Multiple Locations +7
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Greece
  • Malta
  • Croatia
  • Italy
  • Cape Verde

Program Details

Non-Monetary Benefits
J-Term Maymester Summer Winter


Price Details
Program cost varies based on location and length of program. Check out the "Cities" page on our website for more information.
What's Included
Accommodation Some Activities Some Meals Transportation Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Some Activities Airfare Airport Transfers Some Meals Visa
Jun 07, 2024
Oct 27, 2023
181 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Atlantis is the #1, largest, and most reputable pre-health study abroad organization for US undergraduates. With shadowing experiences in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and more, our programs are perfect for students that are ready to see the world and can be combined into multi-country experiences. What better way to gain clinical hours than jet-setting around Europe! Students will shadow in top European hospitals with well-esteemed physicians and have the opportunity to explore the rich culture of the host cities.

As a pre-health student, we know how hard it can be to travel and balance a rigorous course load. However, professional schools are looking for students that can critically think about the world we live in and how to improve patient experience. With alumni in 40 of the top 50 MD programs, Atlantis prepares students for a future career in healthcare.

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Program Highlights

  • Programs run during winter and summer breaks so there is no need to take time off during your academic semesters!
  • Rotate weekly through different specialties to gain exposure to various medical practices and procedures.
  • Immerse yourself in a program abroad to understand healthcare in a global context, and embark on weekly excursions to experience European culture, sights, and food.
  • You do not need to know any European languages to have an amazing and impactful experience!
  • Start dates for summer in April, May, June, July and August, and for winter in December and January.

Program Reviews

4.93 Rating
based on 81 reviews
  • 5 rating 92.59%
  • 4 rating 7.41%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.95
  • Support 4.95
  • Fun 4.9
  • Housing 4.8
  • Safety 5
Showing 57 - 64 of 81 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Atlantis Project

The 24 days I spent in Spain as a part of the Atlantis Project were hands down the best days of my life. You are surrounded with people you become so close with, so fast because you share common interests, aspirations, and drives. There is a perfect balance of shadowing in the hospital and exploring Spain. You will find yourself building lasting relationships and falling in love with the medical field at the same time. Being in another country and getting to immerse yourself in the culture is something I believe everyone should do at some point in their lives, but to get to do all while shadowing Physicians and prepare myself for my future made it that much more of an impacting experience. The Atlantis Project gives you an in depth look into medicine and a variety of different specialties, that you just can't find here in the U.S. The Atlantis Project has truly been a life changing experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

What would you improve about this program?
Depending on where you were located, some of the specialties available were limited. Although the program was very accommodating and allowed a lot of movement around the specialties in the hospital, it would have been nice to be able to have more of an option of program placements so that we could be in hospitals that had the specialty we desired. However, I did find myself enjoying all of the specialties I got to shadow at my placement this summer in Pontevedra, Spain.
58 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Almansa, Spain

Atlantis Project provides a completely unique experience that makes study abroad worth it for pre-health majors. Most of us don’t have time to go abroad because they don’t offer the kinds of classes we need as part of the programs. Atlantis Project allows us to go abroad and get the experience a study abroad program gives while still helping us with our application for professional school. The program gives you ample opportunity to learn at the hospital and to learn about the culture outside of the hostpital. I was able to shadow a variety of physicians, that I was allowed to help pick, and see an amazing assortment of procedures and techniques. At the same time I also learned about Spanish culture and saw amazing things while there. Atlantis Project was the best month of my life and I wouldn’t change a minute of it.

What would you improve about this program?
Encourage students to stay longer. My only regret is doing a 4 week program rather than a 5 week one.
54 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Atlantis Project 5 week Athens, Greece Program

Over the course of five weeks in Athens Greece I developed a new sense of adventure and interest in the ways in which medicine is similar and different across the globe. I not only spent a great deal of time being prepared for what it is really like to work and interact with doctors in a hospital, I learned empathy and compassion for those undergoing surgeries, treatments, and for the families that were being affected by illness. Along the way I met thirteen extraordinary individuals who will be life long friends and contacts as I continue on my path to be a doctor. I would not trade this experience for anything.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish there was an MCAT prep course offered in Greece.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Complete Emersion in Another Culture

The Atlantis Project gives you the unique ability to completely enrich yourself in another country, from working there to volunteering there to experiencing the culture. Living in Cuenca for 3 weeks over the winter was an enriching edition to my college experience that I highly recommend to any pre-med student. Not only was I able to shadow physician from different specialties, I was able to meet patients and shadow in surgeries. I was a member of the ICU team for a few days, learning patient’s stories, an observer in nearly a dozen surgeries, ranging from cardiac to hernia repair, and interact on ER consults. Not only did these physicians challenge me to apply my own personal knowledge, asking me questions throughout the case(s), but they allowed me to build strong relationships with staff as they explained their journey through medical school and compared international medicine to that in America. I came back to the US with a great understanding of what it meant to be a global doctor, and a new look on different specialties I had not previously interacted with.

Additionally, this program allowed me to completely emerge myself in Spanish culture. From living with a host family in a hostel building to experiencing the vibrant holiday traditions, we were welcomed and embraced. The family welcomed us into their lives, inviting us to their family restaurant and flamenco lessons. More so, we were able to experience New Years Eve within Barcelona, and Three Kings Day, a traditional Spanish holiday, and learn more about the culture abroad. We were allowed to interact with locals and hear their stories as we were recommended to different restaurants, monuments and experiences.

Not only did this experience give me an international experience to share with everyone, this experience taught me so much about what medicine in a global mindset. Additionally, I made friends who I still talk to regularly as we encourage and support each other’s premedical careers.

60 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program


Overall, the Atlantis Project was definitely a life-changing event, an event that I will never forget. Along with global healthcare exposure, I was also exposed to the beautiful culture of Greece. Putting yourself out there may be scary at first, but eventually you start to get a handle of things and appreciate the little things in life.

The Atlantis Project was an unforgettable adventure for me and I do think it is worth the experience. I was scrubbing in surgery almost every day and was out exploring Greece after I returned back to the hotel. I had the opportunity to observe and note specific skill sets from rounds and diagnosis discussions. I also shadowed and focused on a variety of cardiac and thoracic surgeries as well as doctors in the cardiac surgery intensive care unit, emergency room, anatomical pathology, radiology, cardiology, pneumonology, gastroenterology, and anesthesiology department. The doctors, nurses, and surgeons I've met encouraged me to push forward and continue to pursue medicine. Along with the exposure, I also made strong friendship bonds with people across the world. The three weeks in Athens, Greece has evolved my perspective and brightened my long journey towards the medical field. Not only was I able to travel alone, but I brought along my enthusiastic interest of medicine with me. Overall, I am forever grateful for this breathtaking opportunity and would not second guess my choice to shadow again with the Atlantis Project.

To see pictures and blog posts of my time in Greece, follow #TravelWithMay

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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved it!

I was placed in Albacete, which was a pleasant surprise. The living accommodations were amazing - the room was spacious, we had access to a plethora of facilities, and we were close to important buildings (hospital, mall, restaurants, nightlife). I learned a great deal about medicine during my time here as well - I shadowed a different specialty every 2-3 days, and the AP Program Coordinator tried his best to ensure that I could see the specialties I wanted to see. The language barrier was not an issue at all - although doctors had difficulty understanding my English, my Spanish was passable, and they responded in English that I could easily understand. Physicians went above and beyond in answering my questions and ensuring that I learned as much as I could. BASE5 was fun - I loved sitting down and having conversations with doctors in English. Other AP interns were great as well - I got really close with everyone there really quickly (as we had adequate time to hang out), and we still stay in touch back in the U.S. I was much younger than everyone there, but I felt like I had a family.

57 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Wonderful Experience

Through the Atlantis Project, I was able to explore Spain and get to know its rich culture. I spent four weeks in Guadalajara, Spain and two in Albacete, Spain through the Atlantis Project. During my time there, I saw surgeries on people injured from bull runs and the doctor-patient interactions. By going to Spain through the Atlantis Project, I was able to shadow doctors from a variety of different fields and explore what the daily life of a surgeon or doctor in Spain.

The Atlantis Project gave me the ability to see and explore. From being a part of the Atlantis Project, as cliché'd as it sounds, it expanded my worldview and helped me grow in more ways that I could have ever imagined. I learned what it's like to be in a culture different from your own and the ins and outs of Spanish culture. I'm thoroughly grateful that I did the Atlantis Project.

54 people found this review helpful.
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Once in a Lifetime Experience

Interning abroad in Spain was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I would have never imagined that I would be given the opportunity to embark on such a wonderful journey. My program was situated in the small Galician town of Ourense. During my stay, I was given great living commodities, amazing meals, and the social life was great! There was always something to do from interning, to visiting local shops and restaurants.

Monday through Friday, each AP fellow was expected to intern for at least 5 hours at the local hospital. For my specific program (4 weeks), we were assigned to a variety of specialities that we had shown prior interest in. During my program, I shadowed obstetrics/gynecology, general/trauma surgery, oncology, cardiology, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Though each day varied, there was always something new to learn! The doctors were also very welcoming and friendly, and they loved learning more about the American culture including the English language.

During the weekends we would attend excursions (which by the way, were amazing). Some of my favorite trips included the Cies Islands, Santiago de Compostela, Parada de Sil, and the Allariz goat farm. In addition the locals were very friendly, and my overall experience with the Atlantis Project made me never want to come back home. I truly recommend this program!! Not only does it allow you to attain cultural experience and knowledge about European healthcare, but it also allows you to give back to the local community.

58 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

We welcome future and current nursing students along with pre-meds on our clinical shadowing programs every year. Shadowing doctors with Atlantis is an unparalleled opportunity to experience an international healthcare system with different practices and policies alongside a new culture. Atlantis alumni go on to pursue MD, DO, PA, Nursing, PT, OT, Pharmacy, and many other health professions. Check...