Community Choice Awards 2024: Teach Abroad

We looked at all of those reviews from 2024 to determine which teach abroad providers were offering teachers the best services

Go Overseas was founded by three teach abroad alumni: Mitch, Tucker, and Andrew. They realized that fellow teachers could gain a lot of insight by reading the reviews from former teachers, as they tried to find the perfect teaching job abroad.

Over the years, we have added hundreds of resources about teaching abroad to Go Overseas, from articles to travel guides to reviews from former teachers. We looked at all of those reviews from 2024 to determine which teach abroad providers were offering teachers the best services, and helping them find the right job for their skills, desires, and in the service of students.

We looked for those providers who were excellent at helping teachers succeed overseas; we also looked those teach abroad providers who scored highly in the five categories we ask teaching alumni to rate programs: Benefits, Support, Fun, Facilities, and Safety. Below you'll find the highest-scoring teach abroad providers from 2024.

Learn more about how we scored programs for this year's awards by clicking here.


Overall Top Teach Abroad Providers

Teaching abroad is a dynamic experience that means many things to different travelers. For some, it's their first professional opportunity and a massive chance for personal growth and career development. For other teachers, it's an opportunity to provide education to students and live abroad. Given how many different ways teachers evaluate teaching opportunities, it can be tricky to know exactly which teach abroad companies provide excellent service. Based on the scores these providers received on all the categories we ask teachers to rate while leaving a review, these are the top teach abroad providers from 2024:

  1. Teach Abroad & TEFL

    CIEE Teach Abroad & TEFL will support you through every step of your English teaching adventure...

  2. Thumbnail

    Korean Horizons is an official provider of teachers for EPIK (English Program in Korea), SMOE (Seoul...

  3. Updated Logo for TFT

    Thinking about teaching abroad? The Fewer Things (TFT) makes the journey seamless, offering expert...


Top Teach Abroad Providers: Benefits

One of the top considerations most prospective teachers have when planning to teach abroad is the benefits. From salary to housing assistance, there are a lot of ways teachers receive benefits while teaching abroad, and we want to know about them to help new teachers know what they'll receive as compensation for their work. The following providers received top scores in the Benefits category:

  1. TEG

    If you’re looking to Teach English in China, we can help! Teach English Global is an education...

  2. logo

    Hey, we’re TravelGrad, your post-uni work and travel experts here to connect you with exciting...

  3. TC Logo

    Welcome to TEFL Careers, where our team of recruiting experts is dedicated to assisting individuals...


Top Teach Abroad Providers: Support

While teaching abroad is an opportunity to work independently in a foreign country, teachers need support to do their jobs well: from their program staff, as well as administrators and fellow teachers. We ask teaching alumni to consider how much support the teaching abroad program staff provide; the following providers had the top scores in the Support category:

  1. TEG

    If you’re looking to Teach English in China, we can help! Teach English Global is an education...

  2. Thumbnail

    XploreAsia was founded by educators who are passionate about teaching English and giving back to...

  3. Thumbnail

    Interac teachers enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of school children every year by...


Top Teach Abroad Providers: Fun

We obviously think that teaching abroad should be a fun experience -- in fact, we ask every reviewer to tell us how much fun they had overseas, for almost every program they rate on our site. For teach abroad programs, we ask alumni to share what they rate the social scene while teaching abroad. This could involve interactions with fellow teachers and administrators, as well as extra experiences arranged by their teach abroad program. The following providers had the top scores in the Fun category:

  1. logo

    Hey, we’re TravelGrad, your post-uni work and travel experts here to connect you with exciting...

  2. Gotoco

    Interested in FUNDED/FREE and short-term TEFL adventures abroad? We provide a global immersive...

  3. Thumbnail

    XploreAsia was founded by educators who are passionate about teaching English and giving back to...


Top Teach Abroad Providers: Facilities

Teachers spend a lot of time at school, so the facilities they work in are an important part of their experience teaching abroad. In reviews, we ask teachers to rate the facilities and teaching materials available to them during their teaching placement. The following providers had the top scores in the Facilities category:

  1. ESL Consulting-SeoulESL

    ESL Consulting, established in 2005 and headquartered in Seoul, is a distinguished ESL recruiting...

  2. TC Logo

    Welcome to TEFL Careers, where our team of recruiting experts is dedicated to assisting individuals...

  3. EDUCO Logo

    We are a non-profit association concerned with promoting student-centred teaching/learning through...


Top Teach Abroad Providers: Safety

Safety is one of the most important factors we ask reviewers to rate; almost every program on Go Overseas (even those that aren't in the teach abroad category) is rated on safety. In particular, we want to know how teachers felt about the safety of their school and the local community. The following providers had the top scores in the Safety category:

  1. Thumbnail

    Interac teachers enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of school children every year by...

  2. Logo

    English Wizards seeks to connect English teachers to teaching jobs in the heart of Central Europe...

  3. TTR logo

    At TTR, we are experienced in teaching English abroad and in teacher recruitment. The Founder...
