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Intern Abroad HQ

Why choose Intern Abroad HQ?

At Intern Abroad HQ, we help students and young professionals turn career aspirations into reality. We facilitate life-enriching internships with industry-leading organizations around the world that allow our interns to learn through experience, develop the skills employers favor, and gain international exposure.

With 240+ internship programs across 24 career fields, you can choose to intern from 2 weeks to 6 months either in-country or virtually, in 22 destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and South America. We facilitate career-enhancing experiences that are tailored to meet each individual’s academic, professional, or personal requirements.

Intern Abroad HQ is proudly brought to you by the team behind International Volunteer HQ. We have collectively supported more than 130,000 program participants since 2007 and are the only B Corp certified provider in our field - meaning that we have been externally audited and meet the highest social and environmental standards.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Highlight of academic and personal growth

Interning with Intern abroad HQ has been one of the highlights of my life thus far. I felt well prepared before traveling to the country of my placement, Tanzania, thanks to the staff that was readily available to answer any questions or provide support. The placement itself was absolutely incredible. I never felt unsafe or unsupported throughout the duration of my experience. The local team was kind, humorous, and genuinely really good people, whom I will remain thankful for in years to come. I can not recommend this experience with Intern Abroad HQ enough, as I have gained invaluable hands-on experience, had immense personal growth, and made friendships that will last a lifetime.

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Yes, I recommend this program

GIS and Conservation - exceptional support and priceless memories!

My experience with Intern Abroad HQ was truly special. From the moment I applied, their team was incredibly supportive. They guided me through every step, from securing my GIS and Conservation internship to my arrival logistics and journey, making the process smooth and stress-free. Once at the Gondwana Game Reserve (South Africa), I fully immersed myself in the conservation work with the local team. During my stay at Gondwana, the hands-on experience in data collection, game transects, vegetation surveys, and bird point counts was invaluable, and I was able to develop my GIS skills and complete a research report at the end. I had never had such close encounters with wild animals. I also forged beautiful friendships and connections for the duration of my stay. Overall, I highly recommend this experience to anyone looking to learn and grow professionally and personally, make priceless memories, and enjoy the most beautiful sunsets while gaining invaluable experiences!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
One of my favorite memories from the program happened on one of my last drives before leaving Gondwana. That morning, we left camp with the local team, intending to find the elephants for the Elephant Reintegration Trust project and collect some data on them.
Although we struggled to find them for quite a while, we had the most incredible sightings of animals. Behind our truck, we suddenly spotted the male lion and his sister walking past our truck and chasing elands. That same day, we also saw many giraffes and some of my favorite birds, including the African Hoopoe, the francolin, and the hammerkop. Then, on our way back to camp, we had our closest encounter with hippos, as we found them sunbathing outside the pond. It was a truly special and moving moment for me.
  • Supportive and friendly staff.
  • Immersive experiences with a strong community emphasis.
  • Close encounters with wildlife.
  • Very cold weather if you go during winter.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Intern Abroad HQ - Great Experience!

Intern Abroad HQ was an engaging and affordable program. Throughout the process of the internship, they ensured participants were supported by staff members. The internship placements themselves were flexible and facilitated the cultural growth and awareness of participants. Not to mention, the accommodations were excellent. Overall, I was able to enjoy livening in the city, gain knowledge of the culture, and establish connections with the locals who I worked with. I would recommend this internship to anyone!!

  • Flexible
  • Affordable
  • Growth facilitator
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Yes, I recommend this program

Transformative and Enriching Internship Experience with Intern Abroad HQ

I recently completed a medical internship with Intern Abroad HQ and had an exceptional experience that exceeded all my expectations. From the initial application process to the completion of my placement, the support and guidance provided by Intern Abroad HQ were outstanding. The staff was incredibly helpful and responsive, ensuring that all my questions were answered and that I felt prepared for my journey.
The internship placement itself was well-organized and tailored to my academic and professional goals. I had the opportunity to work in a dynamic and supportive environment that allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, significantly enhancing my skills and confidence.
I highly recommend their programs to anyone looking to gain valuable professional experience, develop cross-cultural competencies, and make lasting memories. Intern Abroad HQ truly provides a comprehensive and enriching internship experience that prepares individuals for future academic and career success.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Seeing flamenco in Spain was an amazing experience. The lively music, rhythmic clapping, and expressive dance created a powerful atmosphere full of passion and emotion. It was a glimpse into Spain's rich culture that left a lasting impression on me.
  • Amazing food
  • Safe city
  • Easily accessible public transport
  • Language barrier
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Yes, I recommend this program

A wonderful experience to pursue your aspirations!

I've had an amazing experience with InternHQ, providing an excellent service that has enabled me to pursue my field of specialty. My local team ensured my accommodation and arrival was smooth whilst answering any questions I had along the way. During my internship, I had met new friends from all over the world through placements and the fantastic activities and classes provided throughout the duration. There were challenges along the way for example, language barriers and adjusting to a new environment with unfamiliar faces however the local team ensured you are never left alone and guide you along the way to give you the best experience possible. I would definitely recommend this experience to everyone!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Hiking to Bolbaites near Valencia, Spain. This was something out of my comfort zone however the other intern students I met through this program aided me and guided me to reaching this destination with ease. This was a once in a lifetime experience!
  • Meeting other students around the world
  • Having Paella by the sea
  • Gaining valuable experience from my work placement
  • Not doing the placement for longer


Displaying 1 - 9 of 24

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Sarah Butler

Job Title
Program Manager
Sarah Butler with red hair and a flannel shirt

What is your favorite travel memory?

After graduating from university, I made the decision to move to the UK and ended up living in London for 5 years. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made! London is such a vibrant, cosmopolitan city, and being so close to other European countries, the world really was my oyster. Coming from such a small country like New Zealand opened my eyes to so many different cultures and ways of living. I was pushed out of my comfort zone, forced to make new friends, travel the world, become more independent, and adapt to a whole new way of living. I made so many great memories and will forever treasure my time spent there.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Intern Abroad HQ has always been an environment that fosters creativity, teamwork, and new ideas. A company is only as good as the people it employs, so to be around colleagues that really believe in the work that they do, has only motivated me to be my best, not only professionally but personally too! Speaking to so many interns day to day has made me so much more confident and compassionate. I feel secure in voicing my ideas, troubleshooting problems, and contributing to overall company success.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The feedback I receive from returned students is almost always related to their increased sense of self. Traveling abroad, being pushed out of your comfort zone, and trying something new force you to put a lot of faith in yourself and your abilities. Each participant's experience is different, with the highs and lows teaching valuable lessons about one's strengths and weaknesses. For many, completing an internship reinforces passions, hobbies, interests, and career paths. For others, it reinvigorates a love of language, art, or travel. Whatever the outcome, the opportunity to travel abroad expands perspectives, leaving you more culturally and self-aware.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

For me, I'd love to participate in one of the Social Work & Community Outreach Internships in Arusha, Tanzania. Interns can be placed in NGOs, rehabilitation centers, charities, and with community programs that provide assistance to address specific social issues such as alcohol and drug abuse, domestic abuse, youth pregnancy, and unemployment. Interns can help to improve access to vital healthcare services. Tanzania is such a beautiful country, so to be able to explore world-famous natural landscapes, all while giving back to the communities that make it so special, would be amazing.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Intern Abroad HQ has come a long way since its establishment in 2017. In just 6 short years, we have established over 240 internship programs in 22 countries, and it all comes down to the hard work and dedication of those behind the scenes. Our office is full of young professionals who understand the struggle of landing that first job with little to no experience. The ability to relate to our interns, their struggles, and their motivation allows us to reflect more critically on programs and how we can provide the best service possible. We take pride in our programs and respect that people travel from all over the world, investing their time, resources, and energy into them. We take feedback seriously and continuously reflect on how we can improve our services to foster successful and positive experiences.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Motivation and enjoying the work you are doing. You have to believe you are making a difference and surround yourself with a team that shares the same goals, values, and objectives for success. Having a shared purpose gives employees something to work towards while also letting customers know what they stand for. At Intern Abroad HQ, we truly believe that an internship is an amazing way to gain practical experience and bolster your resume. Choosing an internship abroad or an international remote internship offers the additional benefits of gaining overseas work experience and broader cultural immersion, both of which will help you stand out to future employers. We track our success by the feedback and reviews our interns give us, so we’re motivated to ensure you have an unbeatable internship experience.