Multiple Locations +2
  • Vietnam
  • Rwanda
Merit-based funding

Program Details

Year Round
Host Family Hotel
Weekly Hours


Starting Price
Price Details
Our Global Clinical Internships are flexible year-round. The 4-week base price includes the tuition ($1,036) and most in-country logistics ($1,790). Each additional week costs $580 extra.
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals Travel Insurance
What's Not Included
Airfare Some Meals Transportation Visa
Jun 30, 2022
Oct 08, 2018
21 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Our health elective in Rwanda and Vietnam for international students in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and other health sciences offer a variety of preclinical, clinical, global health, and research opportunities at Rwandan and Vietnamese hospitals and host organizations. Placements are tailored to your qualifications and interests. Clinical rotations are particularly available to final-year medical students who desire to meet their medical school elective abroad requirements.

Host sites include university teaching hospitals, other selected urban and rural hospitals and health centers, as well as public health-related NGOs.

Custom placements are available year-round, with flexible durations (minimum 4 weeks).

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GEI’s work explicitly supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a plan of action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. At its core, it focuses on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of critical importance for humanity and the planet. We share the 2030 Agenda’s vision of a sustainable world – a world where all people can live productive, vibrant and peaceful lives on a healthy planet. Our purpose is to unleash the catalytic impact of international education, engagement, and exchange to address key challenges set out by the SDGs. To do so, we blend research, education, training, and innovative practical solutions that support transformations toward sustainability.

Program Highlights

  • Combine a highly relevant global work experience with professional skills development, global change leadership competencices development, and cultural immersion.
  • Work with African or Asian colleagues and develop your intercultural communication skills, confidence and adaptability.
  • Gain new insight through a unique African or Asian perspective on healthcare in developing countries.
  • Explore the progress and challenges towards development of an African or Asian success story.
  • Broaden your personal and professional network, and build lasting international friendships.

Popular Programs

GEI Global Custom Internship (Vietnam)

Our multi-disciplinary custom internships enable you to develop and apply your theoretical and practical knowledge in a supervised placement. You are matched with a local host organization according to your level of study, existing skills and desired fields. A specific internship plan is developed in advance of each placement. Academic credits are available, and you will be expected to complete some key course requirements. 4 U.S. credits are available.

GEI Global Virtual Internship (remote)

Given our deep roots, networks, resources, and expertise with internships, we have added remote opportunities in Rwanda and Vietnam to our portfolio and developed a highly successful structure and support environment. Students are matched with a local host organization and typically carry out concrete project or research tasks. A variety of local and intercultural activities as well as engaging interdisciplinary modules enrich the experience.

GEI Sustainable Development: 3-Week Field Course

Rwanda | Vietnam
This course allows you to embark on a transformative journey to develop your personal leadership story – and the core competencies that you'll need as a future global change leader for sustainable development.

Acquire the skills, knowledge, and understanding to address the planet’s most pressing challenges in a holistic way. And dive deep into the life and culture of a community in a very different part of the world.

GEI Certificate in Global Engagement

GEI’s Global Engagement Certificate is designed to help students develop skills, knowledge, and understanding to prepare them for leadership and engagement in our global society. We use an interdisciplinary approach and a unique combination of coursework and co-curricular experiences, both online and onsite at our program locations in Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa, and Vietnam.

-> 1 virtual course + 1 international field course + 1 international internship

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 4 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 5
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A journey of personal growth

I was attached to the clinical psychology department of Huye Isange Rehabilitation Center, which is a rehab facility for people with drug addiction. During that 2 months, I picked up some of the duties of clinical psychologist, such as conducting psychotherapy session and psycho-education. Throughout the process, I was closely supervised by the psychologist in the center, which allowed me to have a fingertip sense of being a psychologist.

By listening to different life stories, I realized that history does play an important role in one psychological makeup, and it's hard for one to truly know others' feeling. A vivid example is a patient, who witnessed genocide when he was a little child, told me that he still has fear reaction when he sees someone carrying a machete; but that is not the case for a foreigner. This is a valuable lesson of not assuming you know one's feeling, but by constant dialogue, we strive to understand their feeling.

Overall speaking, the whole journey is a life changing experience.

Travelling tips
- Try to immerse yourself in the culture, such as learning Kinyarwanda, visiting different museum, or even attending celebration event (e.g. umuganura day, assumption day)
- Most of the Rwandans are friendly and like talking to foreigner, be open to that kind of experience
- Some of the cities might have shortage of water or electricity supply (like few hours), be ready to that
- Motor bike is one of the common traveling means, it is mostly safe in city
- Try to negotiate the price when you are buying something from a market (but not supermarket)
- Find creative ways to overcome language barrier, since people from the old generation used to speak in Kinyarwanda and French

116 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Journey to Rwanda !

My first week apart of the FXB Program has been overall rewarding, I am both hopeful and optimistic to be apart of a program that hears the needs directly from the community and allows the community to address those needs. My internship began on Monday, June 9th, 2018, on this day I met the trained professionals who are mastering this approach. My colleagues were reconvene with a booster session held by Shauna the supervisor after her return from a visit to the states. While being apart of this briefing I became more aware of the importance of momentum and keeping the families going. Here I learned we are seeking their improvement as well as acknowledging the effectiveness of the community based volunteers. Very egear, my colleagues and Shauna shared the value of perseverance and productive feedback.

When identifying how feasible the project is now and how it will grow in the future I am hopeful because alliances will continue to build throughout the Rwandan community and differing needs will be addressed through peer support and academic guidance. During my first week at FXB I had the opportunity to go into the field/ village of Uganda and be apart of a community based volunteer (CBV) group discussion with Stephanie and Shauna . Here each participant shared a success and failure from their previous home visit, this is instrumental to the effectiveness of the home intervention because they were able to share and acknowledge each families experiences both good and bad

124 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Global Mental Health Internship in Rwanda

I was able to secure a month long internship in Rwanda as a medical elective during the month of April. This month was really special to me not only in developing professionally by exploring the psychiatric topics in depth and practicing my psychiatric interviewing skills, but also due to the timing of April being the national commemoration month. I feel GEI was able to excellently accomodate all my objectives within the limited time I had with the program. I learned about a different culture, while working in the field of psychiatry. The local GEI team also helped me coordinate weekend trips to nearby cities (Nyungwe Forest, Gisenyi- a beautiful town on Lake Kivu), which allowed me to explore other parts of Rwanda.

I truly enjoyed all the time I spent with everyone, from the hospital professionals to my host family. On one of my very first weekends in Rwanda, my host cousins accompanied me to Amohoro stadium to attend the national commemoration event and even translated word for word what the speaker and witnesses were saying. My experience there could not have been more powerful. I highly recommend going if you're there during the event. GEI did a wonderful job with my homestay placement and I strongly encourage future interns to stay with a local Rwandese family.

I will be a psychiatry resident in a couple of months and this experience has only made me more excited and enthusiastic about the direction of the field.

-Most people speak Kinyarwanda, just like with any culture, they really appreciate your efforts in learning their language! (French is also commonly spoken)
-Travel the local way-especially visiting other cities. I've met many friendly Rwandans who went out of their way to help me and sometimes taking the scenic route is the best way to explore!
-Try the small fried fish (Isambaza) in Gisenyi, a local favorite and one of my favorites!

114 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning to see and hear

There is a real difference between looking and seeing. Just as there is between listening and hearing.

My internship in a psychiatric centre in Rwanda really let me explore these differences. We can look at mental health care without seeing what it achieves, what is gained, or what is being missed. We can listen to peoples stories without hearing the deeper meaning for that individual. By allowing myself to be immersed in the environment at the centre, in their values, practice and looking and listening beyond the surface to the reasons behind practices and procedures meant I could not only make the most of my learning but also allowed any suggestions or concerns to come from an informed, reflective and ultimately respectful and helpful place.

Equally, I felt that the staff and patients truly saw and heard me. This mutual respect led to an open, collaborative and mutually beneficial learning and practicing environment as well as to friendships that will last a lifetime.

In terms of the GEI team, they always saw if we needed extra support and heard any concerns or feedback we had and worked conscientiously and effectively to resolve any concerns.

Thank you Rwanda, for giving me the opportunity to see and hear all you have to offer during my internship and for opening my eyes and ears to new ways to approach mental health care.

120 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Dear Odilon, Our internship program in Rwandan mental health institutes represent a customized placement according to your skills, interests and the host organization' needs. In addition the price you pay to GEI for this program also covers housing, pre-program interviews, on-site orientation, supervision from the University of Rwanda and 24/7 support from our local coordinators. Location in...