  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
8 weeks
Accounting Arts Business Communications Education History Life Sciences Marketing Performing Arts Sports Science
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Weekly Hours


What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Some Meals Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Nov 27, 2023
Nov 09, 2019
2 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Stand out in today’s competitive job market by participating in a summer internship in Cape Town. An internship in Cape Town gives you the skills to communicate across cultures, thus giving your resume the extra edge.

When you’re not working up to 32 hours per week at your internship placement, you’ll have time to explore local gems like Greenmarket Square, Old Biscuit Mill, and the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens (a natural UNESCO World Heritage Site). You’ll also have the advantage of South Africa’s beautiful climate and geography by hiking Table Mountain, visiting Lion’s Head, hanging out with the penguins at Boulders Beach or walking along the scenic shores of Camps Bay. All of this is possible when you spend a summer in Cape Town.

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Diversity & Inclusion

LGBTQIA+ Support

Today, and every day, we celebrate who you are and who you will become. We take pride in simply getting to know you, and look forward to adventuring through this incredible world with you.

Studying abroad as part of the LGBTQIA+ community can present unique opportunities and challenges in exploring a new culture, so we have compiled resources on sexual orientation, gender identity, and allyship to help prepare you and support you along the way.

Neurodivergent Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.

Accessibility Support

Going abroad, whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, can be a trip both literally and figuratively. Seeing something new or being someplace unfamiliar has its own challenges, especially when it comes to mental health and physical accessibility. With IES Abroad, you won't handle these concerns on your own.

We have not only compiled resources on mental health, physical health, and self-care to help prepare you and support you along the way, but we also have a dedicated Student Affairs staff that are available for you to contact from the United States and once in your host country.



As part of IES Abroad's Global Good Commitment, IES Abroad employs sustainability measures in the following ways:
-Moving toward more sustainable Headquarters and Centers abroad
-Producing printed materials mindfully
-Hosting events and conferences in LEED-certified buildings
-Purchasing carbon offsets for staff air travel
-The formation of the IES Abroad Sustainability Team - a dedicated group of volunteers responsible for implementing sustainable practices across our organization. The team comprises of members across our Centers, departments, teams. It is truly a global effort, and we are better for it.

Program Highlights

  • Land an internship within a field or sector that matches your professional interests.
  • Live with other IES Abroad interns in a shared apartment or house located in central Cape Town.
  • Join IES Abroad-organized field trips to discover the traditions and culture of South Africa beyond the city.
  • Participate in a three or six-credit internship seminar, which involves discussion and examination of cultural issues in and outside the workplace.
  • Prepare for your international placement through our support services, which include improving your cover letter and and interview skills.

Popular Programs

student standing on the rooftop of a building with the Cape Town skyline behind them

An IES internship in Cape Town develops your professional skills, your ability to communicate across cultures, and provides substantive work experience to jump-start your career in today’s competitive job market. You’ll be guaranteed a summer internship in Cape Town, where you’ll work up to 32 hours a week at a local business or organization. We will work with you to find the closest placement match between your professional and personal goals with what’s available for internships in Cape Town.

Program Reviews

4.33 Rating
based on 3 reviews
  • 5 rating 33.33%
  • 4 rating 66.67%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.35
  • Support 4
  • Fun 4
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.35
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Go Abroad!

My summer interning abroad with IES was an essential growing period for me. As a Ghanaian-American in Cape Town, I learned so much about myself and my continent. I gained a better understanding of the legacies of colonialism, classification, and the inheritance of racism. Additionally, through my internship at the internationally renowned Groote Schuur Hospital, I was able to observe and expand my knowledge of South Africa’s healthcare system. My time in South Africa grew my level of independence and showed me that I could be whoever I wanted to be, whenever I wanted. Additionally, it has increased my curiosity regarding other African countries. Though in my case, Cape Town had a huge role in the culmination of my experience, traveling to any country that is not your own, is a breathtaking and necessary experience. Go!

What would you improve about this program?
I would improve the level of continued involvement of the program administration with the summer interning students.
97 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Perspective

Throughout my whole two months interning abroad in Cape Town, South Africa my experience was an adventurous and challenging one. I was able to expand my cultural knowledge on and learn information about different types of townships and their history. In addition, I grew on a personal note by learning how to be more patient and adaptable to a more laid-back work environment where the main priority is based on sustaining and building relationships. On a professional level, I gained more practice with my communication skills, self-motivation, adaptability and computer skills. I definitely did experience a lot of moments when I would feel homesick, but to help overcome these moments I would just hang out with friends and call my family. And of course, when it was time to leave to go back to the States I was not ready. However, I do know that I will be visiting again!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate while in Cape Town, South Africa would have to be a sheep's head for me. I watched the sheep's head get chopped off and then fried on a wooden stick over a fire pit. It was a very interesting and memorable experience for me.
101 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A City Surrounded By Mountains

Cape Town was nothing like I expected. The city was completely surrounded by mountains. I climbed Lion's Head and rode a cable car in order to reach the top of Table Mountain. Both times, the views at the top left me breathless. I am not much of a hiker, but hiking up at least one of the mountains is a must!

There were many cultures that came to reside in Cape Town and so many different cuisines to try. I enjoyed Cape Malay food the best, and I highly recommend going to Bo-Kaap, a former township in Cape Town. I was also able to visit Robben Island, one of the prisons that Nelson Mendlon was incarcerated in. It was an eye-opening experience because one of our tour guides was imprisoned on the island and spoke a little about his time there. The rich history in Robben Island and in South Africa as a whole was taught to my peers and I through a course and overtime during our time there.

My internship placement taught me so much more about not only South African culture but also the culture of neighboring nations. South Africa is known as the Rainbow Nation, and I understood the label once I started at my internship. There were so many clients from different countries that came to South Africa with the same sole purpose of bettering their own lives and their families. I was able to learn so much through the people I met and the places I saw.

101 people found this review helpful.

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