What is your favorite travel memory?
My trip to Gili Air with the volunteer programs family because it was the first time that I left Bali. I really enjoyed all the different activities such as the recycling and help the kids from the Gili school.
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
I think one of the biggest factor in being a successful company is teamwork. In my opinion, always being present to help each other. Communication is also an important point of success in a company.
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
Since I joined Volunteer Programs Bali I've really changed. For example, I'm more rigorous, I'm better in time management and I feel very responsible because VP Bali gives a lot of professional opportunities -- which is something that I really like. I've also improved my English skills because I'm always speaking English with the staff and the volunteers.
What unique qualities does your company possess?
What is unique about Volunteer Programs Bali is the perpetual exchange with people from different countries with different visions and skills. I can learn from them to improve my own work. VP Bali is also a unique atmosphere -- it is always cheerful and fun!.
Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.
The moment that has made me feel especially proud is when someone from my village asks me about my job and I explain that although I'm still studying -- I have a part time job at Volunteer Programs Bali. I explain what the job is and what we're doing, and people are always very happy and impressed by what we're doing for the kids and my own professional development, too.
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
There are a lot of good stories but what I really enjoy is the exchange between me and the volunteers. We swap stories about their backgrounds compared to mine. The volunteers are always surprised about the high quality of my English skills. I'm truly touched by their kind words.