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Global Works

Why choose Global Works?

For more than 34 years, Global Works has been an industry leader in community service-based adventure travel programs for high school students and custom group trips. Much more than a vacation, Global Works international trips are the bridge for meaningful cultural exchange with people around the world. In all of our locations, we partner with communities and organizations to select and implement grassroots service projects that make an impact. Your unforgettable journey of community service, language immersion, cultural exchange, and adventure starts HERE!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome trip!

Maren had a great time. She made a lot of new friends and visited incredible places throughout the country. She enjoyed all of the adventures including surfing, ziplining and rafting. She also enjoyed the community service, including visiting kids at their schools! There was a very good variety of food that she liked. She also enjoyed exploring all of the cities where the group visited. She also enjoyed seeing all of the wildlife including the monkeys. Maren would highly recommend this program to anyone!

  • The variety of cool adventure activities like rafting, surfing and zip-lining
  • All of the people
  • She enjoyed staying in many different places
  • She didn't like the super long drives
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Oceanic Tapestry of Community and Wonder

Choosing Fiji Global Works Summer Service Adventure for my next adventure, following a memorable trip to Peru the year before, turned out to be an inspired decision. Seeking fun experiences and connections with new people, this journey unfolded into a brick tapestry of adventure and personal growth.

The group dynamics were a constant source of joy, transforming each day into a rewarding and enriching experience. The Global Works Leaders ensured our safety while encouraging us to embrace the unfamiliarity of this new setting.

Fiji’s diverse landscapes, from lush hikes to the clear oceans, provided the perfect canvas for unforgettable moments. Expressing gratitude for the paradise we found ourselves in báncame a constant theme, highlighting the beauty of the Fijian environment and the warmth of its people.

Interacting with the Fijians was a highlight of the trip, with their unparalleled generosity and love leaving a lasting impression. The infectious joy of the island's children added authenticity to the experience, creating connections that transcended the typical tourist-host relationship.

Snorkeling in the ocean became a personal highlight, offering a glimpse into the underwater world. The vibrant marine life and the sheer beauty of the ocean added a sense of wonder to the journey. The exploration of Barefoot Manta and the immersive experience at Namara Village were particularly enjoyable, providing unique insights into the local way of life.

The trip's highlights were as diverse as the landscapes, including zip-lining, exploring local markets, sharing meals with Fijian elders, and contributing to the local school. Each activity contributed to a rich tapestry of memories and lasting bonds.

In closing, my love for this trip. I genuinely hope others have the opportunity to weave their own tapestry of adventure and community with Fiji Global Works. For prospective travelers, embrace the discomfort at times, fearlessly try new things, and hold onto every moment. ZFiji Global Works has curated an experience that transcends expectations and leaves a lasting imprint on the heart.

What was your funniest moment?
When all of us girls in the group dressed the two boys (Oliver and Casey) up in dresses and did their makeup and both of them went to dinner at the lodge we were staying at when they were all glamorous.
  • Meeting new friends in your program
  • Hikes, snorkeling, scuba diving, cooking, good food, cava
  • The Fijians are welcoming
  • Cold showers
  • Coral cuts
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Yes, I recommend this program

Costa Rica Pre-Med: Student Review

Yes, yes, yes! Would I recommend going on this experience? YES! Intro to pre-med through global works is something I never knew I needed to experience. Thanks to global works not only did I get more insight into the career of my dreams, but also get to experience a whole other country, and its culture at the same time. I am forever thankful for global works, the staff on my trip, and all the friends I met along the way. You helped make my summer truly amazing. Can’t wait to go back. PURA VIDAAA!

  • People are friendly
  • Great instructors
  • Amazing food
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Yes, I recommend this program

I Loved My Costa Rica Global Works Trip!

I was initially nervous to go on this trip, as I hadn't done a lot of traveling with out my parents before, but when I met my group and group leaders, that all went away. The group leaders were amazing, they had everything under control and running smoothly every step of the way, no matter what was thrown at them. They were simply amazing and I felt confident even when way out of my comfort zone the whole time because they were there. The other kids were very open, and it was easy to make friends, especially with the no cell phones policy, which really helped us bond to another level. During the homestay, I really felt like I made a connection with the community, and became a part of their family for the days we were there. Actually being in the rainforest and among all that wildlife rekindled a passion for conservation, as I was able to see what needs to be saved up close. The community service was difficult but rewarding, and we were able to gain a new perspective, as though my home stay family had less material wealth than my family, the connections of their community were so much richer, and there was a much happier air to them than I find in my neighborhood. The last day was very bittersweet when we had to leave the friends we had made, and by the end, while I was glad to go home, I knew I would return as I feel like I have made a lasting connection with this beautiful country.

  • Super fun
  • Made lasting connections
  • Learned about culture and community
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fiji was awesome

I loved this trip so much!! I had never left the east coast before this trip so I was very nervous to be leaving the country for 2 weeks with people I didn’t know. The staff was very friendly and made me feel welcome immediately. I had a great group of people and by the second day they felt like family. Living in the village was definitely the highlight of the trip, I loved helping the community and playing with the kids. It was a great experience and I definitely recommend to everyone. Greatest trip ever!!


Displaying 10 - 11 of 11

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Annika Thiim

Annika Thiim

Why did you choose this program?

I chose the Global Works program based on the high ratings I had seen on the Internet. Many of these teen travel review sites included the experiences written by alumni my age, which was amazing and reassuring. The website is also very professional-looking and easy to navigate because it included all the important details and had updated information.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The program assisted with all the details regarding the itinerary and where we would be staying during the trip. However, for the flights, I had the option to either book my own direct flight to Panama or take the group flight from Houston to Panama, which was led by Global Works. I ended up taking a direct round-trip flight from my home to Panama instead of the group flight, and everything worked out perfectly.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Make sure to keep an open mind. You will constantly be pushed out of your comfort zone, which is why it is so important to be open to new experiences. The most rewarding part about this trip for me was coming out of it with a new outlook on the world, and the feeling of awareness that came with this.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The average day consists of breakfast, work, lunch, work, leisure time, and then dinner. However, every day was scheduled differently. Our work was never too demanding as we took frequent breaks to eat and play games. Some of the work we did included: the painting of a church, tending to a garden, cleaning a library, and helping in a non-profit restaurant kitchen.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear going into this experience was being alone in a foreign country, away from my family. This turned out to not be a problem once I was there because I felt so comforted by my group members and trip leaders. It was exhilarating to experience a completely different environment with people from all of the US. At the end of the trip, I was left with a feeling that the world was more interesting than ever and I am looking forward to many more adventures in the future.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Fritz Moriarty

Job Title
In 2004, Fritz became co-owner and director of Global Works. Fritz is committed to running high-quality, meaningful international programs with Global Works. Come wintertime, you’ll find Fritz ripping it up on his tele-skis in the Colorado back country. Fritz knows how to find the perfect balance of valuable work and fun in his life, just like a GW program!

What is your favorite travel memory?

It's hard to pick just one. My first experience living with a host family was in Costa Rica as a volunteer for WorldTeach. I was extremely nervous about my ability to communicate in Spanish and with the concept of living with people I'd never met for the next 11 months. My thoughts were racing as I followed directions and took a bus far up to the mountains in rural Costa Rica. After a 1/2 mile walk a located the house and knocked on the front tour. A little girl opened the door and gave me a big hug. Within minutes I was enjoying a plate of arroz con pollo (rice and chicken) followed by a dance party in the living room with all the kids in the family. I learned a lot about hospitality that day.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

In my experience the most important factor in success for a company is in the quality of the services they offer. It's easy to tell when something has been rushed or when there is little care or intention. If you put passion and care behind what you do then others will notice and even feel the same way you do about your business.

We are fortunate at Global Works to be surrounded by passionate people committed to global education and student travel.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

A few more gray hairs for one! On a more serious note, the most important thing I've learned is how to listen first and to better avoid judging a situation or people. There isn't necessarily one way to get something done, and it's more fulfilling to accomplish something as a team than to make your point or always be right.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

I don't know enough about other companies and their culture, but I can say for sure that was have the most wonderful community of staff who love what they do and consistently put the needs of others before there own. I think we have a strong ethical foundation and are always looking to make decisions that benefit as many people and things as possible.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

We constantly here from students and parents about how this experience has positively impacted them and their communities back home. One of the most amazing stories involved a student from the US who had been adopted form Panama. Coincidentally our trip in Panama had a project planned at the same orphanage this student had come from. She joined our program and was able to return there during the trip and provide a truly breathtaking perspective to her group.

Even more amazing was that following the trip she had inquired with our Panamanian guide about the possibility of tracking down her birth family. Somehow he was able to track them down in a village located in the Darien Gap, one of the most remote areas in Central America. She was later able to connect with her birth parents directly.

Professional Associations

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