Provider Scholarships

Find Your Scholarship

Finding funding for your meaningful travel can be burdensome, to help lessen the burden of these costs, we've put together a list of available travel scholarships to help you fund your travels.

University of Limerick Crest

University of Limerick - Scholarship

$1,000 - $10,000

We have a number of partial merit-based scholarships. Once you submit an application you are automatically reviewed for scholarship. If you are...


Aussie Kiwi Haere Scholarship


The Aussie Kiwi Haere Scholarship is available for students motivated to haere (Maori language translation for travel) to select study abroad...

Trenchard Cox Scholarship


The Scholarship was established in memory of Sir Trenchard Cox and awards the winner an Art History Abroad 2-week Summer Course (£4995 in 2024) in...

IED logo

IED Istituto Europeo di Design


If you're passionate about Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, or Communication, seize the opportunity to be part of our contest. You could win one of 140...

University of Southern Queensland logo

Incoming Study Abroad International Travel Grant


The University of Southern Queensland will offer grants to non-award international students commencing or continuing their enrolment in the Study...

Mente argentina logo

Mente Argentina

$250 - $1,000

Seeking a shorter study experience in Argentina? Consider our Short & ELAP Programs Scholarships. These are for programs lasting between 4 and 18...

UniSC logo

2024 International Student Scholarship & 2024 English Excellence Scholarship


In 2024, UniSC offers some exciting scholarships to its commencing international students. There is no separate scholarship application for the...


IPSL Global Engagement grant


IPSL Global Engagement offers an automatic $5,500 grant for Graduate degree programs in International Development and Service (IDS MA) and the...

More Scholarship Opportunities

Read more about how you can fund your meaningful travel experience