  • Thailand
    • Koh Tao
    • Chiang Mai
Fall, Spring
Subject Areas
Animal Science Biology Conservation and Preservation Ecology Health Sciences Life Sciences Marine Biology Oceanography Sustainable Development Wildlife Sciences

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
High School Diploma


Starting Price
Price Details
Our semester fee covers all tuition, travel, books, lab supplies, accommodation, and food for the whole semester. The only thing it doesn't include is international airfare and cash to shop at the craft markets! Financial aid is available, please talk to us about how we can make the semester work for you.
Oct 21, 2024
Sep 06, 2024
10 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Designed with pre-veterinary students in mind, our courses are small, hands-on, and taught by US veterinarians (DVM). Develop your veterinary skills with companion animals, elephants, sea turtles, and Asiatic black bears on site with our rescue shelter, wildlife sanctuary, and vet clinic partners. From the mountain valleys of Northern Thailand to island coral reefs of the south, join us to experience a beautiful country and culture while learning about the threatened ecosystems that support Southeast Asia's unique wildlife.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 7 reviews
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  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.75
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly a Semester to Remember!!

Studying abroad in Thailand on the veterinary science semester was one of the best decisions that I have made in my life and one that I would easily make over again if it was offered to me. From the moment I arrived in the country to the day the program ended, the staff on site were incredibly welcoming and supportive. Our first week was spent familiarizing ourselves with the home-base city, language, culture, and religion before we started on the veterinary medicine side of learning. We started with an intro level companion animal science course, which was beneficial to bring everyone up to the same level in terms of skills/knowledge before starting the more complex coursework with the other species. From there, we had quite the busy schedule over the remaining 10 weeks while working with elephants, sea turtles, zoo animals, reptiles, and scuba diving. Each course was held in a different part of the country so we would frequently have Saturday free with traveling on either Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. I enjoy staying busy so this schedule worked well for me, but I could see it being too much for someone that prefers more downtime. All in all, I feel like this program is an amazing option for pre-vet college students, but it really is what each individual student makes of it. The more you pay attention, demonstrate skills, and offer yourself as a volunteer, the more opportunities that will be offered to you and the more hands-on experience that you will receive!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers would be: “Don’t be afraid to say yes.” While studying abroad, there will be countless opportunities presented to you, many of which will more than likely be out of your comfort zone. While it is always important to be safe in situations, I find that I have had the most growth and best memories in moments that were initially out of my comfort zone or that initially made me nervous!
  • I am incredibly grateful for the ability to work with as many species as we did, especially those that otherwise wouldn’t be available to learn with in the US. I also really enjoyed that we as students got to assist with nearly all of the procedures as
  • The Advanced scuba dive certification was included in the program tuition, so we got to partake in 17 dives around the island of Koh Tao, which was an amazing and memorable experience!
  • Learning Thai was made super easy because we had a dedicated Thai language teacher working with us every day during the first week and then periodically throughout the entire rest of the semester. In this class, we learned about the language, culture,
  • There were some points in which the housing conditions were less than ideal, but looking back, it was just a part of the overall experience, and I don’t think that I would change a thing. However, in the moment, things such as no AC, no hot water for s
  • Thailand is full of mountains, which means that majority of the roads are super windy. As someone who gets somewhat easily carsick, I sometimes struggled on the longer drives or ferry rides to the project sites, even after taking Dramamine. If you are
19 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Pre-vet semester abroad

My semester abroad in Thailand was everything I had hoped for an more. The semester gave my the veterinary and animal experience I was looking for and introduced me to so many amazing people. The food and house was all very good and I felt safe the entire time I was there. I really enjoyed how we travelled around to different parts of Thailand for different courses and how Loop also took us to do cultural things. We got to spend a few weeks on Koh Tao scuba diving and learning about marine animals, we spent time up in the northern mountains doing a spay and neuter clinic, we went to south-west Thailand to stay at an elephant sancutary for a couple weeks to do an elephant course and much more. Everyone was so nice and willing to help and all our professors were very knowledgable about their subjects. Overall this program gave me a lot of new and different experiences that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else and exposed me to parts of veterinary medicine I didn't have prior experience with. I would definitely suggest doing a loop program to any pre-vet students.

106 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Words can't express...

There is never a day I don't wish I was back in Thailand living my dream thanks to Loop Abroad. I truly mean when I say it that this program fulfilled my bucket list goal of living in Thailand amongst elephants and becoming a part of such a beautiful country. Every day was an adventure, an adventure I got to experience in a truly traditional, ethical, never-forgetful type of way. I was in charge of my own adventures with the security of knowing that in case something went wrong, in case I got lost in the busy streets of Thailand, in case I didn't know what to do or what to explore, I had Loop Abroad at the push of a button to call for tips, help, advice, everything.
Loop really made the transition into such a different country very easy. We took a course the first week of the semester that helped us get accustomed to the traditions, food, religion, language, and way of life of Thai people. It was a good foundation to have knowing we would be spending 3 months in this country.
From every course we took, small animal to exotics and conservation, the instructors were very helpful and willing to work with you, give you tips and any information to help you succeed not only at the course in Loop but back home as well.
Working with elephants was the highlight of my trip. Working with them in an ethical way, meaning no riding, no shows, no negative punishment, only made my experience that much more amazing. I am a strong believer in the proper treatment of animals and Loop exceeded that expectation by working with organizations that do not exploit animals and truly care for their well-being.
As a group we traveled all over Thailand to work with a variety of species. From dogs & cats in Chiang Mai, to elephants in Kanchanaburi, to sea life at the island of Koh Tao. All our transportation was taken care of and we never had to worry about how to get somewhere or where we will sleep or what we will eat - Loop always made sure everything was organized & ready for their students.
What makes this program even more unique to me is the trust Loop has in their students. Yes, you get to work with amazing animals and on their website you can see all the things you get to do as a student so I will not repeat that. What shows how much they trust you to not only work with all types of animals but to be yourself is the fact that after our "work day" is done, we are free to do as we please. That can mean going for a massage, trying a new restaurant, exploring a new city, visiting elephant nature park, or anything you can possibly think of. We also get a "weeks vacation" where for a whole week you are free to do as you please. This can mean traveling around Thailand some more or even leaving the country like I did! Not only did I get to explore the beautiful country of Thailand, work with elephants and other exotics, but also travel around Asia while I was there - & there is no one to thank for that but Loop Abroad.
I cannot tell you enough how great this program is and how happy I am I got the opportunity to go, so I encourage you to do the same !

What would you improve about this program?
It is a little on the expensive side, so some type of funding, more scholarships, would be helpful.
109 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

As a pre-veterinary student, it was difficult finding a study abroad program that coincided with both my future career and travel goals - I wanted to experience a completely new culture but also knew that I needed to gain more veterinary experience. I almost gave up hope in finding the perfect program, but then I heard about Loop Abroad. Their semester program was exactly what I had been looking for, so I applied, and half a year later I was sitting on a plane en route to Thailand.
Over the course of 14 weeks, I learned about many aspects of veterinary medicine, conservation, and Thai culture. We spent time at a dog shelter, where we helped with surgeries and learned about a variety of essential veterinary skills (i.e. blood draws, physical exams, anesthesia, catheter insertions, 4Dx snap tests, etc.), and visited and worked at elephant sanctuaries where we learned about the fundamentals of elephant medicine and got lots of valuable hands-on experiences with exotics during our travels across the country. These are just some of the many areas of animal health and veterinary work that we touched upon.
The program takes you all over Thailand, where you get to experience the unique cultural aspects of the country as well as the various challenges that come with veterinary medicine. It was amazing being able to work with both Thai and American veterinarians, and I learned so many life lessons that shaped me into a more confident and independent individual. I hardly had any veterinary experience before embarking on the Veterinary Semester Abroad trip, but coming out of it I gained so much experience and appreciation for the field. I would do it again if I could, and I highly recommend this experience for anyone interested in pursuing the veterinary field.

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Avian and reptile physical exam
Yes, I recommend this program

Semester Abroad

I strongly believe if you are considering the veterinary field, you should expand your experience globally just because animals are everywhere in the world. What is a better way than to do a semester abroad with Loop Abroad?
Ever since I came back, I get asked a lot "how was it?" but I do not have a concrete answer for that. These are things that one must experience, and I encourage you to.
My experience was amazing, I met so many people that share the same ideas/ love for animals. I got to experience veterinary clinical settings for a great variety of animals. Those three months of experience went by really quick! We were busy all the time with hands-on activities or lectures.
One of my favorite courses was at the Chiang Mai Night Safari. We got to shadow Thai vets doing their daily routines in wildlife animals. Such a variety of animals reminded me why I went abroad in the first place.
I feel like I am a step closer to my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor of veterinary medicine. The program help me improving my technical skills as well as a better understanding of veterinary medicine.
Thailand stole my heart in the first few days I was there. Everyone is so welcoming and helped me feel like I was home. I really cannot wait to be back someday!

Please do not hesitate to contact me for specific questions or more feedback. I understand that this is a big decision and trust me, it is worth it!

106 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Education, Adventure, and Cultural Immersion!


My name is Kaitlin and when I applied for the semester abroad program was in my Junior year of my undergrad applying for the semester abroad of my spring semester senior year. I had known Loop Abroad in the past for two other programs and am well versed in their application process, Thailand programs, and in country policies.

First off, if you are looking for a program to gain veterinary experience, this is for sure for you! You will become proficient and confident in your ability to complete blood draws, IV catheter placements, canine intubation, surgical anaesthesia monitoring, pre operative physical exams, as well as general husbandry and care for canines and felines. As far as non companion animals go, you will get up close and personal with sea turtles, elephants, and zoo species. The education you receive on this trip is nothing short of amazing and something that I personally will never take for granted. it was an experience that I probably would not have gotten in the United States.

Even though this is a study abroad program, there are so many opportunities for adventure outside of your studies. You have weekends off when you are in Chiang Man, which is a large city with plenty of opportunities to do activities such as temple visits, orchid gardens, shopping, open markets, and karaoke bars just to name a few.

When you first arrive in Thailand; the first week is all about learning about Thailand and Thai culture. This covers all your bases such as ordering food in Thai restaurants, learning Thai food, basic vocabulary to buy items in markets, and how to order a red truck (taxi)! Thai people are so very nice and welcoming to expats that Chiang Mai will feel like a second home to you! So much so that when you leave to visit Koh Tao for the marine life course, or kanchanaburi for elephants world, that you will be homesick for Chiang Mai.

Overall this study abroad program changed who I am as a person, and who I am as a veterinary student. I can also say now, as a first year veterinary student at the Royal Veterinary College in London, that I do have a leg up on some students with the information that I gained from this program!

110 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Veterinary Semester Abroad Experience

If you are looking to prepare yourself for veterinary school, Loop Abroad is the perfect program to do so. I am now a junior Pre-Veterinary major in college, and before this program I had almost no hands on veterinary experience; Loop changed that for me! During my 3 months abroad I made some great connections with the students and staff, while expanding my knowledge/skills with courses connected to veterinary medicine.
The experience overall was so wonderful, I often have a hard time telling people what my favorite part was. Each course gave me something new to love about veterinary medicine, and just working with animals in general. We did a spay/neuter clinic where I learned how to intubate, place catheters, observe an anesthesiologist, and give vaccinations/medications to the local dogs and cats. We also spent a few weeks on the island of Koh Tao where we learned all about the marine ecosystem, and the conservation efforts of the local dive school. Almost every day we went out with the dive school and assisted them in their research; this consisted of snorkeling around coral reefs observing the marine wildlife (how cool is that?!) One of my favorite parts was going to the elephant sanctuary for 2 weeks. Elephants are my favorite animal and it was a dream come true to get up close and personal with them. I was able to vaccinate an elephant, administer medications and observe other veterinarians care for the elephants.
From this program I gained over 300 veterinary, research and animal hours, while learning about the culture of Thailand and making many friends along the way. This experience confirmed my passion for veterinary medicine and supplied me with more confidence in my abilities/knowledge for when I apply for vet school. The money was well worth it and I would highly recommend this program to anybody that is remotely interested in animals. Thailand was a home away from home thanks to Loop Abroad.

What would you improve about this program?
Only suggestion I would give to this program is more financial aid options; for example, instead of basing aid solely on household income, perhaps include an option where students can write essays for a scholarship.
102 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

I participated in the first ever semester of the program, at which time Loop Abroad was still working on getting credits to transfer to colleges. However, I was still able to get 5 credits transferred to my university by talking to my advisor (my transcript lists them as 'overseas study in zoology' credits). I showed her the semester syllabus and explained what I would be doing, and she was able...