- Germany
- Munich
- Austria
- Innsbruck
- Italy
- Verona
- Switzerland
- France
- Paris
- England
- London
About Program
An ideal balance of visits to businesses, cultural landmarks, and free time for exploration. Designed for undergraduates and graduates who desire a maximal experience beneficial to both career development and personal goal achievement. Witness first-hand the varied cultures across cities in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, and the United Kingdom. Meet and network with business executives representing disciplines ranging from finance to logistics to marketing across several industries. Visit culturally significant sites with expert guides and enjoy ample free time to explore Europe at your leisure.
Visit 6 countries in 23 days.
Business Experience:
- Learn from business executives at global companies such as BMW, Riedel, Redoro and more.
- View international business practices in a variety of industries, including finance, business, marketing, and more.
- Experience an opportunity to network with global executives, like-minded students, and university professors.
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- Experience cultural activities, free time to explore, and a variety of European Cities
- Participate in city tours to see the most well-known attractions, including the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, and more
- Learn from business executives at global companies such as BMW, the World Trade Organization, and more
- View international business practices in a variety of industries, including: finance, business, marketing, and more
- Stay in 4-star hotels with front-lobby security