Study Abroad in Rome at John Cabot University

John Cabot University

Why choose John Cabot University?

Study abroad in English at an American liberal arts university in the fascinating city of Rome, Italy. John Cabot University is known for its unique location in a historic Italian neighborhood, with unrivaled access to a wide range of campus facilities and nearby famous historical attractions. As we are accredited, credits can easily transfer to your home university and all classes are taught in English. Contact John Cabot University today to begin your Italian adventure at our renowned university!

Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

The Queer Alliance is a JCU student club founded by members of the student body who identify as either LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) or straight. Its goal is to foster a supportive academic, professional, and personal, environment for both degree-seeking and study-abroad students while attending JCU and living in Rome.



John Cabot University is committed to building a more sustainable world. By leveraging its liberal arts tradition, JCU aims to create a leadership hub that connects academic excellence and innovation to provide solutions to real-world problems on sustainability.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Abroad Review

I am able to both learn important things in Italy, such as the history and language of the country, while having the best experience of my life thus far. I can travel, gain knowledge of Europe itself, and feel lots of support and fun from the University itself. I have learned how to use the public transportation, speak some italian in useful situations, such as in restaurants or at a bar, and learn how to be a independent traveler and student being so far away from my family and friends. I am very happy with choosing JCU.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I tried crab legs and was terrified even though I love crab.
  • Tasted amazing
  • I was scared of the legs
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Yes, I recommend this program


Being in Italy has been a dream and JCU made that possible! The academics were challenging but worth it for the experience! Be aware that professors will not go easy on you just because you are studying abroad, there will be lots of work.There are many school organized events and trips making it easy to immerse yourself in the experience! Location of the school is amazing since Trastevere is a truly fun and vibrant neighborhood. The building for classes are always clean and easy to get to no matter where you’re staying.

What was your funniest moment?
Orientation! Everyone is exhausted and it’s jusy delirious giggles
  • Location
  • Support
  • Housing quality
  • Difficult academics
  • Expensive housing
  • N/A
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience

The campus is located in trastevere and it is very close to the city. The university offers a lot of opportunities and different courses that you can choose. The professors are very friendly and able to help when you need. When you ask for help or advice they are very happy to help you. Overall my experience was very good and I was able to make new friends and to make connections with people around the world and understand different cultures. The staff is very supportive and helpful for everything that you need.

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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience

As a freshman at John Cabot University in Rome, my experience has been nothing short of transformative. From the moment I stepped onto campus, I was immersed in a vibrant international community that embraced diversity and fostered intellectual curiosity.

Beyond the classroom, JCU offers a plethora of extracurricular activities and cultural experiences that have enriched my college experience. From volunteering at local charities to participating in study abroad programs, I've had the opportunity to engage with the community and broaden my perspective on global issues.

Overall, my freshman year at JCU has been an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth. I am grateful for the friendships formed, the knowledge gained, and the memories created, and I look forward to continuing my academic adventure at this exceptional institution.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved it

Super great. Really loved the experience.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Mehal Jivan

Mehal is a Junior at University of Colorado Colorado Springs -- pursuing a dual major in Finance and Management with a minor in Economics. His passions including traveling, trying new foods, and photography.

Do you think your program changed you as a person?

This study abroad experience truly altered my perception of the world. Even months after returning from Rome, I constantly noticed myself drifting towards the subject and sharing stories with people I meet. In a matter of months, my view of life had completely changed. I was forced to adapt and now no longer consider myself an introvert. My communication skills and cultural sensitivity was increased substantially. After 19 years, I was finally able to have a conversation without feeling intimidated. I worked in group projects with individuals from all over the world, each added a unique aspect and proved that the so called American way is not always the best. And most importantly I learnt to live with others and doing so taught me that it’s okay to be different, because we all are.

What made this study abroad experience unique and special?

I was living in history surrounded with architecture that is unrivaled, food that made my mouth water and people that truly inspired me. Strangers became friends in the matter of days. The dynamic group of individuals I met all played a key role in my personal growth. We were each other's travel companions, support systems, each others family. We would make it a routine to have weekly dinner followed by enjoying the finest night life Rome had to offer which was laying on the cobblestone in front of the colosseum. It was those nights that bonds were created followed by memories that will last a lifetime.

Describe your program socially and academically

At the end of every day I was able to say I lived. Attending John Cabot University allowed me to continue my studies in business. However, I was also able to venture out of my comfort zone and pursue classes such as photography and video art. Some of my art was actually presented at an exhibition in the heart of Rome. It brought out a creative side that I wasn’t aware of and probably would have never unlocked if it wasn’t for this experience.

You see the key to achieving something in life is to cross over to that side where you aren’t comfortable. Because that other side forces you to learn and it makes you a better version of yourself, and for me that other side was Rome.

What was the best place you visited outside of your study abroad city?

Throughout my journey I was able to make memories in 19 cities throughout 7 countries. My adventures consisted of taking a solo trip to the Mercedes Museum in Stuttgart, Germany where I was able to experience a childhood dream. We had a guys trip to Monte Carlo in where we inspired to work hard now and eventually enjoy the so called good life with all the yachts and supercars of Monaco. My cousin and I opted to sleep in the park in front of the Eiffel Tower as were stranded in Paris. Lastly, forty of us spent the day on the beautiful island of Capri enjoying sunshine and relaxing after a stressful week of midterms. It’s these flashbacks that come to me on a daily bases and even months after returning I can still not name a single place that was my favorite, all had a unique aspect.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Lauren Rice

Job Title
Study Abroad Admissions Counselor
Lauren is from Boston, Massachusetts. She studied abroad in Rome, Italy as a junior in college and fell in love with the city. After graduating, she found her way back to Rome to help students have their own amazing experiences in the Eternal City.
Lauren Rice

What is your favorite travel memory?

The best part of living or studying in Europe is that there are so many amazing yet varied cities and counties within a short plane, train or even bus ride. I have countless amazing travel memories exploring Europe's capitols, floating in the Mediterranean, or biking through the countryside.

One of my favorite memories is the first time I skied the Italian alps - the views were breathtaking, the ski conditions were perfect and the food was delicious. There was even a World War I museum at the top of the highest peak to get a history lesson while warming up!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

John Cabot University is a very international environment, both in terms of the student body and the staff. It has been a great experience learning to work with people from all over the world. When collaborating with such diverse individuals you get ideas and perspectives that push projects in unexpected directions. I have also learned a new language - Italian!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

A student once told me that 'studying at JCU is like traveling around the world in one building.' Students make friends from all over the world and I love when former students tell stories of their strong bonds with international friends from backgrounds so different from their own. Often students continue to travel the world long after their study abroad experience has ended to visit their new lifelong friends.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

JCU is based entirely in Rome, but our Student Services office plans trips that students can partake in. I would love to join the Pompeii and Amalfi Coast trip - it is the perfect combination of visiting an important and fascinating historical site in Pompeii followed by relaxing excursions in some of Italy's most beautiful beach towns.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

JCU has grown quite significantly in the last few years. Even though the university is expanding, the team has worked very hard to ensure we maintain what makes JCU so great academically, small classes and individualized attention led by world-class faculty. We have more than 1,500 students for the first time yet are still able to maintain the atmosphere of a tightknit community.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think that a large factor in JCU's success is that we don't settle for what is good: we are constantly looking for new ways to improve. A perfect example of this is the improvements that have been made to offer a more well-rounded student experience - from adding new volunteer opportunities, additional trips, a 24/7 access to an English speaking doctor or counseling, and fascinating new courses year semester.

There is always something new and exciting going on at JCU.