High School Abroad in Scotland

With its rolling hills, gorgeous golf courses, friendly locals, and the most adorable Highland cows you'll ever see, Scotland is a popular place for high school students to spend time studying, traveling, or volunteering abroad.

As the native language of Scotland is English and its cultural proximity is close to that of the United States, high school students will find adjusting to this destination very easy, despite being so far from home.

High School Exchange

Scotland has many opportunities for high school students to fully immerse themselves in Scottish culture while making friends from all over the world.

Through these programs, students will attend high school in Scotland. Whether at a local school or an international school for teens, students will gain a different perspective on life through education in another country.

Summer Programs

Whether you are interested in creative writing, science, or the history of Scotland, high school students have the opportunity to get a taste of university life while enjoying a Scottish summer through summer programs.

Through these 4-week summer opportunities, students will get to experience life on a college campus, live in a dorm, and explore the local lifestyle of Scotland.

Teen Travel Program

Teen travel programs are always a fun way to explore an entire country while learning about it. Whether a spring break or summer option, students will be given the opportunity to explore all of the great highlights Scotland has to offer.

Through teen travel programs, students will meet other students from all over the world while experiencing a culture different to their own. Programs like these are usually filled with outdoor adventures where students can enjoy a hands-on learning style instead of working in classrooms all day. You can also ask a teacher from your school lead a group.


No visa is required for stays under 90 days but anything longer will require a student visa. Depending on the type of program you chose, assistance with visas may be provided.

If not, and you are under the age of 18 you are required to have a child visitor visa which allows you to study for up to six months. Anything longer will require an extension, which is typically a very simple process.


Most summer programs allow students to get a first-hand look at dorm life! Students will live in a shared room with a cafeteria on a high school or university campus. This gives students the chance to meet dozens of new friends from all around the globe.

Teen travel programs will use a combination of hostels or hotels. High school exchanges will pair students with a homestay family to live with during their time abroad.


Scotland isn't the cheapest of destinations, but manageable with a solid budget. Flights should be around $600 - 1,000 depending on your home airport, and program costs can range from $3,000 to $5,000 depending on the length and type of program.

Although housing and in-country transportation are typically included in program fees, students should budget 35 to 50 pounds per day -- 50 being on the high end of the spectrum -- for the duration of their stay.

Packing Tips

It really doesn’t matter the time of year, Scotland is always chilly. Most of the time, it is cloudy and wet with very little sun, so be sure to pack:

  • A jacket
  • A rain jacket (or shell)
  • Umbrella
  • Good layers to keep you warm, even in the summer time
  • Good walking shoes (waterproof if possible)

There are no vaccines required to study in Scotland or any major health concerns to be aware of.


In Scotland, the overall crime rate is steadily decreasing -- not that it was all that high to begin with. It's a very safe country and parents can relax with the knowledge that the Scottish people are known for their friendliness and that students will be safe.

Just beware of pickpocketing in crowded destinations like you would anywhere.

Contributed by Brittany Gibson

High School Abroad Programs in Scotland

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