  • Costa Rica

Program Details

Guesthouse Host Family Hostel Hotel Hostel


Starting Price
Oct 17, 2018
Oct 05, 2016
8 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Costa Rica is filled with a colourful array of animals, white beaches, lush rainforests, rivers, volcanoes and smiling communities. The national motto is "Pura Vida," meaning Pure Life, and the volunteer projects offered by International Student Volunteers (ISV) reflect this sentiment in every way. ISV works with grassroots initiatives to address social and environmental issues facing this Central American country, in methods that directly benefit locals. Projects range from wildlife conservation, community development, children's programs and environmental management.

You could be observing the feeding behavior of endangered species, mapping habitats, monitoring dolphin populations, or taking beach patrols to protect turtle nests. Community development projects involve working alongside locals in recycling, reforestation, trail building, organic farming and habitat restoration. For more details on how to preserve Costa Rica’s valuable biodiversity, visit ISV's website today!

This program is no longer offered. View more programs from ISV (International Student Volunteers).

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 141 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.33%
  • 4 rating 5.67%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.8
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.35
  • Value 4.85
  • Safety 4.85
Showing 49 - 56 of 141 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The 'Tican Experience

Our second to last night in Ostional our Mama 'Tica and I were discussing her life and participation in the ISV program. She told how grateful she was to actually have someone take the time to ask her about her life. Most of her time with previous volunteers was made up of signing rather than actual conversation. There was usually very little to no discussion between them from the day they arrived to the day they left. Not too many volunteers put much effort in conversation. Never knowing much about them she was always nervous about helping them enjoy their trip. This time around she was so happy to hear it rather than interpret it. I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything. The next day was just so busy that we didn't see her when we prepped for bed. We woke up extremely early. Thinking that I missed my chance to say goodbye the night prior I got my luggage together only to find that she had slept on the couch just so she wouldn't miss us. I couldn't help but smile. Never will I forget her hospitality. Forever she'll stay just as a mother, my Mama 'Tica.

What would you improve about this program?
I'm not quite sure what could have made the experience any better. In all honesty I am not sure I could have had a better time aside from someone having paid the trip for me.
59 people found this review helpful.
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Pura Vida

Going to Costa Rica with ISV was incredible. The language immersion was so much fun. I loved staying with a host family and being immersed in the culture. I spent time in the Osa Peninsula counting dolphins and time in the rain forest counting poison dart frogs. The adventure tour was amazing, we had so much fun. We did a variety of activities from zip lining to white water rafting. The program was incredible, so rewarding. I would recommend traveling through ISV to anyone interested in international volunteering.

52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

ISV is for YOU!

The summer after my sophomore year in college I was looking to travel. I found ISV by chance and am so glad I did!! I was able to travel and do something good at the same time. My project was working with sea turtles. This experience was a life changing!

61 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Better than a Holiday

Absolutely amazing program if you want the relaxed environment of a beach vacation combined with the ability to make a real impact! Great food, friendly people, beautiful scenery, and the ability to work up close with wild life!

What would you improve about this program?
It would be nice to provide more educational prep material to get ready for volunteer portion.
60 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Impact Your World

I'm about to get real right now. Everything I'm going to say will sound cliché, but you have to trust me that this isn't just any travel program. I've been on travel programs. This is so much more.

I have never felt so at peace with myself and my surrounding environment as I did during this trip. At no point did I feel like what I was doing was work. Sure, it was tedious carrying wheelbarrows of concrete up and down hills to construct a sidewalk. Yes, it was difficult at times to shovel five tons of pungent fertilizer into the back of a truck. Regardless of the strenuous jobs we completed, though, I spent every second of every day feeling like I belonged there, like I was doing something so meaningful that happiness was the only emotion available to experience.

ISV's slogan is "Impact Your World." I thought this meant I was impacting the world through my work with ISV. While this is very much true, I now realize that ISV impacted my world as well.

Here's a joke for you: an American, an Englishman, a Manx, a Scot, and a Canadian travel to a foreign country and realize that borders are invisible, we're all human and we can and should work together for the benefit of our planet. Alright, so it isn't a joke; this describes my ISV trip. I now have true friends all over the world because I spent one month alongside them laughing, crying, thinking, reflecting, and learning. I truly wish every person on Earth could experience what I did. I know that anyone who travels with ISV will.

What would you improve about this program?
I literally can't think of one thing I would change about this program. I had the time of my life.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Working close and personal with endangered sea turtles every day!

This trip really took you into the wilderness - living on the beach by dense rainforest, taking a boat to work every morning and handling both green and hawksbill sea turtles every day! This trip really makes a difference in conservation, and the people you meet in Costa Rica are all amazing!

54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Proyecto Carey 2015

This trip was definitely something I will remember for the rest of my life. The good parts were that almost every single person I met was friendly, and there was a good support system. Our group leader, Pablo Riba, you could tell he cared about us. It was all over 18, so we had a lot of freedom which was nice. I wasn't 100% sure what we would be doing in terms of conservation work, but I guess I didn't care. Until I got there, and I realized it wasn't very fun field work. Which was okay! I didn't sign up for a vacation in a luxurious suite. It was hard work. By the end of my work for the day I was drenched in sweat and humidity, covered in red mud and bug bites, and absolutely exhausted. I wasn't exactly prepared for it, but I got through it. I guess the one part of the trip I didn't really like was the lack of food. I don't need all that much to keep me going, but I can honestly say we were not fed enough. 3 meals a day, 6 hours apart each and with no snacks in between. There was a shop inside someone's house in our village that we could buy some cold drinks and chips or candy from, but it was tiny, and the supplies were limited and if the man was asleep you couldn't get anything. The closest actual store was two hours on foot, or you could pay the same guy who owned the little shop to him have take you by boat, if he wasn't busy and there were enough people going. I was hungry most of the time. If I would have known it was going to be like that I would have stocked up on snacks in my luggage. My host family was very very sweet and the mom cooked for us the best she possibly could with what she had, but the problem was that she didn't have a refrigerator that works properly. ISV should spend more of the money they get from "volunteers" on getting the host families everything they need for hosting the volunteers that ARE PAYING to stay there.

54 people found this review helpful.
Response from ISV (International Student Volunteers)

Dear Mckenzie,
Thank you for your review and comments as we thoughtfully review all feedback. We were glad to read that the trip was memorable for you – that the people you met were friendly, there was a good support system, your group leader, Pablo Riba, was caring, you had a nice amount of freedom, and that your host family was very sweet.

We were sorry to read that you were not fully satisfied with your personal experience with ISV on Proyecto Carey. We were also very surprised to see anyone at Carey say that they were not fed enough We have reviewed the evaluations from your group again, as well as those from more than 50 ISV participants on this project throughout the summer 2015 season, and almost everyone rated the meals 5/5 with comments about how amazing the food was, as well as praise for the cook(s). In fact, two people in your group commented that there was lots or even “too much” food, and the Project Leader commented that your group had a real appreciation for the food provided by the cooks. There were no notes in our records about any personal limitations such as food allergies or dietary restrictions, though I know others have commented about the host family cooks at Carey being very accommodating for certain preferences and restrictions. I encourage you to contact us directly to let us know what the issues were in this regard, so that we can be aware of what went wrong and address any problem areas.

As anyone who has done an ISV Program in Costa Rica can attest, rice and beans are a major component of the local diet, and are usually accompanied by a variety of meat, vegetables, eggs, cheese, fruit, bread, etc. And while some (like me) cannot get enough of Costa Rican rice and beans, some find it a little repetitive. However, I have personally not experienced nor heard a complaint of a shortage of food on an ISV Program here. As for the fridge being a limiting factor, we will speak to our project hosts at Carey to ensure all is in order.

Your ISV Project Leader did also remark that the weather had been very warm while your group was there, which made some of the hiking more tiring, and that there had been some complaints about the demanding nature of the tasks as a result. Like all ISV projects, the tasks at Carey can be moderately strenuous, and that can be exacerbated by conditions like high heat and humidity, heavy rain and so on. We do try to mentally prepare all participants for these conditions in the project information we provide between 90 and 30 days prior to your departure, as well as during the on-site orientation. We also clearly state that no one will be asked or expected to carry out a task that is too strenuous or beyond their ability. If this was not made clear to you then we apologize.

All ISV projects around the world involve hands-on tasks that truly contribute positive outcomes to the host community and local environment. The efforts of ISV volunteers at Carey over the years have assisted researchers in learning more about the amazing wildlife/tree interactions in that rainforest and how best to protect and manage this threatened ecosystem. One of the most common comments we read from our participants on any project is that the volunteer work can be hard, challenging and unlike anything they have done, but also incredibly rewarding, inspiring and totally worth it. Thank you Mckensie for sharing your experience and making a positive contribution to sustainable development in Costa Rica.

Deanna Mathewson, ISV International Education Director

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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Los Santos 2015 Review

This trip was the best trip of my life. I made friends from all over the world and plan to visit them in the near future. Every day my 3 best friends and I walked long hikes up the road. We saw some near by kids playing a game of soccer so we asked if we could join. Three hours later it started to get dark and we were still having a blast and didn't want to leave. Of course, I had a sunburn all over my body and should of gone inside hours earlier, but it was so much fun I didn't want to stop. It was a moment I'll never forget, playing with the young children and my friends until the sun started to set.

What would you improve about this program?
It costed too much money and not enough went to the host families. We talked to our host families and they only received a very small portion of what we paid which was thousands of dollars. We were all under the impression it was so much because the families housed us for two weeks and supplied food, electricity, water, plumbing, etc. I wouldn't mind paying that much next time if I knew it was going to the families and not ISV itself.
59 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

I don't believe you can scuba dive. You can however snorkel, in fact they take you to a small fishing village in which you can snore at with beautiful corals.