Tru Experience Travel

Program Reviews

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Road Trip

I joined TRU on a road trip through Thailand and Cambodia. It was totally unique and incredible. I didn't want the usual "party and drink" island-hop, but to see more of the culture whilst considering the environment along the way. The road trip was out of this world. Not only did I get to meet incredible new friends from around the world and locally but immerse myself in 2 beautiful cultures and give back along the way. If you want to have fun see amazing sites and meet amazing people then this is the perfect road trip :)

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
A scorpion, it was odd to say the least. I wont be trying anything like that again anytime soon. .........
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Indonesia Volunteering

I was so worried about which organisation I should volunteer overseas with. Some were far too expensive and some didn't seem to have enough volunteer hours. I decided to book my experience with Tru Experience after having lots of communications with Hannah one of the team members. Hannah was so helpful and reassuring answering all of my questions as silly as some of them may have been. The price was also well within my budget and it is great to see where alot of the money goes with the projects. I had 3 of the most amazing weeks of my life in Indonesia volunteering at the dog shelter and at a kindergarten. I have made friends for life and feel my contribution to volunteering has made a great impact not only on the projects I supported but my own life. Thank you so much for everything you do and for allowing me to take part on your incredible projects in Indonesia.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
leaving home alone for the first time and arriving in a country so far from my home. I was able to speak to other volunteers before I arrived in Indonesia and kept in touch with a memeber of the Tru experience team throughout my whole trip start to finish.
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Girl guiding uk Thailand LASERiO

It was so much fun. We got to complete so many different projects and really help the local community. Our leader, Hannah, was bubbly and friendly, and really got involved with the activities. We had a wonderful opportunity to visit and experience lots of local culture - especially with the Akkah Hill tribe homestay. But we also had lots of opportunities to work and help the local children and to make their lives slightly happier. At the first school, we taught some basic English to the children and then played games with them. We also moved a wood pile and made a path and helped to paint their new canteen. At the second school, we stripped and painted the walls of the 5 different classrooms. At the Akkha Hill tribe we had the wonderful opportunity to trek to the highest point in Chiang Rai and go to a hot spa.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
A cricket - we went to a local market in Singburi.
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India Road Trip

I had such an amazing experience in the month long Cultural experience and Road trip. I couldn't of asked for a better experience in Incredible India. We got to really meet the people of India and experience many sides to the culture and experience city and country life which are so so different but all so amazing. We were over whelmed with the experience in a good way. Thank you to all the staff at TRU for making it so special for us. If you are hesitant to visit India but like us really wanted to go but a little scared, defiantly book with this company, you will feel like you were worrying for absolutely no reason and you make lots of awesome friends too.. We are hoping to plan our next cultural road trip soon.............................

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The way people drive in India, there is absolutly no road safety rules, but they seem to manage it very well. lol. We just had to go with the flow and immerse our self in the way of life there.
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Volunteering in Bali

I volunteered in Bali as a kindergarten English teacher. From the first initial what do I do where do I start the staff at Tru experience were incredible. I wanted something within my budget and for several months over the summer. We narrowed it down to Thailand and Bali I choose Bali as I thought it would be more relaxed and I wouldn't be influenced to party so hard. I as right the Bali vie is just so incredible.I spent my weekdays volunteering with the sweetest children I have ever me I feel my time at the project really benefited my class I had the same students all summer and watching the develop was mission complete for me it was such a proud and exciting feeling I cant put into words. I am heading back this summer and I cant wait to see the kids and see how much more they have developed as little humans. My experience with the tru team was out of this world and I couldn't praise it enough in writing,

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Trip to Mauritius

TRU Experience works efficiently to make sure all aspects of your trip are planned to fit your specific needs. They were willing to take a 10-12 day itinerary and fit it into one week itinerary for myself and my team. They kept great communication throughout the whole process. Hannah at TRU Experience always got back to me within 24 hrs anytime I had a question. The cost was really on par to what was given. My entire team enjoyed what the whole trip and working alongside The Green Lion was a real blessing. Such a great partner organization that I would recommend to anyone as well.I truly have no complaints. The way they adapted to best fit the needs of my team as well as our budget really showed that TRU Experience is committed to their customers.

What would you improve about this program?
Honestly everything worked great! I have no complaints, truly.
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Tru Experience Travel [Mauritius]

What I loved most about Partnering with The Green Lion [Mauritius] I never heard of Mauritius before going to the amazing Continent off the Coast of Africa. I was absolutely blown and by how has beautiful the country was and how culturally pleasing their way! I loved staying with The Green Lion our hosts were amazing and I felt so at home staying there! They welcomed us with open arms and made it feel welcomed! Our hosts for the week and a half took on so many cultural experiences that I’ll never forget. Ranging from Port Louis the capital to the countryside and all the beautiful things to explore in and out of the city. Another things I especially loved all the food. Growing up I was one of the most picky eaters you’d meet but going to Africa for two weeks and the Mauritius for another week and a half I was skeptical that i would hate The food and not eat at all but I was completely wrong the food was one of the best parts of our trip it was so delicious!

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Once in a lifetime

I would like to take the opportunity to leave my review to such a well organised and kind company. From the very start of enquiring about a trip to now the team at tru have been phenomenal especially Hannah who is the Managing Director at the company. I visited South East Asia and took part in volunteering, cultural engagement and a road trip across Northern Thailand. It has been the absolute dream trip of a life time. I can not Thank the team enough for being so incredible. Thank you very much for the best trip of my life to date., I have met so many amazing new friends including staff and people from all walks of life and different countries, whom I will be in touch with for a life time, for that I also Thank you. If you are dreaming about your trip of a life time, look no further vist Tru experience TRavel

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I volunteered with Tru experience travel and did a 4 week road trip too. I visited Cambodia Thailand Vietnam and Laos. I have had the most amazing experience of my life. I was fully immersed in the community as described by the company. I made friends from all over the world and became very close with locals who were just the sweetest people on earth. I can not wait to head back in Feb with Tru Experience Travel again, I spent alot of time speaking with the director Hannah who is an absolute gem. She has been wonderful to me and all my calls and emails every second of the day lol. Thank you everyone.

What would you improve about this program?
There is always room for improvement, but not here its perfect, they have not tampered with the reality of the south east asian community they work with.
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My Gap Year in OZ

I spent a year in Australia Sydney. Tru Experience offered an intro week to Australia in Sydney. It was a fun filled week with a new group of friends all in the same boat, looking to work and travel in Australia. The intro week was laid back and fun visiting the harbor, party nights, secluded beaches and huts, and making amazing friends. My group was of 18 people from all over the world. The purpose of this intro to Aus was to give us a great week ready for our time in Oz. We set up bank accounts, mobiles , registered to job sites, there is an office we can go to anytime, to sort out cvs and apply for jobs.You make friends with your new crew in intro week, and set off to rent your new home together, the team also help you in the direction of places to rent. You become a member of a large job organisation across Oz where you are pretty much guaranteed to get a job,there are absolutely thousands, from bar staff to office work. The team are on the other end of the phone, or at the end of an email throughout your stay in Oz. If you want to work and Travel Australia I highly recommend this Intro week to Australia.

What would you improve about this program?
It would be great if the week could be 2 rather than 1. But nothing in the itinerary should be changed.