Ninja Teacher TEFL Courses

Ninja Teacher

Why choose Ninja Teacher?

Ninja Teacher was founded in 2013 with the goal of making it easy to start teaching English in Asia. We're since grown to be a leading teach abroad company with over 1000 alumni who have taken our programs in Vietnam and other countries in Asia.

At Ninja Teacher Academy we offer TEFL courses in Vietnam and online. Our Vietnam classroom TEFL course includes 4 weeks of in-class training, practical teaching hours, job placement assistance, and more! Our online TEFL is a highly video-based course where you learn by watching recorded training sessions from our experienced trainer with a Master's in Education from Harvard.

We pride ourselves on our community, and work hard to create an environment that produces enthusiastic, well-trained teachers who are ready to enter the market here in Vietnam (and around the world).

With our monthly programs typically filling up in advance, we encourage you to reach out soon for more information about getting started!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing support and course

The ninja teacher course is a great choice if you want to be prepared to teach english and get settled in Vietnam. The course itself is taught by amazing and inspiring teachers. They teach us how to teach english in fun thought provoking ways that bring the class together. After the course the job team led by the AMAZING Chi guide you smoothly from the course to a job. They even give plenty support after the course and guide you through things like setting up bank accounts and what to look out for when applying for business visas. The community that this program fosters is very meaningful, especially as someone who never even visited Vietnam before.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
During the course we have to do solo teachings. Going to a new class of kids to apply what you learn in the course is terrifying at first, but once the lesson gets going you start to feel more confident.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ninja Teacher TEFL

I came into this course with no teaching knowledge nor experience. After the 4 weeks were finished I had learned an incredible amount of information teaching to young learners and adults. The course also presents you with multiple opportunities to observe and teach classes at local centers before you finish the course. I found this extremely helpful to see the reality of how classes are structured and what is expected of the teacher. The teacher trainers at Ninja Teacher provided quality support from day 1 and are still available to the Ninja Community, if needed, beyond course completion

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great way to restart life

My classmates were all running from something but found a new home in this program

Thor and mattalyn were great classmates and overall everyone was awesome to be around

The cost is minimal and the time is minimal for the overall reward but it is an intense session that will leave you exhausted once completed. I'm not sure where else you would go if not for Ninja Teacher. They did everything before hand to make it all as easy as possible.

My only regret is not doing this sooner. I've got little for me back in the states

What was your funniest moment?
Watching my classmates not hold down their alcohol. Vietnam drinks are strong and American girls think they can handle it lol!
Hint: M;)

  • fast
  • value filled
  • straight forward
  • none
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Yes, I recommend this program

Be a Ninja

From top to bottom, this course was worth it. I learned so much about teaching that I didn’t know, I met so many people that helped me out and I got set up for a job I’m very happy with.

Before the course even started, they helped me get everything ready to go for the move to Vietnam. To have a structure and system in place is what gave me the piece of mind that I needed to make the leap.

I recommend Ninja teacher to anyone and I recommend that you take the leap.

Shoutout to Alex, Chi, Miranda and Sadie! Thank you all🙏🏻

What was your funniest moment?
Too many memories. I have some new very close friends after this program. Brothers that I’m grateful for.
  • Organization
  • Learning
  • Set up for success
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ninja Teacher TEFL Course

Hands down, the best academic and professional decision I have made in the past decade was to enroll in the Ninja Teacher Academy TEFL program. From Miranda's facilitation in getting us prepared, Chi's all round support and wizardry in making our transition from newbies to qualified teachers a seamless affair, to Sadie's incredible teaching skills and patience in moulding us into educators who will not crumble under any potential pressure while showing us the paramount importance of dedication and preparation; all under the watchful and kind stewardship of Alex, Ninja Teacher is a no brainer for any folks who wish to teach in Vietnam.

It is invaluable in aiding in that transition, creating a network, working closely with other teachers in training, gaining first hand experience, and being part of a well respected alumni. My experience with Ninja Teacher will not only serve me well while in Vietnam, but has provided me with transferable skills that will benefit me for many years to come.

Thank you Ninja Teacher Academy. 10/10

  • Thorough education with amazing focus on the fundamentals of TEFL teaching
  • First hand experience
  • Networking and engagement with schools for job opportunities
  • Lack of warning about the intensity of the course


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

It was simply a change of lifestyle. And feeling a sense of self-gratification from a job that also allowed me to grow as a person, as well as a sustainable wage. Plus, having a qualification which will allow me to open a whole new spectrum of doors. You could start off as a teacher and end up doing something even more diverse, once you get your foot in the door!

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Ninja Teacher provided me with the TESOL certification and also guided me through the step by step process of having it authenticated. I did have to get a copy of my degree, arrange the tourist visa and get the criminal record check done myself, but Ninja Teacher guided me the whole way.

Also, accommodation was booked by myself, but I was advised of areas to scout out for. The most important thing I was assisted on was the job placement and arranging job interviews.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

You will enter the course as a stranger but leave with a family.

There's a strong sense of comradery and a sense of belonging. Everyone will give you different advice about the course, but it is for you to witness on your own. You will also gain strong alumni who regularly meet throughout the month.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

It is a highly intensive course. And is manic from the get-go.

You have observations by the end of the week or the start of week 2. You have continual activities, and then your own group and peer assessment by week 3. But it manages to stay fun along the way.

Daily the classes tend to be structured from 9-5 like a school.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was not managing to settle in and feeling homesick.

I definitely have settled in as it was just a matter of getting my bearings. You can not completely eradicate homesickness, but you will form a strong bond with your class-fellows, which will help alleviate it.

I also feel at home now!

Is there any other advice for prospective travelers?

Prospective travelers will definitely want to know that Vietnam is probably at a peak in terms of value for money right now. It is the best time to get the most from your currency back home.
I do not have one favourite story as there are so many. But, I would like to say it is funny how every ex-pat teacher seems to be connected to Ninja Teacher in some way or another!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Alex Stevenson

Job Title
Founder & Director
Alex has over 5 years of experience in the teach abroad industry in Asia, has obtained his Cambridge CELTA certification in teaching, and has taught English experience in Korea and Vietnam.

He then went on to start Ninja Teacher to help others start their teach abroad experience.
Alex Stevenson

What is your favorite travel memory?

One of my best memories is traveling South East Asia after my first year of teaching abroad in South Korea in 2013. A few friends and I rented a villa on Koh Samui island for the first month, which had an infinity pool looking out over the jungle and the ocean. We spent time on the beach, ate delicious Thai food, experienced the nightlife and had an all-around amazing experience.

While most people think doing something like this is totally unaffordable and can't imagine taking that much time off... Well, I comfortably managed it by teaching abroad for a year and had enough saved to travel for another 2 months through Thailand and Laos and to get set up in Vietnam where I've been ever since!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Ninja Teacher has been a huge part of my life since the day I left for Asia. I started out documenting my experience and giving tips and advice on YouTube and on my blog right from day one, and now have nearly 500 videos uploaded and 5 million views on those videos. Over time I started connecting my audience with teach abroad programs and turning Ninja Teacher into a company that helps people get started on their teach abroad adventures. Now we have a team, a TESOL school in Vietnam and help train, certify and place over 100 teachers per year in jobs.

At the start, I was as scared to take the leap and teach abroad as most people. I pushed my comfort zone and did it though, and my journey has been a constant one of moving forward, overcoming challenged and adapting. I've grown resilient and wouldn't take back all the ups and downs on this journey for anything.

I've also become more open to new ways of thinking by seeing how people live and what they believe in countries around the world. Without these experiences, I don't know who I would be today.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

My favorite stories are the ones where someone never expected to be a teacher or like teaching and then end up loving it.

Often people come to Vietnam because of the good salaries, low livings costs and great lifestyle and/or ability to save money you have here, which in my opinion is totally fine, as long as you ALSO take your job seriously.

Not everyone loves their job, and for some people teaching English in Vietnam is just that: a job they show up for and do what they need to do. But surprisingly, a large number of people end up really loving teaching. They may have never expected to and that's the great reward to me - seeing our graduates finding a new career path they enjoy (or at least something different to do for a year or two that they get a lot out of).

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Ninja Teacher's teach in Vietnam program with its classroom-based 150 hour TESOL training and certification with a paid job is the best possible way you could get started teaching in Vietnam.

You get practical training in the classroom at Ninja Teacher Academy in Ho Chi Minh City, teaching time with real Vietnamese learners, your TESOL certification and a job in a reputable school.

We also pride ourselves as being the most supportive and friendly team out there! We're here to help you out from the moment you sign up until you've secured a job, and also continue to keep in touch with our alumni through regular events in the city.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We're all previous teachers, we're a friendly and supportive team and we offer the best possible service throughout your time in Vietnam.

With Ninja Teacher Academy situated in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, the most progressive and exciting city in Vietnam, you'll be able to adjust to life in Vietnam through our orientation and as you complete your training over 4 weeks.

One of the biggest highlights is meeting your cohort of fellow trainees, which gives you a ready-made group of new friends. Not going at it alone is essential for the successful transition to life abroad!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Every detail of what we do is geared towards helping our trainees successfully become great teachers and transition to life abroad - from daily support to quality training with experienced trainers.

We also have a great reputation with schools and Vietnam and they come to us first when looking to hire. This helps us to find the best possible jobs for our Ninja Teachers so they can travel, experience a new culture, live a great lifestyle, save money and make a difference!