Volunteer in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Volunteer Programs in Buenos Aires

Volunteer in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Buenos Aires is a beautiful, cosmopolitan European city, the heart of life in Argentina. Buenos Aires is full of gourmet cuisine, amazing nightlife and a number of tourist attractions. The capital of Argentina and the second largest city in South America, Buenos Aires has something exciting to offer for everyone. The city has many opportunities for volunteers who want to help make a difference.

Program Types

Teach English

Argentina is a Spanish speaking nation and the English education is not very good. There is a need for native English speakers to teach English in the nation. As a volunteer, you will be teaching English to young children and youth.


Argentina has 30 percent of its citizens under the poverty line and those citizens have poor access to healthcare. There is a need for volunteers in health care clinics in Buenos Aires that cater to the poor. As a volunteer you will help doctors and nurses treat and take care of patients.

Community Development

There are a number of community development projects that you can work on. As a volunteer working in Buenos Aires, you will work on various projects including constructing and painting buildings and beautifying parks. These projects are important as they really make a difference in the community.

Planning Your Trip

Volunteering Tips: Buenos Aires

How to save money while volunteering: Buenos Aires is an extremely popular tourist destination. The nation has many restaurants and shops that cater mostly to tourists and are thus more expensive than places that cater to locals. If you are on a tight budget, avoid the touristy places and instead opt for the smaller, comfy restaurants. Try to walk around or use public transportation instead of opting for taxis.

Know Before You Go: Before you go to Argentina, you should know that Argentines are much more “European” as compared to their Latin American neighbors. Most Argentines are of European descent and are considered culturally and emotionally to be quite European. Additionally, before you go, you should definitely learn some Spanish, and if you already know some, practice speaking ahead of time.

Health and Safety of Volunteers in Buenos Aires

As a volunteer in Argentina, you are recommended to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Sanitation is quite modern in the nation and the water quality is good as well.

Buenos Aires is a relatively safe city for tourists and volunteers. Violent crime is rare, and as a volunteer you will only really need to worry about petty theft. Thieves in crowded areas target foreigners, so try to wear clothing with pockets where you can keep you money and valuables since they mostly snatch bags.

What People Are Saying

Argentina Volunteer Programs from $27/day | Most Affordable & Trusted

The hosts - Pedro and Nati - could not have been better. The accommodations were comfortable and very safe. The meals Nati prepared were fantastic and Pedro could not have been more helpful with...
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Argentina Volunteer Programs from $27/day | Most Affordable & Trusted

The house was great and I had no issues with space or the other volunteers or family, they were all super nice and fun. Getting to my placement was easy and safe, and getting the necessary things for...
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Argentina Volunteer Programs from $27/day | Most Affordable & Trusted

i had an amazing time in argentina. everyone was so lovely and helpful and i wish i could go back. the trip was definitely worth the money and it helped so much with improving my spanish which was one...
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