  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Chiang Rai
    • Chiang Mai
    • Bangkok
12 - 52 weeks
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School

Program Details

Job Type
Teacher Exchange
Classroom Audience
Early Childhood Pre-School
Apartment Hotel
Age Min.
Age Max


Salary / Benefits
Starting Price
What's Included
Some Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals
What's Included (Extra)

Full support from on-the-ground staff

What's Not Included
Accommodation Activities Airfare Meals SIM cards Travel Insurance
Dec 02, 2019
Apr 02, 2014
19 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Thailand is a country filled with wonders and beauty. Golden beaches, prowling tigers, ancient cities, amazing culture. But Thailand is more than just that. It is a country looking to learn. The demand for English speaking teachers is great.

Visiting teachers are able to teach in Thailand in Primary or Secondary schools, sometimes with the option of teaching at both levels, depending on the placement and availability. Schools are both urban & rural, in Bangkok, central, eastern Thailand; and some limited placements in northern Thailand. Typically, visiting teachers are in the classroom and help with class planning, presentations, faculty meetings, and help with extra-curricular activities.

Program fee starting at US$1,569.

Program Reviews

4.89 Rating
based on 9 reviews
  • 5 rating 88.89%
  • 4 rating 11.11%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.9
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Facilities 4.9
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 9 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


I love teaching in Northern Thailand and I taught 650 Matthom 2 & 5 level Thai High School students every week. This was very rewarding and challenging as most of my students couldn't speak or comprehend English. I develope English lesson with activities that I believed would be benificial to my students. One of the highlights of the week was the English teachers and one Japanese teacher in our school every Wednesday we would play football (soceer) with our students and built wonderful friendships and memories.

What would you improve about this program?
1. The high school I taught at has a list of colleges and universities that needs to be updated as this became a problem with the school I taught at.
2. Thai teachers teach from textbooks yet English teachers develope lesson plans and activities.
3. I observed Thai teachers teaching grammar incorrectly and speaking Thai when teaching English classes and have difficulities pronouncing English words. Thai teachers need to set an example.
4. All our morning assemblies were in Thai and I never knew what was said.
5. Thai classes took priority over English classes and were cancel
without a warning.
6. English teachers were never invited to teacher meetings.

92 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Embraced Adventure and Changed lives

I started from completely knowing nothing about teaching, and was second-guessing this opportunity to travel and teach at the same time. I decided to just go and see what I could do in Thailand. Knowing that I would be going with my best friend made it easier to decide to just go.

GeoVisions connected me through XploreAsia in Hua-Hin, Thailand, a very helpful agency that helped us get placed around Thailand without any fuss. Prior to flying out to Thailand, I completed the TEFL-C (120+ hours) which XploreAsia who was very helpful given the time difference!

Once our one-week course/introduction with XploreAsia, we were all beginning our placements in Thailand. My friend and I were placed in the same region (Suphanburi).

The first month of teaching was not easy for me as I had never taught in my life before even doing this and I felt horrible that I would not be an effective teacher. I felt isolated knowing only little Thai and could not really communicate any further than "hello". Then, I decided to toughen up and go through with it knowing that I will learn to become a better teacher over time and patience.

The next few months, I started learning the Thai language pretty well, and continued practice reading and writing it. After 6 months, I was able to speak, read and write Thai pretty well and wanted to continue learning it to the point of fluency. Parallel to that, I was getting much more relaxed in the classroom, I felt that I was becoming very effective towards my students and came up with games and activities that I would have never thought about doing months ago and I felt that I have developed an everlasting relationship with many of the locals in the town. Once I was finished, I had managed to accomplish so much as an individual in 8 months: I left my students in tears, the teachers that helped me become a better teacher/person, in tears, I also left my financial advisor in tears! How I have made such an impact did not hit me until the last day. Then, I told the school I will be coming back for one more year starting this May. They were quite surprised!

All I know is, after starting this journey, I had no idea I would enjoy this so much. I've learned a lot from the locals, the school and my agents that helped me through my stay. The impact that I have made had me want to sign on for another year to continue impacting those around me in a positive way. It all started with one-click on GeoVisions from searching through Google. The best part about teaching in a different part of the world is that you get to travel and expand your horizons and opportunities.

What would you improve about this program?
Prior to arriving in Thailand, I assumed I would be placed in a certain region in Thailand and I was guaranteed a spot in that region coming from you guys. It turned out it was definitely not a guarantee. I was a little surprised by that, but it did not really disappoint me as my experience was still beyond amazing. Knowing that it is better to stay quite flexible with our choices, this would be something you guys should know.
111 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Support

I was placed before arriving to Thailand. So I completed the shorter on line course, which was very helpful. I was collected at the airport and taken to the hotel in Bangkok
I was given great support regarding transport arrangements and travelled to the north without any problems.
Once in my placement I was contacted on a regular basis by Xplore Asia, checking I was settling in which was good, as the first few weeks are difficult, as you don't know anyone, and its great to know there is someone at the end of the phone / email in the country.
I then completed the course later in the year and had an amazing time, although I am a teacher, I did find it beneficial as teaching English as a Second Language is different from general teaching. So I was glad I did the course and made some great friends and further support from Xplore Asia
I would recommend this programme as you can always reach out if you need support and they will do their best to help you.

92 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Better Than I Could Have Hoped For

My teaching assignment was in Lopburi-(north of Bangkok)-and it was a better situation than I could have hoped for.

The students were all so courteous, respectfull-always saying-"teacher, teacher" - coming up to me asking my name, how Im doing. They were the BEST!!! They were always so happy and grateful, and just satisfied with a simple smile or nod of approval. They sang a song to me at the beginning and end of each class-regardless of age, level in school-(kintergarden-high school), they always greet me and were always eager to learn.

The staff/faculty were extremely friendly and accommodating. They embraced me and I felt very welcome and cared for. I'm was pleased with my accommodations.

Things went better than I thought they would. This is an amazing program.

What would you improve about this program?
Nothing really critical about the program. It took longer to get over jet-lag than I thought and it took time at the school for me to feel like I really belonged as the only westerner. Those are things you have to consider, I think.
103 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing

In one week we became a family; our curiosities, secrets, motives, and desires were served as catalysts to bonds typically reserved for months of interaction. With this family, I have experienced a blessing by a Buddhist monk at the Khao Tao temple and received a fortune reading. I have fed, hugged, and played with elephants. I have bagged food for over 2,000 rescued dogs. I have cooked Pad Thai and spring rolls. I have eaten deep fried frog. I have had wordless conversations. I have been waved at by school children. I have been clapped at for taking my shoes off as I enter a building. I have been smiled at as I bowed for the King passing by. I have trekked the beach at night. I have divulged my life to strangers.

I have a travel blog about this experience on this program, and have written somewhat extensively about everything on the Teach in Thailand program in the last 4 posts.

The link is: http://chrisgering.blogspot.com/

It's a fair amount of reading. I go into fairly detailed descriptions of my situation. I have also been taking pictures since I arrived in Bangkok and am constantly adding to it on facebook.

Check it: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200925109383169…

What would you improve about this program?
The visa issue is somewhat unclear and you have to be comfortable with visa runs and renewing your visa when you're there. You also have to be open to changing your teaching assignment based on orientation or the TESOL course. Everyone needs to know things can be fluid in Thailand. For some, that might be uncomfortable. For me it was freeing.
98 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An invaluable, unique stepping stone to teaching in SE Asia

As I had never lived abroad, or even travelled for longer than 3 weeks, the idea of moving not just to another country, but another continent was incredibly overwhelming yet intriguing at the same time. I researched various companies in locations all over the world and finally settled on this GeoVisions programme. Jodi was very helpful and thorough in answering all of my questions and I never felt hesitant to inquire about anything (no matter how trivial!)

Upon arrival in Bangkok, I was greeted with a name card and a warm welcome and transported immediately to my hotel where many of my fellow TESOL course participants were staying. This served as a great way to meet other like-minded people from all over the world, and chatting about our upcoming course and adventure melted away any remaining apprehension. XploreAsia's Managing Director, Mike, along with our TESOL instructors, placement team, and several other members of staff even travelled to Bangkok from Hua Hin to meet us and escort us back to the town that would be our home for the next month.

Week no. 1 was orientation week and was hands down one of the best weeks of my life! There was a fantastic mix of excursions from serene temples to pineapple farms to having cuddles with an elephant, coupled with interesting courses in Thai language, history and culture. All of the XploreAsia staff were unexpectedly personable and down to earth. The TESOL course itself was a very intense, rewarding 3 weeks. Both Sandra and Jaco are incredibly inspiring instructors, their passion for teaching and the change that they know it can make in SE Asia is very infectious! From having absolutely no experience in teaching prior to this course, instead of feeling terrified to leave for my teaching placement, I felt excited and confident to get to know my new colleagues, students and surroundings.

Any problems or questions I had were answered straight away and the staff were very easy to get in contact with. This level of support has continued long after I have settled into my placement and XploreAsia are still the people I know that I can turn to with any inquires from Visa runs to contracts; Tyler and Paang have never failed to promptly respond to my emails or phone calls!

Finally, one of the best things that I have left Hua Hin with is a huge network of fellow teachers and friends placed all across Thailand. Any worries, or bad days in the classroom and they are all just a message away to share their own experiences and reassure me (and it also means that I have lots of people and places to visit on the weekends!) Regardless of where you are placed, you leave Hua Hin and XploreAsia with a very big extended family!

96 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Experience!

My experience with GeoVisions and XploreAsia really could not have been better. I researched a number of different companies prior to making the jump with GeoVisions and I found their staff to be extremely professional from the get go. I was well prepared with documentation prior to arriving to the country and hit the ground running upon arrival. Jodi is a very thorough and organized person.

Mike and the staff at XploreAsia took very good care of us from the beginning. The cultural orientation was extremely interesting and really prepared me for what it was going to be like to teach in Thailand. From there, Jaco took over with the TESOL course and was an extremely inspirational teacher, who gave us some excellent techniques for teaching second language learners.

The whole staff in general was welcoming and warm and made my transition to a new country where I knew no one at all, a very smooth and easy one. Mike is a professional through and through and is generally interested in seeing people succeed in Thailand, because not only is it good for the individual teacher, but it's good for the country and it's people as well.

If you put your faith in these companies, you will not be disappointed. I was looking for a life changing experience and I certainly found one.

84 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It was absolutely amazing!

The TESOL course was absolutely amazing! In the beginning I felt nervous and very apprehensive about what I have gotten myself into. Looking back now, I can truly see how much I have grown in only a short space of time (1 month). I would definitely recommend this course to people with a fun-loving attitude, a desire to help others and grow and for those wanting to experience a completely different culture and way of living. I feel as though I am almost 100% prepared for any culture shock that will come my way.

The only thing that I would have liked to have seem more of is training specifically on teaching to younger children. Also it would have been good to have more time spent on adopting to change and conflict in a classroom.

Overall though I was very happy with the experience I had and an really enjoying my placement.

99 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Do you know what country they are talking about? If it's Thailand then they don't need to have a bachelors, but it will limit where they can work and how much they can make. They will also not be eligible for a long term visa and will have to make a visa run every month or so (can't remember the length exactly). In Myanmar, you really can't teach without a Bachelor's degree unless you have a lot...