Adelante Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun and Valuable Opportunity!

This program was so great! I learned so much and had such amazing opportunities. I was able to enter the operating room and converse with the actual surgeons about different techniques and procedures. The contacts I made in Spain not only with the surgical staff, but also the friends in the program, will help me through out my life. It was such a unique experience and I am so glad I went! I have already been able to use this experience to help with my further studies at my university as well as on resumes for jobs.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go to Quito!

Spending part of my summer in Quito was an amazing opportunity. While there were rough moments/challenges, I gained so much. I knew minimal Spanish when I arrived, and was able to learn the language very quickly with my classes. I also gained a huge amount of academic/professional experience. If you're looking to travel, gain a lot of hands on career practice, and overall life experience, this is a great program.

What would you improve about this program?
As the Quito base continues to grow, and they have more experience, they will have a chance to fix plenty of the problems. Just takes time.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2 month marketing internship in Quito, Ecuador

The Adelante Abroad program was a great experience for me. I enjoyed the independence that was allotted to me, while I also felt that I had all the resources I needed to be comfortable and safe. Ecuador is a great place to meet many people from all over the world and travel on a budget. I lived with a warm and welcoming family that took great care of me. I was able to work in a small marketing/communications firm and learn a lot about the field. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to have real work experience abroad, with the comforts and resources of a traditional study abroad program.

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Yes, I recommend this program


One of the unique aspects of this program is its location in Vina/Valpo, most programs tend to be in Santiago and I liked being outside of a big city because it allowed me really try and immerse myself into the culture and gave me the opportunity to speak and practice my Spanish. There are a lot of college students in this area and it’s close enough and inexpensive to get to Santiago.

It’s a flexible program and you really have to be very independent because there’s not a lot of administrative support. We basically had to figure everything out on our own. However as a girl traveling alone I really liked that Vina feels safe.

I really enjoyed my internship a lot although they never really gave me real work to do. In terms of getting actual experience I really didn’t feel like I did as much as I wanted to. My internship was in Valparaiso, which was nice because I was able to get to know both cities and everyone I worked with was great. They were also really flexible which is convenient if you’re coming to Chile to travel.

I personally didn’t like being forced to take Spanish lessons for three weeks; it was annoying to have to spend three hours doing grammar everyday especially because I’m a fluent native speaker. Learning a bit about the culture and slang was really useful especially once I got to my internship (but I probably could have learned on my own).

The housing placement was good, I had my own room, it was super central, and a five-minute walk to the beach but it’s poorly run. It’s not very well taken care of (filthy and falling apart) and the last month of my stay was considerably better but it took two months of insisting that things on my part to get to that point. The staff at the international center is nice but honestly I felt like I had to constantly bug them to get info that I wanted or needed, they don’t particularly go out of their way to help you. They’ll do it but only because you insist, which was really frustrating at times.

However despite any of these problems, the program does live up to what it promises.

Response from Adelante Abroad

Thank you Delilah for the review and for recommending this program. We do need to address some things you wrote. First, having to "figure out everything on our own": there is a formal Orientation upon arrival and then you have access to our onsite Director every day for the first three weeks in-country. There should be no reason you have "to figure everything out on your own." You simply have to ask, if in Orientation or if over 21 days of face to face contact, something you have a question about is not covered. Your internship: good to hear that you enjoyed your work assignment. They are a prestigious, busy company that willingly wants to teach you and made a space for you. If you felt you didn't have enough to do, or finished tasks early, it's always best to ask for more. Candidates that get the most out of this program are those who are proactive.
Spanish lessons: you and another girl in the program at the same time were fluent Spanish speakers upon arrival, so therefore always have the option to take fewer weeks of Spanish classes. According to our records, both of you were advised of this - she took that option, and took less weeks of classes, you did not. So we're not sure why you have included this as an issue, since the choice was yours.
Lastly your housing: this house was clean when you arrived, and if over the length of your program, it became "filthy", well that is hard for us to fix in the bi-weekly cleaning service included. The day to day is on you and your roommates. We have many, many photos from our cleaning service of the house while you lived there. Not pretty. Our Director, in Chile, also advised you and your roommates, multiple times, based on those photos, to please not leave days and days of trash out, to not leave wet towels on the floor, to do the dishes before both sinks were full of them, etc.
We do check in with you daily at first then weekly, so if the above cleaning issues were not your fault, it would have been good to hear that then, not now, after the program is over.
It seems like all the issues you mention could have been easily avoided with better communication from you in the form of answers to our Director and answers to our daily, then weekly, checking in contacts. Nevertheless, it sounds like you had an amazing life and professional experience in Chile. Team Adelante

Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

This program has so much to offer - I had such a great experience over in Barcelona! I was there for 2 months and did not want to leave. Barcelona was fun, young, and lively. Everyone I met there was very nice. Not once did I feel in danger - it was a safe and clean city.

My marketing internship was done at the language school you attend the first two weeks of the program. I could not have asked for a better internship. I made so many new friends and loved the place.

This was the first time I had ever lived on my own - let alone in a foreign country. I could tell how much more mature I felt leaving as to when I first arrived. It is a great experience to have, and luckily this program helps you along the way.

What would you improve about this program?
This program can improve by breaking down the total cost more. It would have been nice to see where my money was actually going, and the actual cost of living in Barcelona etc. Don't get me wrong it was definitely more cheap than other programs out there, but it still would have been nice to see the breakdown.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2-month internship in Quito

This program was a great experience for me. I enjoyed the independence that was allotted to me, while I also felt that I had all the resources I needed to be comfortable and safe. Ecuador is a great place to meet many people from all over the world and travel on a budget. I lived with a warm and welcoming family that took great care of me. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to have real work experience abroad, with the comforts and resources of a traditional study abroad program.

Yes, I recommend this program

Madrid Summer 2017

I chose to enroll in this program because I knew the value of having international experience in a field (law) I that I plan to enter all while improving my Spanish skills. Personally speaking, Madrid was the ideal place to pursue an internship because I had already traveled there before with my family and I was confident enough in my Spanish speaking abilities to work in a zero English environment. I hit the jackpot with my job placement and boss as he was one of the most friendly and hospitable people I've ever met. We never seemed to have issues communicating with one another and I can say that I learned a good deal from my internship that will certainly help me down the road.

What would you improve about this program?
What would have been an otherwise perfect 10/10 experience was unfortunately marred by one seemingly avoidable problem within the apartment. Before I explain, let me say that the apartment definitely had its pros, i.e. close proximity to the language school, centrally located near the Puerta del Sol, good size, clean bathroom and kitchen, etc. Now with all of that being said, a lack of one simple thing was never disclosed before agreeing to do this program: air conditioning.

Before you rush to judgement and think why I could not just simply accept things for what they were and deal with the heat, let me tell you that for my entire life I have lived in South Louisiana, a place where 100% humidity exists year round along with temperatures that typically stay in the 90's practically every season except winter. The stereotypes you hear are true: the vast majority is an uninhabitable swamp.

Let me be honest, Madrid in the summer is undeniably hot, and I was well aware of this coming in. In addition, A/C is not super common in Spain unlike the US. After a few nights trying to get a good night's sleep in what quite literally felt like someone's attic, I quickly realized that the one basic fan provided to me in my room simply was not going to cut it for my two month stay. I then began to start asking around on how to turn on the A/C units found in every room plugged into an outlet. First, I asked my apartment supervisor about it only to be told that they don't work and he revealed to me that Madrid is very hot in the summer. Okay, got it. My plan B was to email the Adelante supervisors, who I must say are extremely friendly and helpful people and do everything they can from a desk in California and for that, I do not mean this as a knock against them. It was then that they regretfully informed me that the A/C in the apartment never works but that was a good tradeoff for living in the middle of town. Had I known that this would be the case going in, I would have elected to live on the outskirts of town and with reliable A/C rather than where I was, without question.

One other tiny thing that was neglected was a sort of transportation back to the airport on the day that I left Madrid. I found this surprising due to that fact that Adelante does provide a pickup from the airport upon arrival, which was super convenient, yet I was told that I needed to figure out how to commute to the airport for myself on short notice.

Like I said, my experience with this program was overall a very positive one. I consider myself lucky to have had both a great boss and internship itself. I'm extremely grateful for those things and achieved my ultimate goal in the process of improving my Spanish. I realize that what this company does is not exactly easy and hiccups are bound to happen from time to time. I just wish the company would have been a little more up front about things like these before I pulled the trigger on this because quite honestly, a good night's sleep became a coveted luxury during my time there.
Response from Adelante Abroad

Davis, thanks for the great review. Your supervisor at the Law firm where you did your internship in Madrid wrote a very solid and glowing evaluation of your time with him also, so good job! About the heat: this summer was the hottest on record in Madrid since they have been recording weather. It was crazy. We do advise in the Pre-Departure Orientation materials that A/C is pretty rare in downtown Madrid, where our housing is. We also advise that airport pickup is included, and airport drop off at the end of the program is not. I know it is a lot of reading but this information is definitely included in there.
We offered to change housing for you and two others who really struggled, like locals and visitors alike did, with the heat. We found another apartment, a bit farther out, but with A/C. No one moved! I think a combo of the temperatures lowering and the location made people stay put? Not sure, but when we heard from a few of you that it was unbearable we did secure another apartment. In hopes you use your Spanish every day now and thank you again for the 10/10 note in there (minus the heat!) Team Adelante

Yes, I recommend this program

2 Month Internship in Sevilla

My time in Sevilla was incredible, I know Adelante has the option for Barcelona, Madrid, and Sevilla, but Sevilla is by far the best. I visited Madrid and in 2 seconds was so grateful I picked Sevilla. My friend went to Barcelona and she said, though it was beautiful, the people were not as nice. Andalucia overall has a stronger since of culture and the locals are so friendly and proud the be from there. My internship was really great in the since that I had a lot of important work to do and I was able to network with a lot of successful people. The only negative was that I had to work in English because I was at an online newspaper and there couldn't be any mistakes. The language courses made a huge difference in my experience and were the best part of it all. After the classes I kept improving my Spanish, but it is all up to you. You have to be willing to stick you neck out and just talk to people. The Adelante staff were really helpful and checked in on me all the time, the only person that was a problem was my landlord. He was unresponsive or would say he would do something but never follow through. I still have things that need to get fixed since my first day and I am leaving day after tomorrow... At least when I complained to my Adelante contact about not having an iron she was able to get him to give me one after he said that he wouldn't. Overall though my trip was incredible and I would do it again in a heart beat. The social scene is really fun, it is a lot of outdoor seating areas in plazas. There are places to go dancing too, but it is a really relaxed vibe. I loved going out I always felt safe and the people were friendly. I definitely recommend coming here. Just a heads up it is insanely hot, but usually it is dry so its not unbearable.

What would you improve about this program?
Apartments with A/C
Making sure there is at least partial Spanish involvement with work.
Help educate participants about international meetup groups outside the program.
Response from Adelante Abroad

Ariana! Thanks for the glowing review and it seems you fell in love with Andalucia (the region of Spain where Sevilla is located.) We here at Adelante HQ love and visit regularly all of our program cities, but Sevilla definitely holds a special place always.
Thank you too for the heads up about the landlord at your housing, and his reluctance to repair things. We have spoken to him and have implemented a check list that we will go over with him just prior to each new candidates arrival. If something on the checklist is incomplete, he will rectify prior to us allowing our candidate to enter the housing. While we can't do much about the A/C we can certainly do this!
We hope you return to Sevilla, your second home now, many times in your life (one of our past candidates in the Sevilla program from 2010 returned and married a girl from Sevilla and now lives there permanently! It really is that kind of place) Team Adelante

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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer in Barcelona

Adelante is a great program for those interested in improving their Spanish language skills as well as achieving personal and professional growth. Kingsbrook Language School in Barcelona is an excellent institution that provides students with a good learning environment as well as the opportunity to meet other people at varying levels of language acquisition. Adelante supports their interns while also giving them the independence to make the most of their experience abroad. Great communication and support both at home during the application process and while abroad!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Adelante Abroad- Ecuador

The program staff was extremely supportive and involved prior to departure and throughout the duration of the program. My host family was amazing, and my internship could not have been better. The one-on-one Spanish courses for two weeks prior to beginning my internship were extremely helpful as well. The program director/contact in Ecuador works with other organizations all over the world, so I was able to meet volunteers from this program as well as many others.