Win $1,500 to Go Overseas Again

Day dreaming of your next experience abroad?

We always are! Here at Go Overseas, our mission is to help our community pursue perspective-changing travel through meaningful experiences, which is why we're hosting a contest where you can win $1500 towards a round-trip flight to anywhere in the world! All you need to do is create and share an original video that best represents a past meaningful travel experience.

Am I eligible?

  • You must be over 18
  • You must reside in the US
  • You must have participated in some type of meaningful travel experience (meaningful = an experience where you learned something and reflected on your time abroad)
  • You must have the intent to embark on another meaningful travel experience in 2024
  • Video Requirements

    • Video must be between 45 seconds and 3 minutes
    • Video can take the form of video essay, vlog, clip montage, slideshows, etc.
    • Videos must be shot or edited in portrait
    • Solo picture entries will NOT be considered

    Rubric for Submissions

    • Completeness of entry
    • Overall creativity, originality, effort, and proof of investment in creating the video
    • Style, flow, and quality of the video
    • Extra points will be awarded for following Go Overseas on socials (+1 for TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube) and / or for posting on socials & tagging GO (+1 for any social)

    Deadline to apply: December 12th, 2023

    Example of a stellar submission

    Group dancing in Quito square

    South America is a great place to find a combination of old and new as well as Incan/European cultures. Indigenous cultures and people remain a strong presence in South America, making up about half of the population of some countries such as Brazil and Peru. Depending on your goals and skills, you could volunteer in South America while learning Spanish, or mentor urban youth. Run a soccer camp or work in environmental conservation.

    Students on a back patio in Berlin

    Go Overseas has countless opportunities to learn a new language while abroad. Traveling to immerse yourself in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean (and more) is key to developing language skills. Stay with a host family or live on your own and take classes while experiencing the day-to-day culture of the language. There are plenty of short-term or longer-term options to make this happen!

    Learning to surf in Australia

    Gap years (or weeks or months) are for everyone! Many gap year providers offer short-term programs to get out and experience a new place. Whether it's learning to surf, climbing a mountain, becoming a ski instructor, or working with the locals, gap time can be a structured way to take time off.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Does the experience have to be an international?

      Nope! Travel experiences can be domestic or international. As long as your experience qualifies as meaningful travel, it’s eligible!

    • What is considered meaningful travel?

      We consider meaningful travel to be any travel experience where you learned something about the world or other cultures! This can take the form of studying abroad, interning abroad, volunteering abroad, taking a gap year, and more! However, it could also be a family trip where you interacted with the local community or visited a historical sight that left an impact on you.

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    • Is there an age limit for this contest?

      Nope! As long as you’re 18 years old or older and a resident of the US, you’re eligible to apply.

    • What if I’m not eligible? Are there any other opportunities?

      If you’re not eligible for this contest, we have plenty of other scholarships & grants available to help you fund your next meaningful travel adventure!

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    • What will the winner receive?

      The Prize includes a flight stipend for up to $1,500 USD. The Winner will be reimbursed for travel after one flight has been taken and confirmation of arrival has been sent to the Go Overseas team.

    Contest Application & Details

    To enter this contest, you must submit an application through the button below. Following the standard application questions, the next step is to create and edit a video you feel represents your previous meaningful travel experience. After that is complete you should then upload the video to the application. Remember to read through the contest terms and conditions to make sure you’re eligible (18+ and residing in the US). Best of luck!