Employment Type
Contract Length
1 Year+
Student Level
Elementary Middle School High School

Job Qualifications

  • fluent knowledge of English
  • qualifications to teach Biology and/or Chemistry and/or Geography
  • no criminal record

Job Benefits

  • job contract for at least 2 years
  • 20-26 days of paid vacation per year
  • health insurance
  • MultiSport programme
  • trainings, courses and workshops
  • support in organizing your work permit/residence card, etc.

Company Description

Cracow International School, an international, bilingual primary school and high school, is a multinational educational unit allowing students to follow Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Secondary and As/A levels programmes. We are looking for subject techers to join our team starting from mid August.

Job Description

Cracow International School, an international, bilingual primary school and high school, is a multinational educational unit allowing students to follow Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Secondary and As/A levels programmes. We are looking for subject techers to join our team starting from mid August.