Is it easy to get a job placement as a non-degree holder?
Posted by Sharon Thabang 7 years 1 month ago
Hi Sharon, thanks for reaching out. I see you're asking this in relation to our South Korea program. For teaching English in South Korea, a bachelor's degree is a prerequisite meaning you cannot legally get a job in the country without one. Being a very organised and developed country I would not recommend going the route of trying to get a job illegally here as the rules aren't easily bent by the authorities. Rather look at other countries or volunteer style programs where this might not be such an issue.
Hi Sharon, thanks for reaching out. I see you're asking this in relation to our South Korea program. For teaching English in South Korea, a bachelor's degree is a prerequisite meaning you cannot legally get a job in the country without one. Being a very organised and developed country I would not recommend going the route of trying to get a job illegally here as the rules aren't easily bent by the authorities. Rather look at other countries or volunteer style programs where this might not be such an issue.