  • Israel

Program Details

Apartment Hostel
Jul 06, 2018
May 19, 2016
14 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

OTZMA – It’s your life. Use it well.

OTZMA is the PREMIER ten-month-long, high-quality fellowship for college graduates, aged 20-26, which combines volunteering, leadership development training and internships in locations throughout Israel.

DEVELOP yourself as a future LEADER in your field, community and society with cutting edge leadership training seminars. Make a real DIFFERENCE to Israel through meaningful service and volunteering opportunities. EXPLORE the beauty and excitement of Israel- hands on!

Program Reviews

4.93 Rating
based on 55 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.73%
  • 4 rating 7.27%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.85
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 4.95
  • Value 4.9
  • Safety 4.95
Showing 25 - 32 of 55 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


It was a great program. So many activities that were really memorable for me. My favorite part was definitely spending time with the children at Ieladeinu. I really enjoyed making the crafts with the children and helping to organize their supply room. Overall this was a great experience and a trip that I would definitely recommend.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A wonderful, deeply rewarding experience

It's a cliche to say something is life-changing, but for me, Otzma truly was. I arrived in Israel several months after graduating college, excited for a break from school but uncertain about my plans for after the program. During the 10 months ahead, I would make rapid progress in Hebrew, and would be invited to return to Israel after the program to work for the organization I had interned at through Otzma. I ultimately stayed in Israel for three and a half years, becoming fluent in Hebrew and developing a deep and lasting bond with Israel and all the challenges it faces. I made wonderful friends who I am close with today, nearly eight years after I first landed in Israel, both among other Otzma participants and Israelis I encountered during the program.

Beyond the programming Otzma offers, it's also a wonderful opportunity to experience life overseas and to experience life after college. I learned a tremendous amount about myself - what I like, what I don't like, how to fend for myself in the post-college world, and so on. I came back to the States having been enriched professionally, culturally and personally, and am extremely grateful that I went on the program.

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Yes, I recommend this program


Otzma completely changed my life. I went from a Finance major in colelge to a professional in the Jewish communal world. I highly recommend this program to anyone that wants to better understand one's abilities, versatility, and ability to adapt.

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Yes, I recommend this program

More than your average Israel program.

I participated with Otzma 19 and had an amazing 10 months. The variety of experiences and people you are exposed to are incredible. We worked with Ethiopian immigrants, volunteered in schools and community services, and interned at different agencies. Throughout the year, Otzma organizes incredible trips and hikes all over the country and they also have access to different leaders/speakers/presentations that you would never be exposed to on any other program. I was really able to explore and learn about parts of the country that I would otherwise never be exposed to on a tourist vacation or other educational program. The program really tries to be well-rounded to accommodate everyone's interests and needs.

In addition to the experiences and learning opportunities, I made some of my best friends in life on this program. It really is a life changing 10-months that you will never forget.

If you are interested in traveling and volunteering after college, this program is a must.

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Yes, I recommend this program

OTZMA 2008

Like many other opportunities in life, the more you put in to it, the more you get out of the experience. I think between that, and coming with a very open mind and the mindset to be flexible really made OTZMA 2008 a wonderful experience. Every moment was a learning experience,and by shaking off the American mentality little by little, I gained a true taste of what the country had to offer. Additionally OTZMA itself was flexible and encouraged its participants to seek out opportunities. OTZMA offers a great and supportive platform and framework so you never feel alone, all the while pushing and encouraging to make our OTZMA experience our own.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Insightful Journey

For me, OTZMA was an incredible journey where I met some of my closest friends, was able to travel the beautiful land of Israel (including 'periphery' areas), volunteer in order to truly give back to underpriviledged communities, learn Hebrew as well as other relevant topics regarding Israel/Judaism through educational trips and workshops (politics, Judaism, education etc.).

OTZMA challenged every participant in different ways-- whether it was physically by climbing a mountain in the desert, mentally through an educational workshop, emotionally by visiting the Kotel, or spiritually by re-connecting with or expressing Judaism in a specific way as well as healing the soul through social justice.

OTZMA allowed for a great deal of independence and freedom yet provided a good structure and support system as any overseas program should. My time in Israel throughout those 10 months was rich with good memories and fulfilling experiences. It was hard to leave at the end... which is the reason why I made Aliyah and came back.

For me Israel embodies hope and OTZMA gives the 'power' (the meaning of the word 'otzma') for young Jewish adults to discover this hope all that Israel has to offer.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience and Incredible Opportunity

OTZMA is one of those experiences that has the potential to change your life. It was most definitely life changing for me, as I learned so much about Israel and myself throughout the amazing 10 months of experiences. One of the highlight of this program over the many Israel programs to chose from is it's variation. OTZMA has 3 distinct parts, as well as other seminars and trips that really give participants the tools to experience all of Israel- no barriers, no holds, and there are many different aspects to the program that give it a wholistic approach to Israel. There are some things on the program that even Israelis don't have the opportunity to do- like meet with Arab Israeli english students and have engaging discussions about Israel. The program has 3 main parts. The first part is what I would consider the get acquainted to Israel part, where you get to know everyone in the group really well, study a bit of Ulpan, start volunteering a little, and take lots of trips and educational seminars. This part really helped me prepare for the next 6 months ahead. The second part, my personal favorite, is the full time volunteering in a small city in the periphery. This is really such an amazing opportunity to live in some of these really small communities and to experience Israel on a whole new level that you ever had before. I was placed in Beit Shean, where my volunteering was unbelievably rewarding and had a tremendous impact on both the city of Beit Shean and my own life. In this part, it's really important for participants to take initiative and make the most out of living in these small communities. The people in these communities are so warm, and have so much to offer. It's really a tremendous experience. The 3rd part is an internship in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. I was in Jerusalem, and I loved it! I had a really great internship and lived with some of the best girls I know. Part 3 overall was a really nice chance to spend some time in the city after being in smaller communities throughout the year. Basically if you sign up for OTZMA you are should be ready for a year of amazing experiences, new friends and even family, and an incredible opportunity to learn about Israel, yourself, and give back to the communities. It's a great program to do post-college when you are at a cross-roads and unsure what to do. Trust me, OTZMA will help you figure out. As long as you have initiative and the ability to take advantage of the awesome opportunities presented to you, you are in for the best year of your life!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Otzma changed my life!

My experiences on Otzma changed my life in ways that I never expected.
My participation on Otzma was among the first cohort of participants in 1986-87. We were excited, enthusiastic and had no one to tell us what to expect. We were halutzim/pioneers.

In addition to living on kibbutz, learning hebrew and volunteering in a variety of settings, I also met the person who would become my husband and the father of my (now teenaged) children. At the time of our wedding we joked that when/if we had kids, they might be eligible to participate in Otzma 30 - and now, with our eldest heading to college in the fall, those prophetic words could become reality!

Our amazing year spent volunteering, learning, and deepening our connection and relationship to the people and the land of Israel, profoundly affected me and the direction that my life would take. I cannot recommend Otzma highly enough. If you are interested in being challenged in more ways than you can imagine - Otzma will change your life.

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