Go Palestine - The Palestinian Center

Go Palestine - The Palestinian Center for Cultural Exchange

Why choose Go Palestine - The Palestinian Center for Cultural Exchange?

The Palestinian Center for Education and Cultural Exchange – Go Palestine, was founded with the goal of fulfilling the cultural, social, and educational requirements of the Palestinian community. Our center designs and facilitates various educational and community programs to enhance the skill sets of Palestinians in a range of areas. Through targeted tutoring and educational initiatives, we offer unwavering support to the youth of Palestine

Experience Palestine at Go Palestine (The Palestinian Center) in Hebron, where an array of volunteer and internship programs are designed to educate individuals about life in Palestine. Our programs cover a wide range of topics, including Media, Law, Refugees, Culture, the Palestine-Israel Conflict, Human Rights, and Healthcare. At Go Palestine, we also provide Arabic language courses, ranging from intensive to non-intensive and super-intensive levels, catering to beginners as well as advanced learners.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Dua the best teacher ever

I start arabic lessons with Dua from Go Palestine and I ´m very happy with all. She is kind, patient and very professional . Allways with a positive attitude and a smile to start the class.
She is teaching me all the alphabet , phonetics, writing . We focus also to start a basic conversation . Is also nice to descover that many spanish words comes from arabic and many nome of cities too. She is wonderful women and teach me at the same time palestinan culture and we talk about West Bank.
I really think that she is the perfect teacher for me !!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ana Baheb Falasteen

Learning Arabic at Go Palestine and discovering the culture of Palestine has been an amazing experience, thanks to my great teacher. She is very dedicated, patient, and knows a lot, which makes every lesson fun. The materials she uses are good and not hard to understand. My Arabic has improved in many ways, and I learned a lot during my month of learning.

My time in Palestine was unforgettable. Visiting the refugee camps was very important and taught me many new things about the situation here in Hebron. I recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn Arabic easily and see the culture too.

  • One to one Classes
  • Dedicated teacher
  • Lovely host family
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Yes, I recommend this program

Palestine will always be in my heart

I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Volunteer with Palestinian Refugees program by Go Palestine. It was definitly a meaningful experience. For five weeks, I worked closely with Palestinian refugees, both children and adults, assisting them with English conversation skills.

The program was well-organized and helped me understand the history and political situation, especially during these difficult times. The staff at Go Palestine were very supportive, especially Manar who was very kind and always ready to help. Palestinians who I met in Hebron welcomed me with open arms, making me feel like part of their family. My Arabic classes are one of the best parts of being in Palestine. I've learned so much in a short time, all thanks to my wonderful teacher, Ms. Duaa.

I strongly recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn more about the lives of Palestinian refugees.I plan to come back next year, inshallah :)

  • Amazing Arabic teacher
  • Very warm people
  • Delicious food
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Yes, I recommend this program

Yallaa Ala Falsteen - Vamos a Palestina

During my two weeks in Hebron, volunteering with a refugee program was an incredible experience. Teaching English to children at the Al Fawar War Camp was more than I thought it would be. It was "Momtaza" as my Arabic teacher taught me :)

Even though life under occupation isn't normal, but the strength and kindness of the Palestinian people deeply touched me. Palestine is truly a remarkable place to explore.

I truly recommand this program to anyone wanting to make a real difference and help Palestinian refugees in Al-Khalil.

  • Kindest people ever
  • Excellent Arabic classes
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Yes, I recommend this program

Just Amazing

Hi, I’m Adam, a 26-year-old from Poland. Visiting Palestine has always been a dream of mine, and I found the perfect opportunity at the Go Palestine Centre in Hebron. During my stay, I participated in both a media and industry internship, which I highly recommend to anyone interested in learning about Hebron. I also volunteered for one-on-one English teaching sessions and took Arabic lessons.

My days were full and enriching. Mornings were spent visiting local businesses or media outlets, where I learned firsthand about these industries and interviewed various professionals. Despite my limited Arabic, Ms. Hala from the centre translated everything for me, ensuring smooth and productive days. We also visited refugee camps, which was an eye-opening experience.

Afternoons were dedicated to teaching English or attending Arabic lessons with the talented Mohammad. Evenings offered me leisure time to meet new people and unwind. With two days off each week, I explored the West Bank—visiting Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mar Saba, and Jericho, with Mar Saba being a standout.

My time in Hebron deepened my understanding of its culture. I explored the Old City, museums, Israeli settlements, and witnessed the impacts of occupation firsthand. Despite concerns, safety was never an issue; the locals were incredibly hospitable, and I encountered minimal issues with Israeli soldiers and checkpoints. Will come again!

  • Exploring Palestinian Culture
  • Supportive staff
  • Understanding the conflict


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.


Why did you choose this program?

A bit of a coincidence really. I was planning a long trip to the Middle East and remembered someone who came in to my secondary school to talk about the Israel/Palestine conflict for Religious Education. He'd been volunteering with a human rights programme there. I remember thinking that it sounded really exciting, so I searched online for humanitarian volunteering in Palestine. GoPalestine was one the first to come up.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The people at GoPalestine assisted me with everything I needed. Before the trip we had several conversations so that I knew what to pack, what to expect and how to get there. When you arrive, you are their guest and they look after you with all the warm Middle Eastern hospitality you could wish for. It's kind of like having personal guides taking you round the city and introducing you to people.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

This is such a friendly and relaxed programme, the only advice I would really want to give someone is to take every opportunity to make the most of it. If people invite you for a meal, or for coffee, say yes. If they offer to take you to see someone, say yes. If they give you the opportunity to contribute to some project, say yes. Basically just keep saying yes. They're the best people you could hope to meet, and you'll end up with lots of experiences and lots of friends.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

You get a schedule before the week starts. Breakfast is at 8:30 each morning, and after that you'll have sessions teaching English, learning Arabic, or going to meet people who work in your area. For me, this meant going to meet lots of journalists, human rights lawyers, entrepreneurs etc. You get free time, too, and at weekends (Friday and Saturday here) the days are yours to explore as you like.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I was not really bothered about security - the West Bank is not very dangerous currently, and I felt safe throughout. My biggest worries were over how nice the accommodation would be, and if I'd get on with the other volunteers. There were no problems with either in the end. In reality the hardest thing is the travel itself, because there are lots of suspicious Israeli checkpoints and security guards, so you'll need as much sincerity and confidence as you can manage.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Mohammad Nasser

Job Title
Arabic & English Teacher at Go Palestine
As an Arabic & English Teacher at Go Palestine, I am passionate about fostering cross-cultural communication and understanding. With a strong background in language education and a deep appreciation for diverse cultures, I create engaging and effective lessons tailored to the needs of my students.

My approach combines traditional and innovative teaching methods to ensure that learners not only grasp the language but also appreciate its cultural context. Whether you are looking to improve your language skills for personal growth, academic purposes, or professional development, I am committed to helping you achieve your goals and build meaningful connections through language.
Woman holding a certificate standing between two men in front of a maroon wall

What is your favorite travel memory?

One of my favorite travel memories is exploring the vibrant markets of Marrakech, Morocco. The bustling souks were filled with an array of colorful spices, handcrafted goods, and the rich scent of local cuisine. I vividly remember the friendly shopkeepers, the intricate designs of traditional Moroccan lamps, and the exhilarating experience of haggling for a beautiful rug. As the sun set, the city transformed with music, street performers, and the enchanting atmosphere of Jemaa el-Fnaa square. It was a sensory overload in the best possible way, leaving me with unforgettable memories of a city that felt alive with history and culture.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Since working for Go Palestine, I have experienced significant personal and professional growth. Immersed in a diverse and dynamic environment, I have honed my language teaching skills and developed innovative methods to engage students of varying backgrounds. This role has deepened my cultural awareness and empathy, as I interact with individuals from all over the world, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences.

Additionally, working at Go Palestine has enhanced my adaptability and problem-solving abilities. Navigating the challenges of language barriers and different learning styles has made me more resourceful and patient. Overall, this experience has not only improved my proficiency as an educator but also enriched my understanding of global cultures and strengthened my commitment to fostering cross-cultural communication.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of the best stories I've heard from a return student is about how their language skills transformed their career. This student, originally from Europe, had taken my Arabic classes at Go Palestine to prepare for a job in international development. After completing the course, they secured a position with a non-profit organization working in the Middle East.

A few months later, they returned to share their experience. They recounted how their ability to communicate in Arabic not only helped them navigate their new environment more effectively but also allowed them to build genuine relationships with local colleagues and community members. This connection led to more impactful and meaningful work, as they could better understand and address the needs of the people they were serving.

The student expressed deep gratitude for the language skills and cultural insights gained at Go Palestine, emphasizing how it had opened doors and enriched their professional and personal life. This story was incredibly rewarding and reaffirmed the importance and impact of language education.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If given the opportunity, I would choose the immersive Arabic language program offered by Go Palestine. This program stands out to me because it not only focuses on language proficiency but also provides a deep cultural immersion experience in Palestine.

I am eager to explore the rich history, traditions, and daily life of Palestine firsthand, as these elements are integral to understanding the Arabic language in its cultural context. Being immersed in such an environment would not only enhance my language skills but also deepen my appreciation for Palestinian culture and society.

Moreover, interacting with local communities and learning from native speakers would offer invaluable insights and perspectives that cannot be fully captured in a classroom setting. This immersive program would not only be a transformative educational experience but also a meaningful cultural exchange opportunity that aligns perfectly with my passion for language and cross-cultural communication.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Go Palestine stands out for its unique approach to language education, blending linguistic proficiency with cultural immersion in the Palestinian context. What makes our company truly distinctive is our commitment to not only teaching languages but also fostering deep cross-cultural understanding and empathy among our students.

I was especially proud of my team during a recent cultural event we organized for our students. We had worked tirelessly to create an authentic experience that showcased Palestinian traditions, music, cuisine, and hospitality. Seeing our students fully engaged, asking insightful questions, and forming connections with local participants was incredibly rewarding.

Our team's dedication to providing a transformative educational experience and their passion for promoting cultural exchange were evident throughout the event. It was a moment of pride for me to witness how our collective efforts contributed to meaningful interactions and enriched learning experiences for everyone involved.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

In my view, the biggest factor in being a successful company is a strong sense of purpose and a clear mission that resonates with both employees and customers. When a company has a compelling purpose beyond just making profits—whether it's about making a positive impact on society, solving a pressing problem, or enriching people's lives—it not only attracts passionate and dedicated employees but also builds strong customer loyalty.

Additionally, effective leadership plays a crucial role in guiding the company towards its goals, fostering innovation, and maintaining a positive work culture. A successful company also prioritizes continuous learning and adaptation, staying responsive to market changes and customer needs.

Ultimately, a successful company is one that aligns its actions with its values, consistently delivers value to its customers, and creates a positive impact in the broader community it serves.