  • Palestine
1 to 13 weeks
General grants/scholarships

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Short Term Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Host Family Hostel
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30)
Travel Type
Budget Family Older Travelers Solo Women


Price Details
750€ Euro a Month
250€ Euro a Week

The program fees include: pre-departure support, accommodations with a host family, some of the Meals, full coordination while volunteering in Palestine, 3 hours per week of Arabic lessons, and some visits to different sites in the city of Hebron.
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Some Meals SIM cards Wifi
What's Not Included
Airport Transfers Some Meals Transportation Travel Insurance Visa
Jan 04, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
181 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

The Excellence Center/Engage in Palestine offers short-term volunteer & internship programs in the city of Hebron, West Bank, Palestine. Volunteers in Palestine will have the opportunity to work with Palestinian children, refugees, women, youth, university students & families, helping them practice conversational English, organizing workshops & teaching within Hebron’s vibrant community. These volunteering opportunities in the West Bank, Palestine are designed to be immersive, authentic and comprehensive.

Moreover, the center offers volunteer programs which mainly focus on the topics of human rights, women rights, Palestinian refugees, Palestinian culture and politics, Palestinian laws and legal system, & the political history and present situation of Palestine and Israel. Our volunteer opportunities are ideal for students & people who are looking for volunteer and internship programs in the summer time located in the area of the West Bank, Palestine, Israel, or the Middle East.

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Ethical Impact

With all our Arabic courses and volunteer programs, we aim to make a long term difference for the Palestinian local community through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”. Our programs and courses foster shared learning, for both our community and you. During your Arabic course, you will get to learn so much more than just the language. You will also get to learn a lot about Palestinian culture and customs and the political situation in Palestine. Additionally, you will have many opportunities while outside the classroom to practice your Arabic in a natural and authentic way while navigating your new life in Hebron. Your time with us in Hebron will also provide you with many opportunities of cultural exchange and mutual learning, both with local Palestinians as well as with our other international participants.

Program Highlights

  • Live in Hebron, including trips to the old city, holy sites, and local refugee camps.
  • Understand the political situation in Palestine.
  • Learn spoken Arabic from native speakers and embrace the opportunity to communicate with locals.
  • Contribute to the Palestinian local community
  • Travel to historical locations and nearby cities including Jerusalem, Jericho, Ramallah, Nablus and Bethlehem on your own.

Program Impact

Our Volunteer and Internship programs in the West Bank, Palestine, have been carefully researched, tailored, and designed to offer valuable insights into daily Palestinian legal affairs, Palestinian daily life, the educational system, Palestinian culture, Palestinian refugees, women's rights, and human rights. Our mission is to foster a meaningful, long-term impact on the Palestinian local community by promoting the exchange of ideas and encouraging participants to truly understand one another's perspectives.

Volunteering and interning in Hebron, West Bank, presents a unique and rewarding opportunity to create a positive impact not only on your own life but also on the lives of Palestinian children, refugees, women, youth, and community members in the region. Through genuine engagement and understanding, you can play a crucial role in contributing to the well-being and development of the West Bank, Palestine.

Popular Programs


Throughout the Palestinian Refugees Volunteer Program, you will be working directly with Palestinian refugees in the city of Hebron, West Bank. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work with Palestinian women, children, and youths in order to enhance each other’s skills, create mutual understanding, engage in language exchange and make a difference in each other’s lives. Volunteers will also have the chance to stay with a Palestinian host family, study colloquial Arabic, Engage


The Community Development Program in the West Bank, through Volunteer in Palestine is a unique opportunity to volunteer within the Palestinian community through local organizations. This program is for you if you wish to help Palestinian children, women, youth, Palestinian refugees in refugee camps and other community members in and around Hebron, West Bank.


The Media and Journalism volunteer program in the West Bank, Palestine is an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in giving a voice to Palestinians on the global stage. Volunteers in this program will help raise awareness of human rights and political circumstances within the West Bank, while also learning about ethical journalism practices.


The Medicine & Healthcare Program in the West Bank, Palestine will suit a wide range of potential volunteers, including medical professionals, pre-med students, med-school students, or those considering a career in healthcare. Under the supervision of local professionals, volunteers will gain valuable experience with the Palestinian healthcare system and the work of local hospitals, and the medical and healthcare specializations of the local universities.

Palestinian Children

The Women’s and Children’s Rights Program in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine is an excellent choice for those wishing to study or work in the field of human rights, women’s rights, children’s education, humanitarian or social work. This volunteer program also adds a cross-cultural context to the topic of women’s and Palestinian children’s rights in general, perfect for those looking for experience outside of the typical western context.

Teach English

Volunteer to Teach English in the West Bank program offers an eye-opening experience for those wanting to visit Palestine and engage with Palestinian youth, children, women, refugees, and community members in the city of Hebron. Volunteers will teach English to Palestinian students, either at the Study in Palestine Center or in local community development centers, Palestinian local schools, governmental or non-governmental organisations, and refugee camps.

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Program Reviews

4.81 Rating
based on 220 reviews
  • 5 rating 82.73%
  • 4 rating 16.36%
  • 3 rating 0.45%
  • 2 rating 0.45%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.65
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.65
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 220 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Healthcare Program

I was a bit nervous when I got to Hebron, but the volunteers and staff of the Excellence Center made me feel welcome and safe. The Arabic classes were helpful for me in basic communication and have inspired me to improve my Arabic. The environment in the center felt like home. The staff took us to different places, villages, and organizations to see how the community works together. I was surprised to meet a man who worked with and saw Banksy. The director of this organization was able to find places that needed help and I'm grateful that I was able to work and help with the Green Land health development organization and the Palestine Medical Relief Society(PMRS). I had fun and felt safe with the guys I lived with at the apartment and we had a pretty good time. The food was great and I still haven't had even of their delicious food. I have made some friendships here that I feel like that will last forever. My overall experience here was indescribable.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I was worry about drinking tap water, but it was safe for us to drink.
  • Everyone is welcoming at the centre and all the locals in Hebron
  • learning Arabic
  • The food
  • Language Barrier
  • it was hot(but only around noon)
1 person found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Salam Alexey!

Thank you for sharing your experience, Alexey! We're so glad to hear that you felt welcome and safe from the moment you arrived in Hebron, Palestine. It's wonderful that the Arabic classes were helpful and inspired you to continue improving your skills. We're delighted that the Excellence Center felt like home and that you enjoyed the various trips to explore the community.

We're especially pleased that you made lasting friendships during your time here. Your review means a lot to us, and we're thrilled that your overall experience was indescribable.

We hope to see you again soon, Alexey!

With kind regards from Palestine!

Soon to be a real hole
Yes, I recommend this program


My name is Sean Montgomery. I am from Carson City Nevada USA. I came to Palestine to volunteer for the people in the refugee camps, mainly teaching English to the children. I chose the "Excellence Center" because I liked the program activities they outlined for me to do during my stay here. The accomodations and hospitality far exceeded what I was expecting and the locals that work here are absolutely amazingly beautiful people. From the day I arrived to my departure they assisted me with everything needed. The dinner parties and memories we've made together will stay with me many years. Lots of peace and quiet at the apartment and I was blessed with the most colorful and entertaining roommates. It was very hard to say goodbye.
I've spent a month in Palestine and had the pleasure to travel to most of the major cities. I visited many refugee camps and taught in many schools. The kids loving energy was always the highlight of my days. By far it's been the most spiritual experience I've had in all my travels throughout the world. Never before have I felt so welcome and loved by everyone here. I am not exaggerating when I say that I felt more safe here than I do in my own City which is only a small fraction of the population. I have never before been treated with more respect and kindness out of the hundreds I've met during my stay here.
Before arriving I knew very little about this country and its history. I thought I had an idea of the current war with israel. I had no idea whatsoever. The information provided to us by the news is so far away from the truth it makes me sick. I was so deeply Disturbed to see how these kindhesrted people have been treated for the past 70 years, it occasionally brought tears, not being able to control my emotions. I wore a rubber band around my wrist to "snap out of it". Just earlier today I was on a public transportation van or "Servise" and a total stranger sitting across from me introduced himself with a warm smile and invited me for dinner in his house. This has been very common during my stay here. I've had the pleasure to sit with at least a dozen families in their house. Always feeding me as much as I could eat, giving so much trust and hospitality to a total stranger. It rips me apart inside when I think of the many live recorded videos I've seen from phones in the hands of innocent civilians that have experienced so much loss and trauma, yet still somehow hold their faith high above the hatred that has infiltrated this country like a black plague. I will not name it for everyone knows who I'm talking about. I tried my best to forgive and understand but after my first week here I was given to dark thoughts of bias and negativity towards their oppressors. It was the Palestinians themselves that helped me let go of that darkness for the good of my own soul. Regardless of this ever encroaching occupation, these people with such a strong faith that embraces them with love, teaching them to love others, these people have grown very strong, resilient and beautiful in spite of it all. I came here thinking I would help feed them, teach them and lift their hearts to yet now looking back, I see they were the ones that fed and taught me. I am forever changed. I even converted to their religion of Islam. How could I not? After seeing what it's done for them and myself. The world is so very wrong about Palestine and the Muslim belief. I only hope to express my personal experiences to my countrymen when I get home and I will be returning here as soon as possible. Just the thought of leaving them feels like abandonment and has brought many tears. Living in a city with a population more than a million, continually getting lost and helped by the locals, They never once tried to harm or Rob me but they surely stole a piece of my heart. I will surely be returning soon.

What was your funniest moment?
Every morning eating breakfast hearing stories shared by other volunteers
  • Food, people, learning Arabic from great teachers, history lessons, adventures in the city, meeting great like-minded people who also have a passion for helping other.
  • heat. next time will be in the winter
5 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Salam Sean,

We’re deeply moved by your experience and the impact it’s had on you. Your dedication to teaching and your openness to understanding the rich, yet challenging realities of life in Palestine are truly inspiring. It’s touching to hear how the warmth, kindness, and resilience of the people you met have profoundly influenced you, and we’re honored that the Excellence Center could be a part of this transformative journey.

Your insights into the hospitality and generosity of the local communities, as well as the emotional and spiritual growth you experienced, highlight the profound connections that can be formed through such immersive experiences. We’re grateful for your contributions Sean, and for sharing your story so openly and in details. The friendships you’ve made and the lessons you’ve learned will undoubtedly resonate in your life and work for years to come.

Thank you for your willingness to challenge preconceived notions and for your heartfelt commitment to bridging understanding. We look forward to welcoming you back whenever you’re ready, Sean. Safe travels, and we wish you all the best as you continue to share these valuable perspectives.

Kind regards from Hebron, Palestine

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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellence Center lives up to it’s name

My time in Palestine at Excellence Center was very insightful. I volunteered with teaching refugees and had a lot of fun with the kids, they were keen to learn and were very excited to meet new people from overseas.

Other than teaching, the center took us on tours to historical parts of the city and also some local factories.

Throughout the trip I never felt like I was in any danger. Hebron feels just like an average city in the Middle East except the people are even more welcoming.

Overall it was a great experience and I hope to come back one day, god willing.

6 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Salam Siraj,

We’re delighted to hear that your time at The Excellence Center was so insightful and enjoyable. It’s wonderful to know that you had a great experience volunteering with refugees and that the kids were enthusiastic and eager to learn, and we’re also very glad that you appreciated the tours to historical sites and local factories, which we hope added depth to your understanding of the region.

It’s also great to hear that you felt safe throughout your trip and found Hebron to be a welcoming city! Your positive feedback means a lot to us, and we look forward to the possibility of welcoming you back in the future. Thank you for sharing your experience, and we hope to see you again, inshallah Siraj.

Warm regards from Hebron, Palestine!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience in Palestine

I had such a wonderful time at the excellence center. It is hard to put into words how amazing this experience has been. Even though I only visited for a short time, it was such an incredible ten days. The Palestinian people are unlike any others; their generosity and compassion is beyond anything I have experienced. It was amazing to volunteer and meet the kids here too. They are so smart and fun and very eager to learn English. The opportunities here are endless and there are always ways to help and learn about the country.
Although international news and governments advise against travel due to safety, I have had no issues whilst being here. Please do not hesitate to come and visit and see this beautiful country!

What was your funniest moment?
My funniest moment might have been when I met someone in a shawarma shop and then got invited to his friend's wedding. It was so surreal but was such an incredible evening and I felt so lucky to be apart of the celebration. It shows how being open can lead to wonderful experiences.
  • The people
  • The place
  • The food
9 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Salam Victoria,

Many thanks for your heartfelt review! We’re thrilled to hear that your ten days at The Excellence Center were so impactful and that you found the experience both wonderful and meaningful. It’s lovely to know that you felt welcomed by the generosity and compassion of the Palestinian people and enjoyed volunteering with the eager and bright children. We’re glad you found so many opportunities to contribute and learn about the country.

Your positive feedback about the safety and your encouragement for others to visit is invaluable. It is nice to hear that you had no issues during your stay and appreciate your support in sharing this beautiful country’s true essence. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we hope to welcome you back in the future, Victoria!

Best wishes from Hebron, Palestine!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Enriching & Encompassing

I’m a female medical student who is interested in joining Doctors Without Borders after I graduate, and to hopefully be stationed in West Asia. This experience with PEC is foundational to that, even though this felt more a bit like an “orientation” because I’m unfamiliar with the Palestinian healthcare system. My only regret is that my Arabic wasn’t better before I came.

I loved being able to engage with the community and see the ins and outs of community infrastructure, especially for the robust and amazing disability services like the Blind School here in Hebron.

The directors are fantastic & great room accommodations :) Shokran ! A must-go!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Loz! Such an interesting legume-fruit
  • Great accommodations
  • Amazing hospitality
  • Great connections
  • Learning Arabic is hard
  • Could only be here for 2 weeks
21 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Thank you so much for your thoughtful review, Darya!

We are delighted to hear that your experience with PEC has been foundational for your aspirations with Doctors Without Borders and your interest in working in West Asia. It's wonderful that you were able to engage with the community and gain insights into the Palestinian healthcare system, even if it felt like an "orientation" at times.

Your appreciation of our local disability services, particularly the Blind School in Hebron, is heartening. We are proud of these community infrastructures and are glad you found them amazing.

We understand the challenge of navigating a new environment with limited language skills, and we commend you for your efforts. Your feedback is valuable, and we always strive to support our participants in every way possible, including language assistance.

Our directors and staff are thrilled by your kind words about the accommodations and overall experience. Shokran Darya! We hope to welcome you back in the future and wish you all the best in your medical career.

Warm regards from Hebron, Palestine!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Study Arabic & Volunteer

Great programme to learn Arabic and get a real immersion in a Middle Eastern Environment.
The 18 hours of Arabic lessons were spread over 2 weeks and were done one on one with the same teacher. This was great to learn fast and practice. I was surprised that I could learn the entire Arabic Alphabet and get started with conversational Arabic. Overall, very impressed with the quick progress over such a short period, and starting from zero.
While the classes were usually in the morning, the afternoons were used for volunteering activities, and included teaching english as well as Human Rights visits. The visits to specific areas of Hebron, the refugee camps and the villages were particularly impactful as it gets you to appreciate better the situation in Palestine.
It was really great to be in an environment with other students/volunteers and to share experiences together. We also spent the weekend travelling together to Jericho and the Dead sea. And while I was significantly older than the rest of the group, I could connect well with everyone and had great fun with the group.
I was initially worried about traveling to Palestine but had a very smooth entry at Tel Aviv Airport and a smooth travel onward to Hebron. Living in a shared appartment with other volunteers was fun and made it easier to understamd how things work. I also enjoyed the opportunity to try the delicious (and affordable) Palestinian food. I did not know what to expect when I travelled to Palestine, and I am leaving with incredible memories of a super friendly and welcoming nation. I am sure I will stay connected with the Palestinian and International friends I made in Hebron.
A great experience!

  • Super fast and efficient language learning
  • Indredibly friendly people (both locals and other students/volunteers)
  • Eye-opening visits to learn about Palestine
  • Not really a "con"... but be prepared to experience a different way of doing things. It's sometimes a little chaotic and very spontaneous. Don't expect a plan at the beginning, with an agenda for every day...So, relax and learn to live with less structure
  • Be aware that sometimes the Istraeli authorities might stop you and check your documents. It can be quite intimidating.
62 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Salaam Yannick,

Reading about your positive experience with the Arabic immersion program in Hebron is truly heartening. Your ability to master the Arabic alphabet and engage in conversational Arabic after just 18 hours of one-on-one lessons is nothing short of impressive.

Furthermore, the integration of Arabic classes with volunteering activities, such as teaching English and participating in Human Rights visits, adds a valuable dimension to your experience. These activities not only deepen your understanding of the local culture and community but also provide opportunities for meaningful engagement and contribution. The visits to specific areas, including Hebron, refugee camps, and villages, have offered you a firsthand perspective on the situation in Palestine, making your immersion experience even more impactful.

Your description of forming connections with fellow students/volunteers and enjoying shared experiences, both in Hebron and during weekend travels, underscores the sense of camaraderie and community fostered by the program.

Yannick, we sincerely thank you for sharing your review with us. We wish you all the best and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you in Palestine in the near future.

Warmest greetings from Palestine!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Community Development Program/Excellence Center Review

Coming to the Excellence Center, I was drawn to the center’s mission statement of promoting cultural exchange, advocacy, and educational development through direct engagement with the people of Palestine.Upon my arrival to the center and Palestine, I was welcomed to a week's worth of engaging Arabic lessons taught by local educators in small-form classes. I greatly appreciated the welcoming environment created by my teachers and found the lessons to be especially helpful in my acclimation
to living in Hebron and my Arabic studies.
The quality of your experience with the Excellence Center will be determined by what you make of it, so I suggest entering this place with a plan, or alternatively, an open and eager mind. You will be given the opportunity to create your own lesson plans for dynamic classes of students and teaching environments, put in contact with local activists and working professionals, and you will also have access to a vastly diverse group of alternating international volunteers to befriend and/or work with throughout your time here.
People in Hebron were majorly welcoming and engaging. A day did not pass where I wasn’t offered a cup of tea and coffee, or a nice conversation with a complete stranger. I leave the center and Hebron excited to return some day soon, reinvigorated to continue supporting the Palestinian cause, and to live in Palestine once again.

  • Learn arabic
  • Wonderful people (staff, people in Hebron, students from the center)
  • Local culture
  • Sometimes a little chaotic and very spontaneous
72 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Hi Farah,

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience at the Excellence Center in Palestine. Your review truly highlights the essence of this remarkable place and its mission.

Your advice to approach the experience with a plan or an open and eager mind is valuable. The Excellence Center seems to offer a unique blend of structured opportunities and room for personal growth, allowing participants to shape their experiences according to their interests and goals. Creating lesson plans and interacting with local activists and professionals must have been enriching experiences.

Farah, thank you for sharing your inspiring journey, and I hope your review encourages others to embark on similar meaningful experiences at the Excellence Center and in Palestine. Your words beautifully capture the essence of cultural exchange and the power of human connection in fostering understanding and solidarity.

With kind regards,

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Yes, I recommend this program

Community Development

The EC in Palestine offers a unique opportunity to experience a misunderstood region of the world. The EC is a Great place to experience the Arab world for the first time, and the international presence in the community is invaluable. Not only can internationals overcome the stereotypes and misconceptions about the region, but also the community here greatly appreciates your presence. Not only are you sharing skills like English or practical skills about life outside the area, but also more internationals need to come here in order to understand the truth about Palestine. Hebron is a safe city. The EC offers support through staff and other internationals to give you a safe place to live and a safe place to work. But also, strangers on the street are kind, helpful, and eager to meet and talk with internationals. Don’t be surprised when they invite you to dinner with their family! The Arabic classes and teachers are invaluable, especially if you come with a basic understanding of the language ahead of time. The center is very social, and you are guaranteed to make new friends and connections from all around the world- Canada to Taiwan and everywhere in between. It is most certainly a community center, and it is always very lively. There are some disclaimers though. These internships are better for people who are self driven and want to take initiative. These internships are not for people who expect everything to be done for them- be ready to come and make decisions and e proactive. Sometimes it can feel like there is a lack of structure in day to day processes, and it is because the EC is very flexible and fluid with everything. It can be hard for westerners, who are used to rigid schedules, to overcome the freestyle and relaxed time orientation of Arab culture and the center. Some may also be surprised by the reluctance and scrutiny of the Israeli authorities when it comes to traveling to the West Bank. Sadly, Israel tends to discourage travel here mostly because what people experience here goes against what they want the international community to believe. However, your presence is highly valuable and beneficial to the community here.

In conclusion, the city is safe, the center is a lovely place, you can make an impact of a community in need, and you have so much to learn about life, culture, and language in Palestine.

  • Excellent teaching
  • Breakfast Everyday
  • The community
  • Security and border control at the airport
  • Lack of structure
72 people found this review helpful.
Response from The Excellence Center

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for sharing your insightful and comprehensive review of the Excellence Center (EC) in Palestine. Your words provide a valuable perspective for anyone considering an experience in this region.

You've rightly emphasized the uniqueness of the opportunity the EC provides to understand and appreciate a region that is often misunderstood. It's heartening to hear that the international presence in the community is regarded as invaluable and that it allows individuals to break down stereotypes and misconceptions about the area. Your point about the community's appreciation of internationals is a testament to the positive impact that participants can have while sharing their skills and experiences.

Your description of the Arabic classes and the diverse global community at the EC highlights the educational and social aspects of the experience. It's evident that participants have the opportunity to learn, grow, and build lasting connections.

Daniel, thank you so much for sharing it. We hope to meet you in the future in Palestine

With kind regards,

Questions & Answers

The people you'll meet in Hebron have for the most part lived in the area for several generations (some for 100s of years). So no, people in Hebron are not fleeing their home country. Just the opposite in fact: They're committed to their home country, and they're enjoying life in the face of the difficult situation they've been put into.

I don't know for certain what the age limits are, but when I was there I met people from their early twenties to seventies. You don't need to have teaching experience as far as I know. They seem very willing to work with whatever level of experience you have. It is helpful to know some Arabic before you go. I didn't know any and it was difficult at times, especially with my host family, but not...

Hi, thanks for reaching out! We don't have the details on our site for classes. To learn more we recommend contacting the program provider directly to learn more! This helpful link will take you right to their contact info: http://excellencenter.org/contact-us/.

Hi, great question! The monthly fee to participate in the program is $695 (U.S.$). Anything extra you save can go to personal spending and exploring the area! For an estimate of how much you should bring for personal spending we recommend contacting the program provider more details, which you can do here: http://excellencenter.org/volunteer-in-palestine-2/.