Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience

We sent our god daughter on the two week animal rescue program in Costa Rica. She is a dog fanatic so we knew that this program would be great for her. We did research other programs and companies, but decided on GLA because we felt they were the highest quality program at the best price. Their communication before, during and after the program has been first-rate. Our god daughter returned from the experience feeling that it was a life-changer for her. She hadn't been away from home for an extended period of time without family, so this was important to have her do to give her the chance to be on her own. She will go to college next year, so this was a great stepping stone to being able to go away from home for college.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Daughter loved GLA!

My daughter went with GLA to both Ghana and Peru and loved both of them. She has traveled before on her own, so we weren't that worried about her, but also always knew she was in good hands! GLA made the application process really simple, and we loved all the communication we got! They set up a blog that would be updated pretty frequently! GLA is awesome! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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Yes, I recommend this program

From Fear and Trepidation to Relief and Satisfaction

It was with great anxiety that we sent our daughter last summer (2016) on her Global Leadership Adventures trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands for the Preserving Nature's Wonders program. But it was soon apparent that it was the very best decision we could have made for her! Communication was immediate and sufficient throughout the trip. We were able to speak with our daughter on several occasions, most importantly when they first arrived safely in Ecuador. The excitement and pure joy we could hear in her voice was music to our ears and the enjoyment the group was having was evident in the daily updated blogs the program provided. But we still were not prepared for the incredible transformation we witnesses when we picked her up from the airport. The shy, quiet 16 year old we had dropped off just two weeks prior, was now confident and full of self-esteem! And oh how happy she was! The only sadness felt was that she had to say good-bye to the friends she had made and have come to mean so much to her. It has now been nearly a year since she had this incredible experience and she is still in daily contact with many of these new friends. I am so proud of the service work she completed on this trip and how it has changed her into a thoughtful, thinking young person who truly has compassion for the world around her.

What would you improve about this program?
As a parent, the only thing I can think of to improve upon this program would be more frequent communication through the blogs. However I do understand how busy the days and nights are on a trip such as this and realize that the updates can sometimes be difficult. It was exiting to get the new blog updates, but also reasurring that all was well with our daughter!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly the Experience of a Lifetime

I was fortunate enough to travel to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands though Global Leadership Adventures on the "Preserving Natures Wonders" trip during the summer of 2016. This program was honestly one of the greatest experiences of my life. It was unique in that I was able to surround myself in one of the worlds most special ecosystems as I snorkeled with sea lions, sea turtles and many tropical fish, saw countless crabs and iguanas, and was able to meet the Galapagos tortoises up close. What made these experiences with the animals and nature of the Galapagos even more impactful, was the fact that I was able to volunteer and help the land I was visiting. On this program everyone was very kind and I am still friends with many of the other kids that I met to this day. Our mentors were very helpful and made sure that everyone felt and was kept safe throughout the trip. Post program, I was impacted mostly by the friendships I had made and the knowledge that I now had regarding conservation and the importance of it. Some useful tips that I have are to bring snacks along if you have any dietary restrictions. I am vegan and the program was very accommodating so I didn't miss out on many of the delicious foods that they served, but bringing along snacks was very helpful. Another tip is to bring a camera along and to keep a journal because there are so many memories that will be made on a trip like this, and since many activities are packed into one day, it is easy to lose some of them. I took many pictures and journaled every day so now I have something to look back on.

What would you improve about this program?
I honestly cannot think of many things that I would change about this program. It really was a good experience for me, traveling went smoothly, my group was great, and we all had tons of fun in our two weeks.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Parent Review

I sent my two daughters on Global Leadership Adventure's "Preserving Nature's Wonders" trip last summer, and I could not have had a better experience with them. I was a little nervous about the idea of sending my two young girls out of the country without either parent, but GLA eased all my worries. From the very start, we had helpful staff keeping us updated on the necessary preparations for our trip. GLA made the entire process really easy and helped me feel better about the trip. My girls were safe the whole time, and they had incredible mentors with them on the trip. They both came home with a new outlook on the world, and I know GLA has truly changed their lives. I highly recommend this program to any parent and teenager looking to volunteer abroad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

I am the Parent who sent their baby to Ghana and I am so glad I did

My daughter, Nicole 16 at the time, sat my husband and I down to ask to go to Ghana Africa. We thought she was crazy! We immediately said no and then realized she was serious so we did our research into Global Leadership Adventures and Accra where she would be staying and it was very safe. We left her at the airport and waited 3 weeks to see her again. She came back a new person she had more appreciation and she was so happy. She raved about her trip and the children and the Staff and everything about it. So as a review I will highly suggest the trip all aspects were safe and my daughter got so much out of the experience that she will carry along with her throughout he whole life. As well she has experiences many kids her age do not have in which she can put on applications and apply to her work in the future because of the new aspect she has gained thanks to Global Leadership Adventures! As a parent I highly suggest this program for high school kids!

What would you improve about this program?
There is nothing that I see that can be improved
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Yes, I recommend this program

From a Parent's Perspective

Last summer my seventeen year old daughter went with Global Leadership Adventures to Fiji. I was not very thrilled about the idea of my daughter going halfway across the world. After researching the program and speaking with a member of GLA I was more open to the idea. Immediately upon her arrival she was able to call and check in and GLA was very good about keeping parents updated with the well being of their children. Everyday there was a post about what the kids did and how they were doing. It really is like the Peace Corps for teenagers. When I picked my daughter up from the airport I realized that my little girl had grown up from this program. Her brother is very excited to jump into the program as soon as he can. I am much more relaxed about him going on the trip now knowing what an incredible and safe program it is. I am extremely proud of my daughter and all the hard work that she did in Fiji. She will take this incredible experience with her for the rest of her life.

What would you improve about this program?
My emails with the pictures were my favorite part. My only note is for Global Leadership Adventures to continue to post them.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Galapagos trip for teens

Two of my daughters went on the Global Leadership Adventure's Galapagos trip last summer. I'm beyond grateful for this program, my kids were completely safe and they enjoyed every minute of it. The stories they came back with still manage to amaze me! The staff made the process easy and stress free. I definitely recommend GLA to any parent who wants to send their child on an eventful volunteer trip abroad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

How Fiji Changed My Life

Words can't describe how special this program is. You get to swim with manta rays, see islands stretch for miles, laugh and play games with some of the greatest kids you'll meet, and create friendships that will last a lifetime. I thought this was the perfect amount of freedom mixed with 100% adult assistance for high schoolers. I also loved that this wasn't just a vacation, it was a chance to make a difference. I would not change this trip for anything and I will remember it for the rest of my life.

What would you improve about this program?
I feel like another day on the main island would be fun. I felt like I had enough time, but I'm sure if there was another day I would understand the culture on the main island even better.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Galapagos 2016

My experience with Global Leadership Adventures has been one I'll remember forever. The program that I was a part of (Galapagos) was very well structured. We got to kayak, snorkel, climb volcanoes, and more. We were always busy and had a great itinerary full of service and adventures. There was never a moment when we were bored. We cleared out invasive species, talked to the locals and the children, and played a ton of soccer which I made a fool of myself doing so, but it was all part of the fun!
The food was amazing and the housing conditions were rustic but an adventure. The staff was great - they were all so fun and relatable but were able to be great role models as well.
My parents were very reluctant to let me go on this trip when I proposed the idea. They had never sent one of their kids to a foreign country alone before. However, they became much more comfortable with the idea after talking to the welcoming and assuring staff who were more than happy to explain everything about the trip, from safety to fun.
I still miss this trip- one of the best experiences ever of my life. Would definitely recommend!! GLA offers such a friendly environment.