Meiji Internships

Program Reviews

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Learning about business

I did my internship in the field of business development in Taiwan. The reason I did this internship is for school. I'm studying International Business at University, and we have to experience work in a company in order to graduate. I could have found something in my own country, but I've always been curious about Asia, and I have Asian roots so I wanted to know more about the culture. Of course, it was a wonderful experience! I could learn a lot about business and how to grow a company. During the first 2 weeks, they taught me all I had to know, and it was a bit hard to follow because I had to remember lots of information. But then I got used to it, and I could start doing things on my own!
I was surprised because I've heard before that Asian people have difficulties with English, but in fact, in this company, I could speak English with almost everyone. There were also two European guys who helped me a lot to get comfortable in the beginning, but there wasn't any problem with talking with the others as well.
Other than that, I was able to travel during the weekends, and Taiwan landscapes are so beautiful!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Trading & Logistics Internship

I worked with an immense amount of data, and sometimes that was a bit of a challenge for me. Especially because in the beginning, I did not know my company’s work processes. But after I voiced some concerns, my colleagues sat me down and helped me better understand my tasks and the company. There were times when I had to hurry a little to meet deadlines, but most of the time, I could work at my own pace.
I think Meiji did a good job because the internship was exactly what I was looking for. For university credits, I needed an internship that had something to do with international trades, so it was a good match. I was actually surprised they managed to meet my expectations that wonderfully! For some people living in Tokyo might seem scary or confusing, but I liked it a lot. Also, I feel like it teaches you a lot to intern in a company in the capital because you can observe trade and shipping on an international scale. In Tokyo, there is also a lot to do so you won’t get bored! I really liked my experience overall.

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Internship in Fukuoka

I had a great time with my internship in Fukuoka that Meiji Internships provided me with. I experienced outstanding service throughout my application and stay and it did not take long at all to get matched with the perfect company for me. The communication was flawless and the staff at Meiji Internships was always ready to help me with any questions or problems I had.

During my internship I was assigned a lot of interesting tasks, worked on exciting projects and saw a ton of growth in my skills. My main tasks were digital marketing related work and helping out with organizing events for foreigners in Fukuoka. I really enjoyed learning more about the field I was interested in but also having a lot of social and personal experiences while doing my internship.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Living together with people I had never met before at a share house was a very new experience for me and in the beginning I was not sure how well it would work out. But everyone was very nice and I got used to it a lot quicker than I thought I would. Any issues that came up could always be addressed and resolved easily. In the end I was glad that I stayed at a share house because of the many interesting people from all over the world that I got the chance to meet.
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Yes, I recommend this program

It was great lah!

What an amazing experience this was. Everything Meiji provided was well arranged, professional and fun. I am glad I came to Singapore because it beautifully combines Asian and European culture. So I could immerse myself in Asian culture, explore the foreign local cuisine and check out temples, while still speaking the local language (english). Singaporeans have a special dialect called Singlish, but you will get the hang of it! My internship was in film & photography and I learnt sooo much. I was given a camera and joined my colleagues for events and weddings. So I got to attend special events while gaining work experience! Yes, I felt very lucky!

Singapore has a lot to offer and you will learn so much about so many different cultures! Indian, English, Chinese… you name it! The food is fantastic as well and you can even eat at one of the cheapest michelin-stared restaurants in the world. My time was definitely worth everything!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

Meiji is a great choice if you are thinking about doing an internship or studying Japanese in Japan. The application process is easy and straight forward. The staff is helpful, and the communication is great. Meiji helps you with finding a great internship in the field(s) that interest you, provide accommodation and also offers Japanese classes if you want to improve your Japanese before starting your internship. The communication with the staff working for Meiji is excellent. They keep you updated about the application process and quickly answer any question you might have. Finding the right company was quick in my case. I really like the internship I am currently doing, and I definitely would do it again. Meiji offers a great service and an internship in Japan is definitely a good way to build your resume.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open to new experiences and keep an open mind. Living abroad is an adventure and can be a lot of fun. It won’t always be easy but you learn a lot and you’ll grow as a person.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fantastic opportunity

I spent 2 months in Bangkok, Thailand doing a tourism & hospitality internship. I had the best time of my life and learned so much in such a short time. The people I met were amazing. Their hospitality is out of this world and I hope to carry the new values and skills I have learned to the US with me when I return. In my free time, I experienced many of the awesome activities and beauty of Bangkok and the surrounding areas have to offer. I honestly wish I would have stayed longer. I also met tons of awesome fellow interns and local students. Thank you Meiji Internships for answering all of my questions and helping me prepare for my internship adventure. To the person reading this: I had a great time, and encourage others to take the leap as well. Come with an open mind, be motivated and have fun!

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Yes, I recommend this program

That lion roar though

Two months ago, I spent four weeks in Singapore. Meiji Internships was very supportive, answered all my questions and kept in touch with me on a regular basis. My work visa and the application process was handled hassle-free thanks to Meiji’s support and guidance. Upon arrival in Singapore, I was informed about my accommodation, airport pick-up and provided with additional useful information. I was never homesick and the programme made me adore living abroad and exploring SEA.
Taking the leap and interning abroad is definitely an investment for your future career, and I am grateful to how I have grown personally after my stay in Singapore. It was not just an outstanding internship, but an equally great organisation around it. And if you are looking for the best place to intern, just follow that lion roar to the Lion City. I loved calling SG home!

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My internship with Meiji Internships was not only a valuable experience for my future career but also an eye-opening opportunity to live life in a different corner of the world. I worked for a fantastic company in Seoul, which allowed me to gain work experience in the industry I care about. I conducted research, wrote reports, translated documents and assisted my colleagues in day to day duties. While the tasks I did were amazing, the best part of my internship was the people. I made so many awesome friends from all around the world with whom I share one thing in common: our love for traveling, living abroad and sense of adventure. I had so many eye-opening conversations with these people and talked about things I never thought about back at home. just wow! I can highly recommend this experience. Go ahead, intern abroad!

- When packing bring a towel and tissues with you, so you have some for when you arrive
- Don’t overpack. Shopping is amazing here! Also, don’t bother bringing much makeup. It probably is way better in Korea anyways.
- Honestly, I did not cook much because it is super affordable to eat out in Korea.
- Learn basic korean and learn to read it! It will help you tremendously!
- Bring deodorant! Korea has very limited supply of deodorant, particularly stick deodorant (hard to find and expensive, so stock up before going!)
- Have lots of fun! I envy you and wish I could do it all over again! *-*

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Yes, I recommend this program

marketing internship in Singapore

Hi! I am Amanda and I did an e-commerce and marketing internship in Singapore! The company I worked with is a Fashion industry leader and operates both online and in retail. Therefore, my work was not just in the office but also on-ground in physical stores and at meeting with clients and suppliers. That was fantastic and allowed me to escape that "starring at a computer screen all day“ routine. I learned a lot working for my company and was entrusted major tasks which I found unusually important for an intern. The trust they all placed in me made me incredibly proud and I worked very hard to contribute to my company’s success. In my free time, I would explore Singapore, go shopping or check out the Hawker Centers. On some weekends, my colleagues would take me sightseeing or grab food together.
The only thing I did not love was my accommodation because the people I was staying with were not quite my kind of people. I see myself as someone who gets along with pretty much everyone, but my flatmates would only eat and sleep at the house. They weren't up to cooking together, movie nights or going out. I found that rather sad but solved the problem by making friends OUTSIDE my apartment. It was a good thing to do because I now have friends from Singapore and all around the world!
I am immensely grateful for this opportunity and could not have imagined a better host company. I now possess a greater variety of industry skills and knowledge and am eager to put it all into practice once I enter the labor force!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Thai-m flies when you’re having the time of your life!

This summer, I wanted to visit Asia. My mates all had plans already, so I knew that I had to go on my own. First, I thought about backpacking, but since I had already taken a gap year after school to backpack around Australia, I wanted to do something different. Or let’s say something a bit more career-oriented that would look good on my CV and let me develop new skills. That’s why I chose to do an internship. I went for Thailand cause hey, it was still my summer holiday and I did want some of that beach holiday flair after working hard (;
At uni, I study Business Administration. I came to Thailand to do a Marketing internship with a tech startup company in Bangkok, where I was in charge of copywriting, designing marketing materials and doing market research to find new potential customers. I felt like I could contribute a lot to the company which made me feel amazing about my work. I also loved Bangkok. It pulsates with life and is filled with contrasts in every corner. You don’t know what a good party is until you have partied on one of Bangkok’s many high rooftop bars! Bangkok is a fantastic place to travel, intern and have a great summer. Check it out! I had the time of your life!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
A Bangkok tourist classic: grass hopper and scorpion. Crunchy and surprisingly good!