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TEFL Worldwide Prague

Why choose TEFL Worldwide Prague?

Teach English abroad! In just 4 weeks you can become TEFL certified and begin teaching English here in Prague or anywhere!

TEFL Worldwide was established in 2003. We offer an accredited 120 hour 4-week TEFL certificate course in the heart of Europe, Prague. The TEFL Worldwide course comes highly recommended by our graduates and won awards in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

To date TEFL Worldwide has over 3,500 graduates who have gone on to teach in 60+ countries! We provide lifetime job assistance, Alumni events and support before, during and well after the course. We are always here for you! Our dedication to our graduates is what sets us apart from other schools.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Great teachers and classmates

My teachers and classmates made the course a great experience. The lessons were engaging and easy to follow. The in-class teaching experience was invaluable and the feedback helped me grow. Good career help. The community of alumni, fellow students, and teachers made it easy to settle into Prague. Make sure to research everything you can about taxes, salaries, and visas in the Czech Republic before moving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to explore and live abroad. Loved the students I had and enjoyed the pace of the month long course.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing experience

I was a part of the December 2023 group, and it was a great experience. I wanted to improve my skills as a teacher, and TEFL Worldwide was a direct cause for my improvement. I’ve been teaching privately since I’ve graduated, and it has been lovely. The instructors are engaging and friendly, the content of the course is dense and intensive which allows you to learn a lot in just four weeks, and you walk out of there a new person with a whole new community to be a part of. If you’re thinking of a TEFL course, this is the one!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Brace yourself for an intensive 4 weeks, and don't hesitate to reach out to your fellow classmates and alumni.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience!

I was getting bored of my day to day life back home and was looking for something more flexible and different than my 9 to 5. When I stumbled upon tefl worldwide Prague my life changed forever.
I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had. I’ve been able to travel all over the world with people from my course and new people I’ve met through work. I’m glad I was able to push myself out of my comfort zone and take the leap of faith. I can’t recommend this course more!!!

What was your funniest moment?
Laughing with my course group!
  • Travel
  • Job opportunities
  • Self discovery
  • Lots of work
  • Late nights
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Yes, I recommend this program

A life changing experience

Taking part in TEFL worldwide Prague was an incredible experience I will always remember.

The course was intense but enjoyable, fast-paced, and rewarding. The world load is manageable and insightful.

The friends I made along the way have become an incredible support group for my new life in Prague, and I am very grateful for TEFL worldwide Prague for these experiences.

If you're looking for a new change, a fresh perspective on life and an incredible experience for all, I would recommend applying for this course and starting that new adventure!

What was your funniest moment?
Every time I got to hang out with people on my course!

We were all so diverse, all from different cultures and backgrounds.

This really helped shape the course into the pleasant experience it was.
  • Amazing support group
  • Always available course instructors
  • Amazing teaching opportunities
  • Lots of work, so be prepared.
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Yes, I recommend this program

TEFL: A journey of growth and opportunity

Navigating through the month-long TEFL course proved to be both intense and exceptionally fulfilling. The meticulously crafted curriculum of the program pushed the boundaries of my teaching abilities, while the array of teaching styles presented by instructors allowed me to carve out my distinct approach. The invaluable constructive feedback offered personalized insights, honing my strengths and addressing areas for improvement. This comprehensive course not only equipped me to teach English as a second language but also fostered a profound sense of confidence in my abilities. The seamless integration of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experiences positions it as a valuable investment for aspiring educators. Coupled with the exciting prospect of future job opportunities, this course has undeniably opened doors for me to embark on a teaching journey in Prague, Czech Republic.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
It's a hard vourse but push through it and the reward of being able to teach abroad will be worth it.


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Jacqueline Steponaitis

Jackie enjoys traveling, trying new cuisine, and is a huge anime/pop culture/video game nerd. Her White German Shepherd, Luna, deals with her shenanigans, but loves her all the same.

Why did you choose this program?

I had just finished completing 2 years of ESL teaching in Japan and I was ready to make the transition to teaching in public schools or private schools. However, interview after interview, I received the same response of loving my teaching experience and philosophy but couldn't hire me because my B.A. was not in Education. Many former co-workers had suggested an intensive TEFL program, but I had no idea which one to even consider.

Then a dear friend and fellow educator suggested Prague as the sight of achieving my TEFL certificate. After days of research and reading reviews, TEFL Worldwide was the only choice for me. The deciding factor came down to TEFL Worldwide offering actual classes with students of multiple English abilities as a form of practice and to be guided by a licensed teacher.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

TEFL Worldwide helped organize accommodations, airport pick up, a city tour of Prague 1, recommendations on malls and stores with multilingual staff, and 24/7 support by phone should an emergency arise during the course of the students stay.

Purchasing of the airplane tickets, public transportation passes, and interactions with the students assigned to you during the course was up to the teacher. However, support was available should translations from English to Czech were needed. Even if the school could not directly do it for you, help was available should it be requested.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

This course is NOT for the faint of heart. A normal TEFL certificate class is spread over three months in most cases. TEFL Worldwide is a four week, SUPER intensive course with daily homework, readings, and assignments on top of bigger projects due throughout the month.

If your learning style calls for slower paces, this is not the course for you.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Mondays are generally dedicated to all day long classes, split up in presentations by the programs instructors. Tuesday - Friday are often instructional classes in the morning followed by teaching practice/observation of other classmates lessons.

There are no classes on Saturday and Sunday. It is not uncommon for teachers in the program to spend a day working on assignments and exploring in or around Prague.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

After having spent two years in Asia, I will still be dealing with reverse culture shock in the United States when I left for Eastern Europe. My mind was racing with thoughts of etiquette, expectations of foreigners, food, time zone differences, and etc. As my first time in Europe, I was not prepared for how much I would come to love the people, food, and culture.

I overcame the fear of my preconceptions by forcing myself to do things that were not easy such as going to a cafe in Prague where the entire menu was in Czech, traveling on the local trains outside of Prague, and trying to use the language whenever I could.

My Czech still may not be perfect or music to anyone's ears, but by forcing myself to do that, it helped ease my fears.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Kenneth Arnold

Job Title
Course Director
Kenneth holds a BS degree in Pedagogy with a Primary Education major from the University of Missouri, a Cambridge DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English Language to Adults), a Shenker Institue TEFL Certificate from Rome, Italy and is an Official Cambridge Oral Examiner certified by Cambridge University, British Council. He has been working in TEFL teaching and training since 1997.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Hard to say. I didn't travel much when I was young so after I graduated, it was as if everything was a new opportunity. The first country that I visited which was vastly different from my own was Malaysia, so that country will always have special memories for me.

When I was teaching in the US, I had the idea to travel during the summer breaks. But I realized I'd only be living for those times when I'd get to travel. I was then introduced to the idea of teaching English abroad. Instead of waiting to travel, I'd be living elsewhere constantly. I loved the opportunity of living in other countries and actually getting a closer look at what makes them special.

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

I don't know if any places are over or underrated. You can have a great time or terrible time anywhere depending upon your experiences there, the people you meet, your own attitude, etc. Personally, there are lots of places I haven't been and would like to go, so I don't want to dismiss any opportunity I haven't taken.

That said, I've been very lucky in the places I've taught. Living in Rome opposite the Pantheon, an island in Southeast Asia, the south of Spain, and of course Prague, still one of the most beautiful cities on earth, at least of those I've been to.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

There are so many factors. Our staff, our trainers, our leader are all important components. But the biggest one is probably our graduates. I've personally helped train over 800 teachers over the years and I try to stay in contact with as many of them as I can. They are, by far, the best representatives of our work. I'm really proud when they are able to get a job abroad, go for a new experience and we were a part of helping make that happen.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Overall, TEFL Worldwide is a great place to work. The staff is small and hard-working. My fellow trainers are full of energy and passion for what they do. And the owner is very dedicated to her company and clients. The location is ideal in a quiet part of Prague but with ample ways to get to various locations around the city.

In my profession, we change employers a lot, each time you move to a new country basically. TEFL Worldwide is one of, if not the, best places I've ever worked.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I can't choose just one story, there are loads of great experiences. I've often said that my big days of traveling are over, but then when I keep in contact with graduates and I hear about all of the exciting places they are going and things they are doing, I feel that travel bug itching again.

To be honest, the best stories are when graduates share funny or interesting classroom experiences they have had. As everyone is teaching or has taught at some point, we can all relate. Those stories tend to be the most universal as you can see that teaching English, for all its ups and downs, is a really fun profession.