
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Summer Abroad - Saint Malo - Review

I really enjoyed my stay in Saint Malo France. For my activity I selected sailing which was a perfect thing to do in the ancient sailing town of Saint Malo. I met lots of people from all over the world and enjoyed sharing languages and customs with them. My host parents were very nice and took good care of me. I felt safe in their home and very comfortable I left my summer program with a much better command of French and will use this in the years ahead. I would highly recommend this program to any high school student who wishes to push their comfort level and desiring to learn how to communicate in another language and culture.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I was introduced to a French dish that consisted of mashed potatoes with vegetables on top and then a cooked piece of fish on top. While none of these items was so unique, combining them in this way was a first for me and I really enjoyed it!
  • Meeting people from may other countries
  • Exploring a new town that you have never been before can be exciting.
  • Learning to navigate a new culture is fun.
  • Sometimes it can be difficult to communicate when you don't know all the words.
  • Being away from your family and friends can be sad.
  • Living in someone else's home can be challenging.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My experience in Japan

As it was my first time ever going to Japan, or to any country all by myself I was definitely excited but also a bit nervous. However, as soon as I landed in Japan I found myself surrounded by amazing and kind people including my host family who helped guide me the first few days and who I am truly grateful for. I loved spending time with my host family and their three children, trying all kinds of new foods they would make for dinner, and playing card games with them. I also enjoyed going to school every day to better my Japanese. All the teacher and staff I was surrounded with were so kind and really tried their best to make sure I got all the support I needed. However, aside from the school I loved all the activities the program brought us to. I was able to go to many places in Fukuoka with the school as well as my friends. Some of these included Dazaifu, Canal City Mall, and the school even took us to a Taiko drumming session. With friends, we would go every day to a different restaurant and eat so much delicious and new foods I had never even heard of before. Something I thought was cool about all my classmates was that even though we were all from different parts of the world, we were all in Japan because we all truly wanted to be there and learn the language and culture. Overall, I don't think I could have had a better experience anywhere else and I am thankful I chose this program for my first time in Japan.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For me the most stressful part of my experience in Japan was probably the transportation and the fact that I would have to take a train every morning and afternoon to and from the school. I kept getting VERY lost as I was not able to read any of the signs in Japanese and this resulted in my being late to places. However, overtime, and with the help of my host family I was able to learn which trains I could take and on what platforms they were on. Therefore, by the end of the program, this stressful part of my day was quite simple for me.
  • I met really good friends and people.
  • I was able to improve my Japanese abilities.
  • I had some really good food I had never tried before.
  • It was really hot and humid.
  • I got lost on the city's transportation.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer in Salamanca as a teen

I recently participated in a teen travel Spanish immersion course in Salamanca, Spain. Overall, the experience was positive, though there were areas that could be improved.


Engaging Activities: The program included various cultural activities and excursions that were both fun and educational. Visits to museums, historical sites, and local markets enriched our understanding of Spanish culture.

Friendships: One of the highlights was meeting other teens from different parts of the world. The friendships and cultural exchanges we experienced were invaluable.

Overall Experience:

The teen travel Spanish immersion course in Salamanca was a worthwhile experience that provided a unique opportunity to improve my Spanish skills while enjoying the rich culture of Spain. While there were a few areas that could use improvement, the overall experience was positive and rewarding. I would recommend this program to other teens interested in language immersion and cultural exploration.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Whole deep fried fish, all the bones, the head, the eyes, and even the tail.
  • Beautiful Location: Salamanca is a picturesque city with a rich history. The opportunity to explore its beautiful architecture, vibrant plazas, and historic landmarks added significant value to the experience. The city's charm greatly enhanced my stay.
  • Language Immersion: Being surrounded by the Spanish language daily was incredibly beneficial. Both formal classes and informal interactions helped me improve my speaking and listening skills more than I expected.
  • Supportive Staff: The program staff were generally supportive and approachable. They were always available to assist with any issues and provided helpful guidance throughout the course.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Teaching English in Italy

I have now completed 3 months teaching English abroad in Italy. Overall, this has been a great experience and I am extremely happy I did it! However, I would not recommend this particular program. There were some concerning aspects of this trip.
Number 1. The LACK OF COMMUNICATION. Communication from Greenheart was absolutely terrible. I would send emails and would no get a response until 2-3 weeks later (if any). They did not tell me where I was being placed until the end of November (I left end of January) and booking airplane tickets was expensive that late. They also did not tell me which grades/ages I would be working with until a few weeks before I left and still expected me to pack materials.
I often wondered if this program was a scam. I did not hear from them other than when they reminded me that I needed to pay the rest of the fee. When I had to pay the last large sum, I almost decided this company was a scam and didn't go, but decided to try it.
They also did not tell me about important holidays in Italy (when the school would be closed) so I could not plan anything until last minute. The last week of school was a half week due to a national holiday and therefore the program ended three days earlier than they had told me.
Overall, everything was very unorganized and everything was a surprise.

2. Host family.
Although I had a lovely host family that were very nice people, I do not believe that they were in a place in life to be hosting someone at this time (as they told me many times). I strongly believe that the program should have looked into this more. My family said that they applied 2 year earlier but did not get anyone placed with them. This year they were asked to host me and accepted, although this was not a good time for them. They were almost never home, and if they were they were very busy with their own lives (understandably). Often I would only see them for about 30 minutes at dinner, where they often fought and screamed at each other. There was also often no food in the house and I went many times without lunch or dinner. It was not much of a cultural exchange: my family almost never asked about me or my country and I was made to feel stupid if I asked about Italian culture.

Orientation was pointless. It occurred a week after I had already been living in Italy. I do believe it would have been helpful it it occurred before I left home. However, everything they talked about I had found out for myself after I had arrived. All of the information would have been extremely helpful beforehand.
They also sent out a handbook that stated that orientation would take place over the first weekend in Turin with a group of people completing the program. Henceforth I booked my ticket to Turin expecting this to take place. Eventually I started asking questions and found out that was indeed not happening and that orientation would be online ( again, lack of communication).

Something good that came out of the program was the Facebook group. Although no one uses it, I was lucky that another girl completing the same program as me posted in it looking for connections. Luckily we started chatting and met up while in Italy. It was so nice to be able to chat with someone going through the same experience as you. Italy is extremely different from North America and had extremely challenging moments. I am extremely grateful that I met her and we were able to travel together on some weekends. We visited AMAZING places like Rome, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Milan, and Turin and truly had the best time. Without her, I would have been extremely bored and depressed on the weekends. My family often did nothing with me and I would sit at home looking for something to do. There is much more free time here than in North America and without having something to look forward to on the weekends I do not think I would have been able to stay the entire 3 months.

My experience at the schools was overall great. At the secondary school (elementary level in North America) I was extremely welcomed by both staff and students. Most students were so excited to have me there and always waved and said hi to me. They treated me like a celebrity. I really enjoyed teaching my lessons each week and interacting with the students. Although, the language barrier was challenging and students in Italy have way less respect for their teachers compared to Canada. The school system is also completely different and old school compared to North America. Which was very challenging sometimes.
The primary school was very difficult to attend. They did not give me a schedule, and other classes from other schools would also show up and demand a lesson from me. Teacher did not speak English and they would all fight over my time and often were too aggressive towards me. I frankly hated going to the primary school, because of the teachers. However, the students were amazing and very interested and happy to have me. Somedays I was treated poorly by those teachers, and I paid A LOT of money to do this program which is why I am writing this review.

Overall, I am glad I did this experience. I love teaching and have enjoyed working with the students. I have enjoyed traveling on weekends and being in the country that is full of history. However, It is an expensive program where you work FOR FREE. There is a lot expected of you, even though you are the one paying to be here. So I believe that there must be a program out there that either is cheaper or pays you that may be a better option. Or simply just travel around Italy first before committing to living here. I do not think that I would do this program now knowing what I know. But I know everyone's experience is different.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
My family ate pasta every single day for lunch which was very surprising to me.
  • I have made great connections with the students
  • I have made a great new friend out of this experience
  • I have travelled to some of the most amazing places in Italy
  • The lack of communication
  • Cultural shock
  • Host family not being at a good place to host someone
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching Abroad in Chiang Mai: A Journey of Discovery and Delight

3 months ago I began my teaching adventure abroad with Greenheart Travel. I've had a fulfilling experience overall. Initially unaware of their partnership with Xploreasia, I was happy with the level of support provided leading up to my departure. The program equipped me with valuable knowledge and resources, and their responsiveness to any questions made my feel at ease.

Now settled in the beautiful city of Chiang Mai, Thailand, I am thoroughly enjoying my teaching experience. The weather is delightful, the local community is welcoming, and there's an abundance of things to do!

Some of the downsides would be that the working hours are longer than anticipated, and the contract length exceeded my initial expectations. Additionally, I encountered unexpected hidden costs along the way.

Overall, my time with Greenheart Travel/XploreAsia has been positive, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to teach in such a beautiful location. While there have been challenges, the rewards of living and working in Chiang Mai are extremely fulfilling. I would recommend using Greenheart to allow the transition abroad to be smooth and stress free.

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Yes, I recommend this program

It was a great trip!

It was a really great trip, I cherish the opportunities it gave me and the memories I made. I am going to put much more effort into studying Japanese because I want to go back and be able to talk to people. I loved learning Japanese from native speakers and living with my host family the Yoshidas. They were the best part of the trip by far. Going to Osaka palace and bike riding at dusk were unforgettable experiences, and training Japanese kickboxing was so incredibly fun. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

  • Good food
  • Flying
  • Fun
  • Got lost
  • expensive
  • a little bit lonely
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Yes, I recommend this program

Teach English in a Homestay in South Korea for 3 Months

I recently had the incredible opportunity to live with a family in South Korea for 3 months through Greenheart’s Korean homestay and teach English program and I highly recommend it.

My gap year dream was to live in South Korea and teach English. I had completed the TEFL course and then found out that legally I needed a degree to teach in Korea. I thought it was going to be impossible to go when I found Greenheart's homestay program whilst surfing the web and reached out to them.

Right from the start, the Greenheart team was helpful and guided me through the application process. Despite my late application, they stood by me, guiding and assisting me throughout the rushed process. Even after I arrived in Korea, their unwavering support continued from meeting me at the airport, sorting out a Korean SIM Card, taking me to the family I was going to be living with and helping me find and enrol in Korean language lessons. Whenever I encountered any challenges or needed assistance during my stay, Greenheart was always there, providing the help I needed.

One of the most pleasant surprises was the affordability of the program. Initially, I had concerns about the price, but experiencing it first-hand, I can confidently say it offers exceptional value. In fact, the cost is significantly more reasonable compared to attempting a similar endeavour independently.

To summarise, my experience with the Korean homestay and teach English program with Greenheart was truly extraordinary. It not only allowed me to fulfil my dream of living and teaching English in Korea, but it also provided unparalleled support and guidance throughout the entire journey. If you're contemplating a homestay in Korea, choose Greenheart. You won't be disappointed.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Tokyo teen language camp

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Yes, I recommend this program

High School Abroad in the Netherlands

I participated in Greenheart Travel's High School Abroad program in the Netherlands from August 2022 to July 2023. This was one of the best experiences of my life. I made so many new friends, did so many new things, and learned so much. I'm very pleased with my choice to go with Greenheart. The Greenheart staff was so kind and helpful with everything. Participating in one of these programs is a lot of hard work, but the staff was there to answer all my questions and help me with the whole process. They responded promptly to emails and were always professional and kind. It was so amazing to live abroad and I would definitely recommend the Netherlands as a country to study in. This program is amazing!

  • Gained more independence.
  • Was able to see many different parts of the Netherlands.
  • Learned how to resolve difficult situations.
  • Some cultural differences were difficult to adapt to.
  • Some difficulty with the in-country partner organization.
  • Homesickness.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Immersive experience!

My experience with green heart travel was a great, seamless one. I suggest any parents who are worried about communication with their children to put their worries to rest, as it being my first time traveling alone, I found that there were even less issues then when I travel with others! Greenheart travel has done such a good job with organization, picking good host families, and immersing students into the culture and community without creating too much negative culture shock. I found that adapting to life in Spain became very easy when I learned from the language program. Overall, it was a beautiful experience I would definitely do again!

  • Host family
  • food
  • helpful staff