SIT Study Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Exploring Sitzerland

Switzerland is a remarkable country with so much to offer. I decided to participate in SIT's program because it allowed me the opportunity to stay with a Swiss family and blend into a pocket of Europe for an entire Spring. I traveled almost every weekend with a group of close friends from the program. Each city was different and charming in its own way. SIT understands the priorities of students attending: a study of global affairs mixed with a hands on taste of the international world.

SIT facilitates access to the World Bank, the UN, and other important epicenters of international politics. Additionally, the final project and its research requirements does an excellent job in stretching the students to find subject-matter-experts and conducting research. As a result, I learned significant lessons on obtaining my own data and networking with professionals.

What would you improve about this program?
There is no campus. SIT has no libraries or other central student center other than the main office where you have all your classes. I would create a larger space for students to be able to hang out as a group instead of dispersing into coffee shops or public libraries.
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Yes, I recommend this program

SIT Netherlands

Without a doubt, choosing the SIT Netherlands program was the best decision I could have made. As a Sociology major and a Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies minor, I was incredibly excited about the coursework, excursions, and independent study project. I had high expectations going into this program, but was still completely blown away by the experience. Although there is an emphasis on gender and sexuality, all of the professors make a committed effort to also discuss other intersections including, but not limited to, race, immigration and citizenship status, ableness, and religion. The various excursions, guest lecturers, and independent work also all helped in creating an incredibly positive, inclusive, and vast learning environment. I never felt as though we were missing out on learning opportunities and greatly appreciate all of the work done by the professors and staff to make sure that we explored a range of topics.
It is definitely unique in the way that classes are conducted- SIT brings in guest lecturers/professors to teach the different classes. I personally really liked this style of teaching/learning. I felt like it gave us the chance to hear many different perspectives and I was never bored.
Amsterdam itself is also an unbelievable city to live and study in. I have never felt safer in a city and loved being able to explore everything by bike. There is always something to do, whether you just want to sit in a cafe, go to a park, or go out at night. And, although everyone has different homestay experiences, I have to say that mine was nearly perfect. The SIT homestay coordinator did a wonderful job matching students with families and keeping in touch to help sort out any problems. I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested in learning more about the interplay of gender, sex, sexuality, race, and migration in the Netherlands!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
At the way beginning of the program, there was a bit of confusion with regards to how to get a Dutch SIM card/how to correctly program it. Because of this, a lot of us did not have the ability to use the maps on our phone for the first two weeks (it was all sorted out after this). After one of our excursions to a nonprofit in the city, my bike tire popped on a piece of glass. It was just me and my friend from the program, in the middle of the city at night, with no data to figure out how to get to Swapfiets/home. We ended up going to a cafe to get a cup of coffee, used their wifi to plan out where we had to go, and from there it all worked out! Because Amsterdam is genuinely the safest city I have ever lived in, I was never remotely concerned about our safety. We were mostly both stressed out about being unable to contact our homestay parents to warn them that we would be late, were okay, etc.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unique Academic Experience in Beautiful Geneva

My experience in the SIT International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy program in Geneva, Switzerland was truly wonderful. I was amazed by the variety of instructors that lectured us on their respective fields of study, covering a wide range of topics that you cannot possibly cover in a simple university class at home. In addition, the opportunity to numerous international and multilateral organizations in Geneva was incredible. These included visits to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Trade Organization, etc. My cohort felt very lucky to meet impressive leaders in the field of peacebuilding, economics, and more. I also would recommend Geneva's location as it is in the center of Europe, making it easy to travel both abroad and within Switzerland!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Spring 2019 - One for the Books!

My time studying abroad with SIT has influenced the person I am today. I returned to the U.S. with so much valuable and applicable knowledge that even my family and friends commented on the growth I made as an individual, socially and academically. SIT provided every resource for me to delve into a foreign environment and capitalize on the beauty and knowledge South America has to offer. From traveling to Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and other areas of Argentina to connecting with political leaders to connecting me with an internship with a grass roots organization that provides resources for migrant and refugee women, SIT helped make this an unforgettable study abroad experience!

Gracias a SIT, Nuria, Julieta y Pablo por hacer esta experiencia inolvidable! Un gran abrazo!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My greatest piece of advice for future travelers to to get connected with residents of the community you are in! The best way of getting to know the environment you are in, the museums you are visiting, the food you are eating, the news you here in media is by asking a local. Don't be afraid to ask questions or to simply introduce yourself.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience!

I learned a lot about climate change (Dan, the professor for all the classes, is great). I came in with almost no knowledge of environmental science (I'm a physics major) but was still able to keep up in the classes. We didn't get much busywork, so there wasn't much stress and a lot of time to go sight-seeing. They also took us to do some big sight-seeing things (we saw a lot of waterfalls, we hiked on a glacier, we went to the Blue Lagoon, etc.), which was really cool.

We mostly stayed in hostels, where there were 5-8 people per room, but we only shared a room with other people from the program. In the hostels, we got breakfast, which was nice, and were given a food stipend for lunch and dinner. The food stipend was very generous, as long as you cooked your own food and didn't eat out very much.

We had one 3-week homestay, which I really enjoyed. I loved my host family and have stayed in touch with them. One person in our group had trouble with their host family and was moved immediately.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish we spent more time learning and practicing Icelandic.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning Arabic Abroad

My absolute favorite part of the program was learning Arabic. Our Arabic teachers were wonderful and taught us so much, not only about the language and culture of our environment, but about life as well. I went in as a beginner, not even knowing the alphabet, but by the time the semester ended I was able to speak with other Moroccans and navigate a Moroccan city entirely on my own with my language skills. There are a million opportunities to practice it with the people around you as many who you interact with will not speak English. This immersion is a unique experience.

While we had three hours of Arabic class every day, it did not feel like too much because we were constantly changing activities and being asked to go out into the city and practice what we were learning. For example, when we were learning the alphabet, we took pictures of signs and tried to read them together in class. When we were delving deeper into vocabulary, we went to the national library to write about what we observed.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
You must be extremely independent and self sufficient to do this program successfully. It requires interviewing other people who you find in the community and is not for the faint of heart. However, students who are highly motivated and have skills in research and languages can do very interesting research and learn a lot.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing opportunity for intercultural, personal, and academic development

My experience abroad in Ecuador was by far the best part of my academic experience thus far. Applying our studies to experiences in different communities and landscapes in Ecuador helped me to draw a deeper emotional connection to my academics. For example, while learning about developmental paradigms in Ecuador, I had a rural homestay with a family who had been part of a movement against copper mining in the Intag cloud forest region of Ecuador. Over dinner, they would tell me detailed stories of the risks and rewards involved in trying to prevent exploitation and how they were creating a sustainable economy through art.
I also loved the ISP portion of this program. I volunteered with an organization called Uniendo Fuerzas Formamos Futuro (UFFF) on Isabela of the Galápagos which does holistic education programs (i.e., theater, dance, acrobatics) for kids and English classes for kids and adults on the island. I investigated how holistic education addresses real themes/problems in people's day to day lives, such as gender, the environment, and cultural practices.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Literally the best experience one could ask for

Like anyone would be before going on a study abroad semester, I was nervous about what to expect, as everything would be very new to me. I was almost immediately reassured, because literally every aspect of this program was phenomenal. The professors and staff are literally the most wonderful, kind, smart people I've ever met. Furthermore, the education is outstanding, and you learn an incredible amount about Argentina, especially during the trips/excursions, which is very hands on, and you meet many very inspiring and kind people. Being able to see the country was incredible, it's very beautiful, and connecting it to the social organizations whose members you meet during the trips made the trips incredibly educational, and made the trips unforgettable. My homestay experience was incredible. My host mom was I think literally the kindest person I've ever met, and we became very close friends, and talked about everything together, and I love her so much haha. I also had the privilege of becoming close with her wonderful daughter, her daughter's partner, and their new baby! I miss them all every day a crazy amount. You'll also meet great friends, all of the students on the program were brilliant and kind, and we have kept in contact, and I am close friends with everyone. Lastly, Argentina is a BEAUTIFUL, incredible country, with so much history and wonderful people. People are incredibly warm. Buenos Aires is a beautiful city that functions very well with excellent transit, and it was amazing getting to explore it. If you're considering studying abroad in Argentina, you won't ever forget this program. And even if it sounds cliched, it'll change your life!

What would you improve about this program?
Like basically nothing, the only thing that is challenging sometimes is the fact that the classes are taught in Spanish by native speakers, and at times can be challenging to understand everything, however I would NOT change this as it really helps you learn Spanish, and forces you to really study the incredibly important material. Just know that you're going to need to focus hard during the lectures.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The experience of a lifetime

The professors in this program were incredible. They were so enthusiastic that it was contagious. They are so caring too and love what they do and are good at it! They also tailor things to the group of students they have e.g. spanish intensity and topcis of interest. The excursions were out of this world, places you've only dreamed of going/ have only seen on nature documentaries. Some examples are the galapagos, cloud forest, Yunguilla, Páramo, etc. I can't speak for eeveryone else, but my personal host family was so sweet and I had so much fun with them. Overall this program is rich in experience if that is what you are looking for. Forget sitting in the classroom every day in your typical mundane college experience. This is an experience that will change you, your perspectives, and you will never forget it.

What would you improve about this program?
packing list, non-traditional gender and sexuality considerations
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Yes, I recommend this program


I think the most enriching part of my experience was the home-stays. Each family I stayed with were so different from the other. It allowed me to learn most about the culture, food, atmosphere, and religions that make up Cape Town & the Eastern Cape. The families were so kind and made me feel very comfortable. I always hung out with them outside of my scheduled classes and they took me to places that my instructors didn't think to! I went to their friends houses and family parties. It allowed me to test out the X'hosa language in different settings. I also really enjoyed that all of the families were different ages. Some families had a lot of children and some home-stays were just one person. It allowed me to get a good grasp of what the different generations in South Africa were like. I miss the families a lot!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Over pack on underwear! Pack less nicer clothes than suggested on the SIT packing guide. ALWAYS bring gifts for the families, they do so much for you while you're staying with them.