John Cabot University

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Home Away From Home

I have never felt so comfortable in an uncomfortable situation in my life. Rome was magical and the people I met, the classes I took, and the experiences I had were incredible. It was the greatest time of my life and I am so grateful to have attended JCU.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

John Cabot was an awesome experience. The location of the school couldn't be better. Trastevere is in walking distance to anywhere you would want to go in Rome but still feels like a secluded neighborhood where you can really get to know the streets, restaurants, bars, etc. Rome is also a great location to be in if you plan to travel around Italy and Europe. The academics and long weekends at JCU definitely make it possible to travel every weekend if you want, as most study abroad students do. Only real con is the on campus living situation. I chose to get my own apartment because I had heard from previous students that the rules were a bit strict. Living off campus was one of the greatest decisions I made regarding my time there. It's way cheaper and you don't have to live by the ridiculous rules JCU has for dorms (no liquor, no open containers, no guests past 11 PM, etc.)

What would you improve about this program?
Adjust the rules for living on campus. I understand safety needs to be maintained but it could definitely be made more accommodating while maintaining safety.
Yes, I recommend this program

Living the Art History

The experience I had over seas was something that I will be able to cherish for the rest of my life. My memories are so vivid I revive moments that I had in places I never thought I would be. I had never traveled to Europe before I decided to study abroad. I knew this was the perfect moment for me to enrich my life culturally. I wanted to learn from people and their mentalities and I wanted to explore the earth. I decided to travel before heading to my program and I was able to travel by plane, train,Ferrys and cars to Neatherlands, Belgium, England, Ireland, France, Spain, and Italy. I finally arrived to my program destination in Rome, Italy. The program I chose was based on Art history and I had the opportunity to live a magnificent experience of traveling and living this art history experience. My life was transformed in many ways, not just intellectually and culturally but mentally as well. I no longer see things the same way. I have been enlightened and my mind now has many different angles of seeing life. I am forever changed for better.

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Yes, I recommend this program


Rome is the most incredible place in the world to live. Every time you walk anywhere you go past monuments and architecture that is older than the United States. There is an endless amount to see and do in the city, it is far more than just the Vatican, Colosseum, and monuments that you have heard of. I was there for four months and feel like I only saw half of the city. There are a million different place to go in Europe and I suggest that you explore as many of them as you can. But there is no better place to call home when you're over there than Rome.

What would you improve about this program?
The housing and rules of housing are not perfect but there is not much the program can do about this. It does not take away from the overall experience of the program
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome Time in Rome

Rome is one of the greatest cities in the world and I discovered this through my gap year at John Cabot. I met a ton of friends and they were extremely kind. We still are in contact and I truly loved discovering the city. I lived in Trastevere, one of the nicest parts of the city and it was amazing.

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Yes, I recommend this program

John Cabot University

John Cabot University offers a familiar education system for American study abroad students and offers a good transition into Roman life. The campus is in a great location in Trastevere which is right across the river and a relatively short walk to all the major sights in Rome. There is a lot to do and explore in Rome and definitely a great place to be if you want the chance to travel throughout Italy and even Europe. I found that many of the students who were also studying abroad there were very interested into the nightlife and bar/club scene but it's also possible to do other things and have fun immersing into all the other activities of Rome. John Cabot University is almost 50% degree seeking students and 50% abroad students, and abroad students tend to make more communities of friends with other American students than the local/degree seeking students so it is not the best program to choose if you want a program where you are always immersed into Italian culture, language, lifestyle, and etc.

What would you improve about this program?
I think there should be a strategic way to group students for housing based on some kind of survey regarding their living styles.
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Yes, I recommend this program

John Cabot, A Great Time Abroad

John Cabot University was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Not only did I get to explore Rome, I got to meet amazing people along the way. The roommates and friends I met are among some of my best friends now and although we're back in the United States, we still talk every day!

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Yes, I recommend this program

John Cabot

I traveled nearly every weekend, but the best moments were the ones where I can back to Rome, because It really started to feel like home. Walking through the streets, knowing that I was more than just a tourist, was an amazing feeling. I felt like I belonged in the midst of that history, especially after the classes that I took through John Cabot. Particularly, the onsite classes allowed me insight into the city that was beyond normal tourism. We saw things that I never would have seen had I only been a tourist in Rome. And I learned things I never would have learned. I think the best moment in my onsite class was when my class got to take a tour of the catacombs under St. Peter's Basilica. It was a unique, amazing, and once in a lifetime experience that I never would even have known about if not for my class. It was so moving to learn the history of St. Peter's and then to actually stand within it.

What would you improve about this program?
Some of the classes expected a lot of work to be done when my primary goal was to travel and experience Rome. I would have preferred to have less outside work, or more onsite activities, even in classes that didn't directly relate to Rome.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Good central location to travel

Since the school itself is not difficult, it leaves you with much time to travel the world and experience different atmospheres, people, and cultures. That was probably one of the best parts about to school was that it was located near 2 airports so it was easy access to travel.

What would you improve about this program?
I'm not sure what kind of school reputation they are going for, but it is not very difficult. But I wouldn't necessarily change that because I still learned a lot in school and in travel.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Rome is Home

Rome is one of the greatest cities in the world. There is always something new to see, and the food is, well, wonderful. My favorite part is the architecture; its amazing how buildings and monuments that were built over 2000 years ago are still around. The city just has so much history. The weather is nice, and so are the Italians.
The other great thing about JCU specifically is you get 3 day weekends every week. This means you have more time to travel, whether its around Rome, Italy, or Europe (Discount airlines are your friend).

My favorite thing I did all year was go to the Amalfi Coast (south of Rome, near Napoli), and go to Oktoberfest in Munich. It is something you have to do if you are there in the Fall.

I also wrote a guide with all my favorite countries, places, and tips/tricks for Rome, Italy, and other places in Europe. Feel free to contact me and I can send that over, no problem.

What would you improve about this program?
The alcohol rules and the guest rules for the Gianicolo apartments were a little too strict.