- Ireland
- Dublin
- Czech Republic
- Prague
- Germany
- Berlin
- Munich
- Italy
- Bologna
- Austria
- Salzburg
About Program
Irish Gap Year’s Dublin Gateway Internship Programme is an unparalleled experience, blending eight weeks of professional work placement in Dublin city with three weeks of immersive travel through continental Europe by train. The programme combines professional development with adventurous, cultural exploration across Ireland and Europe, all alongside a group of like-minded peers.
Designed as a second-semester (spring term only) programme, our Dublin Gateway Internship is our most independent offering, ideally suited for students who have completed a structured gap programme, work experience, or a college semester in the autumn. While our interns enjoy significant autonomy and freedom, they also benefit from the camaraderie of being part of a cohort. Expect the light-hearted blend of structure, responsibility, freedom, and fun that IGY is known for!
Video and Photos
Diversity & Inclusion
Irish Gap Year Director, Ryan Allen is the Chair of the Gap Year Association's Sustainability Commitee and created the Association's Climate Action Plan in 2023.
Program Highlights
- Learn to surf in Donegal, on Ireland's rugget west coast
- Overnight Weekend travel in Ireland
- Professional Work Placement and Host Family Guaranteed: Regardless of your level of experience, we can guarantee an internship placement in most areas of interest. Our host companies are all small to medium sized (5 – 50 employees).
- Great Program Locations: Dublin City is vibrant, urban, hip and attracts young professionals from all over the world. The Wild Atlantic Way is a place of spectacular natural beauty and traditional Irish culture. City or Country - Your choice!
- Travel Europe in the Spring: Berlin, Munich, Prague, the Austrian Alps and Northern Italy