Combined Level 5 TEFL Course in the UK and Ireland
- England
- Birmingham
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Cambridge
- Leeds
- Liverpool
- London
- Manchester
- Newcastle
- Norwich
- Oxford
- Reading
- Southampton
- Wales
- Scotland
- Glasgow
- Edinburgh
- Northern Ireland
- Belfast
- Ireland
- Cork
- Dublin
- Limerick
- Galway
About Program
Our Combined Level 5 TEFL Certificate (168 hours) is regulated by Ofqual (UK) and approved by the DEAC (US), so has official recognition from 2 government-recognised bodies! This makes all the difference when applying for jobs.
This course will give you a strong understanding of what employers are looking for. Complete 10 hours in the classroom in addition to 158 hours of online study. Some teachers prefer to have some in-class experience besides online study, so our combined course gives you exactly that.
You will learn so much from other students in the classroom and have the opportunity to actually teach! The 10-hour weekend class is designed to break down the fundamentals of TEFL.
Get up to 70% off with our Black Friday specials! Keep an eye on our socials for more details!
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- Ofqual (UK government) regulated & accredited by Qualifi
- Level 5 qualification
- Internationally recognised
- Free access to our international jobs board & help from our dedicated recruitment team
- 3 Free 30-Hour Top-up Courses in Teaching Young Learners, Teaching Business English, and Teaching Online & 1:1