Program Reviews

Me sitting next to a teddy bear statue holding a guitar
Yes, I recommend this program

A Beneficial & Life-Changing Experience

Overall Educational Experience:
During my time abroad, I spent 6 weeks at Yonsei University. The professors spoke Korean and English equally and were very flexible with the 6 week semester. There were several libraries/study areas around the campus and the majority of textbooks/ebooks were free.

Host Country Program Administration:
Yonsei and CIEE staff could be found quite easily. CIEE staff had their own office at Yonsei University and Yonsei staff was also on duty- day and night at the dormitory. All of these staff members were helpful and would find the answer to questions that would arise.

What to do for fun?
CIEE had planned out several activities and excursions for us each week. Aside from this, you will have plenty of time to adventure out on your own/with friends.

I will note that CIEE has nothing to do with how clean the dormitories are. I resided in a single-room dorm, which was smaller than expected but worked for me. Within my room, I had a twin bed, which was very, very hard and left my back very sore. After some time, my back adjusted and I got used to it. There was a desk with plenty of shelf room and a wardrobe closet, again, with plenty of room. A plus of the single room is that you get a mini fridge which I appreciated greatly. The bathroom is a wet bathroom, so I would advise you to wear sandals when you step into it, and also to keep your feet clean. The shower was always nice and hot. The cleanliness of the room was decent, but not thorough. We were told to clean our rooms before we left, and I suspect that is what the last students did, so some areas were missed.

At the entry-level of the dormitory, there was a convenience store filled with goodies and 3 restaurants. I believe one was a burger place, another was a pork cutler place, and another was a soup place. I really enjoyed the burger place. I recommend the Western burger. If none of those suit your appetite, there is a number of convenience stores and restaurants on campus. Let's not forget that you can find many more restaurants and grocery stores just across the street.

Social/Cultural Integration:
I was a guest, and my country was not my host. This means, just because I came to visit, it does not make them my host. I was to remain aware of my actions because one thing that is considered normal in my country, may come off as rude in another. I educated myself on the social etiquette of the country I was visiting beforehand. You do not want to stand out. You want to blend in, and because I educated myself, I did blend in quite nicely. Aside from this, while the language barrier did cause some problems as I am not fluent, I did not worry too much as many places had kiosks that had an English option- this made purchasing items a breeze. On top of this, as noted above, CIEE provided many activities and excursions that allowed students to work together and encouraged them to interact with the locals and explore the area.

I became ill during my study abroad, and with South Korea's guidelines for COVID, I had to be tested. I first emailed a CIEE staff member asking for advice. She directed me to the on-campus clinic, where I was seen, asked about my symptoms, and tested for COVID, all for free. There were some language barrier problems, but it was sorted out. I was given 3 types of medication pills and was told how to take them. I paid for those there and went on my way. I cannot compare this clinic to my home clinic at my University as I've only been once and that was to get an ice pack, but what I do know, is that there is no fee when you visit my University's clinic as it is already paid for when you paid toward your tuition.

Yonsei University seemed like a very safe place, even when it's in the heart of a large and busy city. South Korea is a safe place in general, so I was never worried. In the dormitory, there was always a Yonsei staff member in the lobby to watch those who enter and leave. There was only one way to enter the area that takes you to the stairs/elevators, and you could only enter this area after your temperature was checked and your card was swiped. Separate floors separated the sexes. There were never males and females residing on the same floor. And to enter your room, you would have to tap your key card (kind of like a hotel). There is no jaywalking whatsoever. There are many safe places to cross at, so never attempt to do so elsewhere because while the city is relatively safe, drivers can be careless. Keep an eye out for bicycles and motorbikes of any kind. They WILL drive them on the sidewalk where people walk, so be aware of your surroundings. I have even seen them drive them on the pedestrian crosswalks. They're not supposed to, but again, you must remain aware.

How did I afford it?
Apply for scholarships!!! The sooner you do it, the better because it is a process. Look into your school and program resources, they will usually have a list of scholarships that will help you. Your GPA not high? Do not let that stop you! Not all scholarships look at GPA. The scholarship that allowed me to study abroad is the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship. This scholarship is exclusive to students who receive the Pell Grant. The Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship gives a voice to those who have been underrepresented: The minority, the disabled, first-generation college students, etc. Gilman looks at what makes you unique and what makes you do what you do. They want to know what obstacles you have overcome. This is the scholarship that wants to hear how you have blossomed and wants to be the one to give you that extra push. Money should never stop a student from learning. If you have any questions about this scholarship or any others, please get with your college/university as they can assist you with this.

Would I do it again?
Absolutely. It was definitely worthwhile. While the trip cost a pretty penny, the impact on my character and life is priceless.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Save your receipts and carry your passport everywhere with you! Many stores offer tax-free goods if you purchase so much (I think it is over 25,000 won?), and they will need your passport to give you that discount. If they do not offer it, save your receipts and it can be done at the airport. This is mainly for items you plan to take back home: clothing, shoes, and gifts.
  • Strong Staff Support
  • University/Dormitory Safety
  • Helpful Strangers
  • Covid-19 restrictions
  • Picky eater like me? You will struggle some... things are oddly spicey and or sweet
  • Careless Driving
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Communications, Media, and Journalism Program in Prague

CIEE is an extraordinary organization that provides a well-rounded experience and a variety of cultural opportunities. When I was coming abroad, one of my biggest worries was that I would feel lost in the absence of a trusted adult or advisor. Studying abroad can be daunting, and I had concerns about if I would have a solid support network. During the first day of orientation, these worries were put to rest. The CIEE Prague staff ensured all the students that they were not only there to educate us, but that they also cared about our well-being and about the experiences we had. Hearing those words put my mind at ease and allowed me to look forward to what lay ahead. Additionally, the CIEE staff did a terrific job of creating intriguing programming for the students that offered us a deeper look into our host culture. Through CIEE programming, we had the opportunity to attend a local hockey game, participate in wine tasting, learn how to do glass blowing, and even take a trip to Berlin.

Many of the classes at CIEE Prague included a Czech focus, and it was interesting to widen my perspective on life throughout the world and on myself. Before coming abroad, I didn’t truly grasp how intriguing it would be to immerse myself in a new culture and learn the norms of a different country. Through the classes I’ve taken regarding culture and identity, and through my personal experiences, I have become more aware and open-minded regarding cultural differences. The international education provided at CIEE is of the utmost importance as it guided students toward understanding the similarities between cultures and respecting the differences.

  • program staff & organized activities
  • cultural activities
  • ease of travel to/from other cities/countries
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ciee Lisbon

The cultural emersión program is filled with meaningful learning, exciting excursions and supportive staff members that help create a near perfect study abroad experience!! The program offers a good variety of travel across the country of Portugal! The Portuguese buddies attached to the program gives a good view of Portuguese culture from young peoples perspective! Both the homestay and dorm experience were amazing! The dorms are like mini studios and are perfect for mingling with others in your program!

  • Support from staff
  • Long weekends to travel
  • Amazing city and country
  • School is early with little breaks
  • Missing class is restricted
  • Not a full year
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Unforgettable Experience In Prague

I spent a month in Prague with CIEE during summer 2022 and was amazed by the significant impact such a short time had on me. I was nervous that by going for a month instead of a semester, I wouldn’t ever feel fully adjusted to life in Prague, but CIEE helped me feel at home right away and prepared me for all the exciting challenges that come with study abroad. By the end of the program, I was ordering coffees in Czech thanks to the communicative language course, comfortably using Prague’s incredible public transportation system, and exploring other nearby cities with the strategies for being abroad I had learned! My time with CIEE left me with an increased sense of independence and a deep connection to Prague that I find extremely valuable!

  • Prague is very affordable
  • Strong support system with CIEE
  • Excellent housing
  • The language barrier can be difficult at times
  • It can feel overwhelming to experience everything you want to in a month
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Yes, I recommend this program

Can't Beat It!

I was apart of CIEE's Open Campus Program in Cape Town, South Africa. I did 2 blocks in Cape Town, and they were the most enlightening, exciting, and unique 12 weeks of my life! Going abroad anywhere can be scary, especially in a third world country where the crime rates aren't very comforting. However, CIEE does an amazing job at providing the right resources and information so that as soon as you step foot off the plane, you feel comfortable and welcomed. Not only did CIEE provide transportation from the airport to the housing accommodations, they also organized an introductory seminar and orientation to give us the lay of the land (how to get places, who to contact in an emergency, certain areas to stay away from, certain areas that are recommended, and so much more). Ever since Day 1, the CIEE staff was attentive and responsive, and was at our beck and call every second of everyday. If it was 8pm and I needed a restaurant recommendations, I contacted a CIEE staff member. If it was 6am and I needed a recommendation on where to go for a hike, I contacted a CIEE staff member. If I was feeling sick and wanted to go see a doctor, I contacted a CIEE staff member. They are ALWAYS there to help and guide you through the best semester of your life!

  • Beautiful Nature
  • Allows you to step outside of your comfort zone
  • Cheap cost of living!
  • Not extremely safe in some areas
  • Beggars on the street are very persistent!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer Business + Communications | Amsterdam, Netherlands

CIEE did an amazing job in making us feel supported while abroad. It was hard adjusting to a different environment without any familiar faces, but CIEE did their best to try and give us immersive cultural excursions and activities, while also giving us the freedom do do our own outings. I really enjoy the flexibility they gave us, this allowed me build my own itineraries on certain days and learn about Amsterdam and the Netherlands in my own way. CIEE also supplied many resources abroad, making the process easier. They were amazing every step of the way!

  • Optional weekly excursions
  • Personal recommendations for places to eat, visit, etc.
  • Transparent communication and easy to reach out
  • Wasn't able to connect with many students outside of the program
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Yes, I recommend this program

Sustainability in the Tropics - January term in Monteverde, Costa Rica

I cannot stress how much fun the January term in Monteverde was! The community of CIEE Monteverde was incredible and all of the staff were helpful and nice. They learn every single student's name and by the end of it, your class, along with the instructor and TA, become a group of your closest friends. I am leaving this program with so many new friends from around the country and with so many memories of fun adventures and excursions that we took. This was the most interesting class I've taken!

  • Creating friendships with students from other universities
  • Exploring the local areas and meeting locals your age
  • Escaping the cold back home during winter months
  • Weather can be unpredictable
  • January term is very compact and academic-intensive
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE January in London Review

CIEE London was a really great experience! I made phenomenal friends and studied in a beautiful school right on Russell Square. The class was about the NHS in the UK and had some great information; my teacher was also lovely and made it clear she cared about learning with us rather than simply teaching us. We were given plenty of time to travel on our own (I personally went to Paris for a weekend) and the work load wasn't taxing. I wish they would have given me information on the class schedule and housing sooner, but, overall, I had an AMAZING time. I never felt unsafe as a female traveler, even when alone, and there was always something fun to do.

  • Plenty of time to travel on your own/with friends
  • Interesting class without a taxing workload
  • Wonderful staff
  • Lacked a bit in organization of the program
  • Pre-departure communication could have been better
  • The housing could have been closer to the school
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Yes, I recommend this program

A challenging but very rewarding experience

January in Kyoto was a life-changing experience that presented me with lots of first experiences in my life. For starters, this was only a three-week program, so everything was very fast-paced. This isn't a bad thing though, as it makes you strategically plan out your limited time in Japan and makes you plan to see the sights and even go to Tokyo or Osaka. If you do the research you'll find so many things to do and you'll never run out of new things to experience, ideally something new every day! If you have a good balance between your academic and adventurous side, then this is the perfect program for you!

  • Amazing city/environment
  • Amacing food
  • Never running our of things to do
  • Very time limited
  • Class can be a lot sometimes
  • Not much flexibility with class schedule
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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved every day

This program is excellent for both being immersed in the modernity and innovation of the country, as well as its rich history. You will be at one of three best schools in the country- the campus is beautiful and it’s an excellent opportunity to meet interesting students- as well as live in a very lively, youthful, and exciting neighborhood. CIEE makes the admission process easy and provides one-of-a-kind opportunities to engage with fellow Korean students, see other parts of the country, and fun and unique experiences. I am also grateful to the team on-site that helped me one-on-one for personal reasons on multiple occasions, as well as the very accessible and eager team online that helped me complete my application. I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to see the best of South Korea!

  • One-on-one support from team
  • Included cross-country travel
  • Optional historical teachings