Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

The best summer ever!!

I went to Thailand this last summer with Global Leadership Adventures, and I'm in love. Not just with Thailand, but with the program! GLA has amazing staff, and they're so supportive and caring throughout your trip and after. I always felt safe and secure, which I'm sure was not easy in the areas we sometimes went, but I never questioned it for a second. I had an amazing time, and I think that any opportunity I get to swim with elephants is an automatic favorite memory.

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Exceeds expectations

My trip to South Africa has been the most pivotal moment of my life thus far. Especially within this specific program, you tackle issues that most other travel organizations do not. I was able to work directly with a small business owner, and the whole GLA group was able to help foster entrepreneurship in a country with about a 25% unemployment rate. South Africa is a beautiful country, with stunning views (and penguins! and ostriches!) and vibrant cities. If many are hesitant to travel afar, South Africa is a great choice. Everyone is welcoming and helpful (and speaks English). When I left, I cried my eyes out. I plan on returning as soon as possible, and hopefully studying there during University.

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Amazing! Can't wait for next year!

My incoming freshman son went on the 10 day trip to Costa Rica not knowing a single soul. From second one, he felt comfortable and had an amazing, unforgettable experience. He made new friends, learned about a completely different culture, came back appreciating things so much more, and couldn't wait to find a new adventure for next summer! A+ for GLA from beginning to end. Thank you so much!!!!

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Global Leadership Adventures- Thailand Cultural Kaleidoscope

I had such an amazing experience through Global Leadership Adventures! I traveled to Thailand not knowing anyone, yet I felt at home. Each student was so welcoming and eager to make new friends. My favorite part of the two weeks was definitely teaching English to the children. They were so engaged in the lessons and tried to understand, although the language barrier was a challenge. The kids were so thankful that we taught at their school and crying as they said goodbye. I also loved immersing myself in Thai culture visiting many different temples, and also volunteering at an elephant conservation. We also had a Thai cooking lesson. It was so much fun learning about new foods that are different than ones I usually eat. Besides the many different activities, the Global Leadership Adventure mentors were always so nice and helpful. They were always there for us and were willing to talk about anything. This was an unforgettable experience that I would love to repeat hopefully next summer!

What would you improve about this program?
These were the best two weeks of my life!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Nothing Better

Imagine being surrounded by like minded people and people of a completely different culture than the one you have always known. Imagine dancing with a Maasai tribe, teaching primary school children, and observing lions in their natural habitat. Now stop imaging and experience it. My time in Tanzania was the best of my life. I learned gratitude, patience, and appreciation. I learned my passions. I learned my potential. I learned about myself. I felt incredibly safe and respected throughout the program. The directors and mentors make a huge effort to get to know each student. Every part of my trip changed me and molded me into a better person. I am so excited for my next trip with GLA! Take the leap and join Global Leadership Adventures!!!!!!

What would you improve about this program?
I genuinely think that this program is perfect in every way and I truly would not change it.
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Global Leadership Adventures: The Initiative for Children in Belize

This past summer I participated in Global Leadership Adventures Belize: The Initiative for Children. I had THE most amazing and life-changing experience of my life. The staff is amazing and very well-qualified/equipped to deal with any situation or emergency (should one even arise at all). The best part about this experience is that it is a totally authentic and service-oriented approach to exploring new cultures. On my particular trip we went to a poetry night a few villages over from home base, snorkeled around Tobacco Caye, and explored ancient Maya ruins.These direct and genuine interactions with Belizean culture are what sets GLA apart. Further, the service we participated in is beneficial to all involved. We got to teach the local youth English, paint their playground, and encourage them to reach their full potential. Even more, though, the service we completed changed our lives equally, if not more so, by opening our eyes to poverty, the privilege of public education, and social justice.

What would you improve about this program?
These were the best two weeks of my life and could not have been any better!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Global Leadership Adventures - Truly Life Changing!

Global Leadership Adventures, or GLA, is incomparable to any other program. Every staff member is always there for you, especially your mentors. All of the mentors are very supportive and kind hearted people. When I got back home, the first thing I said to my mom and dad was, "Can I do another next year?" Everyday we woke so excited to scarf down our delicious breakfast and head out into the jungle to join the smiling faces of the locals. I will never forget these 10 days, the best 10 days of my life.

What would you improve about this program?
They can plan better at the airport, so that people don't have to wait or other flights. However, during that time waiting, you can connect with the mentors and other kids.
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Two Weeks in Tanzania

I traveled to Tanzania with Global Lewdeship Adventures for two weeks in August 2017. I am someone who is very attached to the their friends and family, and couldn't imagine traveling with a group of strangers for two weeks abroad. As my trip neared, I thought I was crazy for signing myself up! But I wouldn't have wanted to go with any other program. Global Leadership Adventures made my trip the most amazing thing I have ever done. I made friends I still talk to and hope to see soon, and I made relationships with Tanzanians that I hope to never lose touch with. This program made me realize how incredible the world around us is, and forced me to put myself out there and engage in this wonderful world. I could not recommend this program enough. The staff and experience made me appreciat life more, and gave me a bad case of th travel bug. I'll be back, Tanzania!!

What would you improve about this program?
In all honesty, my trip was an amazing experience and I wouldn't change a thing.
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Global Health Initiative in Dominican Republic

This trip left me totally inspired and motivated. I have a new love for Dominican and the people there, it is just gorgeous. We spent a lot of time in the communities setting up pop-up clinics, and helping with the construction of labs and clinics. It sparked my interest in nursing and I was able to learn a lot from shadowing the doctors there and taking notes.
What I liked was that it was away from all the tourism, you got to see more of the raw, real Dominican. I have a friend that went on vacation to Dominican, and our trips turned out to be very different. I was happy I got to see the real thing, and learn about the struggles the communities face. It is also interesting to actually be there and not fully relying on different forms of media to tell you what its like. You get to actually be there!
I do wish that I had practised more spanish before the trip. Although I was able to still communicate through motions and pointing, it would be totally different if I could actually speak that language. It was an overall amazing experience.

What would you improve about this program?
More clinic days would be nice.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Summer Trip To Belize With Global Leaderships Adventures

I spent three weeks this summer in Belize with Global Leadership Adventures and even though I had spent the summer before in Guatemala, also with GLA, this trip was one of the most amazingly scary things I’ve ever done. Not only being without family but being surrounded with strangers in a whole new country is stressful to say the least, and as should be expected, had a slightly rocky beginning, with lost bags and awkward hellos, but once we reached the Tropical Education Center, which would be our home for the next three weeks, things settled down. We played a few “get to know you” games, nothing like the boring icebreakers I was used to from past summers, and got a tour of home base, and as we did this I started to get to know the other girls I was there with.
The food was always great at the TEC, they had wonderful gluten free options and always something without red meat for me.
Our first day at the school was easy, we split into groups and organized our classrooms, children occasionally stopping in to say hello, four little girls gathered by the fence that separated their yard from the school, telling us how excited they were for tomorrow.
When we did get to the school on our first day teaching, kids were there waiting for us, happy and willing to learn. The kids I taught all spoke very good english, some were better spellers than me. My fellow teachers and I made lesson plans every night after dinner, a quick job once you get it down, we also always had a few back up games incase the kids were especially energetic. We did have a few problems with fighting, teasing, and bullying, and the kids sometimes tried to sneak out when they thought we weren’t looking but all in all they were well behaved.
The day trips we went on we always interesting, though some more than others, I would have to say our trip to the ATM caves was my favorite, but that is only available on the three week program. On the last few days we took a trip to Caye Caulker, a two mile wide island just off the coast without cars, the locals having bicycles and tricked out golf carts instead. We stayed at a pretty nice hotel with AC right by the sea, explored the island, shopped a little, and spent the whole next day snorkeling from which I earned a nasty sunburn, but it was definitely worth the pain.
All in all it was a great trip with amazing mentors, the kids were hilarious, and the other girls on the trip with me were some of the sweetest, most down to earth people I’ve ever met.
If I were to suggest a summer program I wouldn’t hesitate to say this one.

What would you improve about this program?
I can’t think of anyways that GLA can improve this program but I can say that your experience will be so much better if you take the time to make friends with everyone in your groups.