend this program

Challenging but worth it

I undertook a 6 month program with a family in Shenzhen. I took care of a two year old boy and spent most of my time with the host grandmother and ayi. The orientation that Lopair provides is excellent it makes you feel safe and prepared, you meet countless people from all over the world, some in which I still keep in touch with. From my experience my host family took the phrase 'become part of our family' literally, of course this approach came with a few bumps it really allowed me to become fully immersed in the Chinese culture. I recommend this program because even if the experience isn't all positive and perfect you will definitely come out the other side having learnt something. Personally for me, this was a huge step out of my comfort zone but I don't regret it because of all the people I met, the language that was once so foreign to me is now understandable and the fact that I now have a second family in China that is happy to welcome me back again with open arms. So even if you are unsure of your decision, I would advise you to still try it, even in unfortunate cases Lopair is still supportive of whatever decision you make and will help you get to where you want to be. I will also mention that the children can be difficult to deal with as most of the time they are overprotected and/or over indulged by their families. Of course there are exceptions but this sometimes results in undisciplined host children which can be difficult to deal with. In my personal experience I wish I had done the 3 month program because by the fourth month I had become weary. Which is why I recommend to any future au pairs not to bite off more than you can chew and to extend your stay if you find yourself enjoying the experience. All aspects outside of the family such as social life and school are great, you learn so much and meet new people. When it comes to the family get to know as much about them during your interviews.

Yes, I recommend this program

The experience of my life turned into the dream of my life!

Since I applied for the the chance to be AuPair and go abroad my normal life in Mexico. I just decided to be part of a new culture and involve myself on the experience I thought would be the most incredible one. Well, that's true... I lived the most excited and amazing chance in my life, 1st traveling since Canada, next flight to Shanghai, take a bus to Hangzhou with my new AuPairs friends and live such as party there. Go to Beijing and be part of this Chinese family and creating a goo environment and being sure everything what surrounds me was safe and comfortable.
Having a 2nd chance with another family and be the big brother for 2 amazing girls (Run Sheng 2 yo and Ning Ning 9 yo).
These girls changed my mind and made me the teacher, the cook, the nanny and even the bodyguard. I very appreciate my host family's trust, confidence and caring for me.
Where now at the place where I'll be in the future I know I created a little space in their hearts for me. These girls taught me more than I can teach em and without any doubt, they'll be my little sisters for the rest of my life. Now I know how it feels be part of the Chinese Culture and realise that everyone has the opportunity to change someone's life.
Be here, be now! This is what you have, this is what you are, but more importantly... You're the best part of the world when you love what you do and share with amazing kids your own way to live.
I never stopped to believe on what I can achieve, cuz I always know what's my deal.