Teaching Nomad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recmmended!!!

This course has been amazing from the people to the content to personal experience and skills learnt! It has been so beneficial and I cant put into words the experiences and skills ive learnt undertaking the course here in Shanghai. These memories and skills will be with me for life!!

I highly recommend this for individuals who want to take a gap year, to develop their teaching skills or just to try and get an understanding of what it feels like to teach. The course is great for people of all ages!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Course Experience

Very fun course, awesome people and really allot of opportunities. The most caring staff I have ever met and you always make new friends. You learn so much more than just teaching a foreign language. Best experience I have had in a very long time, you get to meet lots of different students that really look up to you as a teacher and they think of you a superhero to them.
The course id intense but more fun I would say, there is allot to learn and experience from participating in activities.

Yes, I recommend this program

Simple, Efficient and Effective

I was very satisfied with Teaching Nomad's setup. Not only were they "hands-on" with regards to support and assistance, they helped me acquire both job and TEFL certification with ease. They ensured that I had a great profile for potential employers to have an idea of my ability and experience within the teaching world. They acted as a bridge where I felt relaxed about the major culture shock that occurs when teaching in a new country. Great company, great people, 100% satisfaction.

Yes, I recommend this program

Next Stop, The World!

I'm a qualified teacher, have been for almost 3 years now, and you can imagine my annoyance when I was told that even though I have a Bachelors Degree, a Teaching Certificate and 3 years experience, I still had to do a TEFL Course. I mean, by now you would think that I knew quite a lot about the profession, and handling ESL learners should be a breeze. What else could I possibly learn- surely not much! WRONG! Handling 28 little girls is quite different to handling smaller classes and teaching an ESL is different to teaching Home Language like I do. I learnt that there are somethings that could work in my class of 28 that wouldn't work for a smaller class. I was reminded of the things that we don't normally consciously think about when teaching, but we practice everyday in the classroom, and that is the importance of the teacher-learner relationship and the importance of the affective filter in successful learning. This course opened me up to new aspects of teaching and helped me refresh many things that I had learned in university and in the classroom. This TEFL course has equipped me with the tools that I will require to have a successful teaching career in my new job in China and hopefully, in years to come, many other ESL countries in the world.

What would you improve about this program?
Make the videos downloadable so that one is able to watch and make notes on them whenever they can, even when they are not connected to the internet.
Response from Teaching Nomad

Videos are now downloadable, thanks for letting us know!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Nathan's review

Teaching abroad is a unique experience. You meet a lot of cool people. You see a lot of cool places. You eat a lot of good food. You make new friends. You visit another country. You can teach students. I suggest that you live abroad. You make a lot of memories. You broaden your horizons. You can impact the lives of your students. It's a great opportunity for everyone. It is a grand adventure. You can see all the cool tourist spots. You can learn a new language. It is so much fun. My experience is unique. My experience is unique because I am unique. You are unique as well, so your experience will be unique to you.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Such a painless process

As soon as I got my documents to Ashley, I had job interviews. I had opportunities in multiple cities in China within the week. It all happened so fast. If you're wanting to teach overseas, they'll find you a home. And every time during the process I had a question, I could email Ashley and she'd get back to me within a few hours, or sooner, as long as you attempted communication during the Chinese working day. I feel confident about my new position, and I don't have any fears about living in Asia for the first time. I'm very happy I decided to go with TeachingNomad.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great learning experience!

In this online programme, I could learn teaching English in an easy way from home. The teaching movies we had to see were very helpful - I got a great idea of how teaching should be done. The films were instructive and gave good examples of bad teachers and teachers that were very good. I learned about classroom management, teaching to children of different age groups and the way you manage classes of different sizes. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants a TEFL certificate, because you learn a lot!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Learned a lot!

During this course, I have learned a lot about teaching and improved my teaching skills. My classmates were motivated and serious, which contributed to a good learning environment. The trainers were very helpful and professional, and they prepared me for being a teacher in China. They also helped me to find a job, which was great. I would certainly recommend this course if you want to teach abroad!

Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching in Shanghai through Teaching Nomad

I have always wanted to go to China to teach, after finishing my Master's degree I knew this was the perfect time. I wanted a company I could go through that were reliable, communicative and thorough, as I had never done anything like this before and needed the support from people that had my best interest at heart. The original company I wanted to go through did not offer this support to me and I chose to part ways and find better options. Teaching Nomad are well established, have a lot of experience and really listen to your needs and wants. Moira McNally, the adviser from Teaching Nomad that walked me through the whole process was awesome! Every question that I had and still have, no matter how big, small or silly, communicated quickly and was always helpful and beneficial with her words. I am very grateful for everything! I have also recommended their services to a friend of mine already, before even finishing the process, as I was so impressed!

Thank you to them for everything.

What would you improve about this program?
The only things that I would improve about this whole process was more the benefits the actual school provided. Through talking with them, we were able to come to agreements on these things anyway. So that is all really!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Very Helpful in Training New Teachers

Although I've had a bit of teaching experience in the past, the TEFL course helped solidify the structure needed to handle students at any age. The lesson part segment was the most challenging yet most rewarding part of the course. The very next day after completing this TEFL course, I had to teach two new classes on the first day of my job with very little time to prepare. Management was impressed with my ability to teach at the level I was able to with very short notice.

What would you improve about this program?
The test was a bit too hard for me. I'm not saying that it should be extremely easy either but there's got to be some way to tweak it.