IES Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

I would highly recommend this program!

This past spring I participated in the IES Business & International Affairs program in Paris, France and it was one of the best experiences ever! My classes were interesting and related directly to my majors, Marketing and Business Administration. I met many new people (French and American) through programs hosted by IES, and IES paired me up with an internship during my time in Paris. At first I wasn't sure about accepting the internship, but it was my favorite part of my time abroad. I didn’t have as much free time as other classmates, but I don’t regret a single thing because it was very beneficial. I gained new skills, practiced my French with locals, and I experienced firsthand what the French work environment is like. I would highly recommend this program and the internship option to anyone who wants to explore the French culture all while staying on top of your academics and growing as a person.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I'm a very "go with the flow" kind of person, but the one thing I would change about my time abroad is that I would create a list with all the different things I would like to do and places I'd like to visit in Paris. I didn't plan ahead and missed out on a few things.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Decision I Ever Made!

Leading up to my flight to Milan, I was nervous about traveling alone and leaving my friends and family. The moment I landed in Milan, I knew I made the right choice and the four months I spent in Italy were the best four months of my life. I enjoyed all of my Business Studies classes and the professors were determined to helping students succeed in the classroom. I did not expect to like my Italian 101 class, but it ended up being my favorite class! My professor was the absolute best and made it so easy to quickly learn Italian and about Italian culture to help get around the city. I lived in an apartment provided by IES and it was in a great location close to the IES and the popular areas in the city. Living with my roommates as well as an Italian CA made it much easier to adjust to a new city. I loved learning about Milan's history and culture, eating the AMAZING food, and the fun nightlife. The Milan airports, trains, and bus systems are easy to use and make it very easy to travel to other parts of Europe. I also went on some fun trips offered by the program. My four months abroad went by very fast and I was extremely sad to leave. I could not imagine studying abroad anywhere else and would highly recommend Milan to anyone who wants a study abroad experience that is going to exceed their expectations! Grazie Milano!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of aperitivo! It's an endless buffet of delicious food included with the price of one drink. I lived right next to Navigli where a lot of the aperitivo restaurants were and I wish I had gone more. Such a great way to get together with friends and get some really good food and drinks at great prices!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Program as Great as its City

The location of Santiago is just incredible. It's a cosmopolitan city between mountains with so much to see and do- whether you want to hike or go to a museum, eat Peruvian, Thai, or traditional Chilean food, spend a day in the park or be a real Santiaguino and venture to the markets- everything is accessible through public transportation. Just an hour and a half from the Pacific coast where you can relax on the beach or explore the grungy and colorful Valparaíso, it feels as though whatever you could want is within reach. I loved Santiago as a city and Chile as a country. As long as the U.S. is wide, the varying landscapes were unlike anything I had ever seen. From glaciers to deserts, Chile has it all.

The IES program that I participated in gave me the opportunity to not just experience this beautiful place, but make the most out of my time there in each and every sphere of my life. I had the time and encouragement to travel and get to know not just the city, but the region. I was challenged in my academic courses, from understanding the political and social role of the arts in Latin America to the radical traditions that define the nation today. I went into my study abroad experience knowing next to nothing about Chile and Latin America, and leaving with a true connection to the region that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Besides the hard skills that I developed through my critical courses and hands-on internship experience, I also developed a higher social awareness, deepened my sense of empathy, and left with a level of confidence I didn't know I could have.

This program is great for people who are adventurous and curious, who want to learn and be challenged, and have a less traditional study abroad experience. I chose this program because I didn't want to go to Europe and I wanted to learn Spanish. I know a lot of people go to Europe because it's easy to travel around, but I was lucky to travel around a lot- around Chile, in Peru, and to Argentina twice- for comparable if not less expense. The things I saw were unlike any Roman cathedral or Grecian cave, but they put me in awe at the world we live in. Hiking through Valley de la Luna in the driest desert in the world made me feel like I was hiking through an episode of Planet Earth and the cities of Buenos Aires and Lima are equally as astonishing as Santiago. I can't stress enough how much I recommend this program and how badly I wish I was still a part of it every day.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Sea urchin right out of the water on the little island of Chiloé at a little seafood stand off the side of the highway. It tasted exactly how you think, but even saltier.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Madrid is amazing!

I absolutely loved my experience studying abroad in Madrid. I lived in an apartment with five other girls and it was great! I wanted a chance to live with peers in an unfamiliar environment, and I thought the idea of living on my own in a European city would be a very cool experience, which it was. At the same time, I had some friends who lived in a home stay too and they became very close with their families and loved the experience. I think its personal preference and what you are looking for out of the experience.

I loved everything that Madrid had to offer, the food (especially the tapas), the culture, the people. One thing I would highly recommend is to get comfortable in the city and explore new places. Madrid is a very large city with many things to see and do, the best thing (and my favorite thing) to do in a city with such a different culture is just to walk around the different neighborhoods and parks and see the day to day Spanish culture come to life! But the time really does fly by, so explore while you can and expand your cultural knowledge and language skills by just being present in the city.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate blood sausage which was super unfamiliar to me! But definitely don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone when it comes to trying new things abroad.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Study abroad was amazing

Be prepared for a fun adventure every single weekend, the best scenery of your life, and being pushed way outside of your comfort zone in the best way possible. I accomplished many feats I never thought I would, made lifelong friendships, and enjoyed every second of being in a new country with a new culture. Work hard play hard is truly embodied in this program. Study abroad is what you make of it, and I do not regret this decision at all. This trip was home to many firsts- traveling independently, climbing mountains, hiking for 7 hours straight, camping for more than a week, seeing gorgeous stars, and driving on the left side of the road. While Christchurch suffered a major terrorist attack during my time here, I will never forget the support and community efforts of its people. You can't run away from real-world problems no matter where you go, but you can be lucky enough to feel the love and support of a people you just met and who help you feel at home.

What would you improve about this program?
More academic rigor and opportunities at UC would have been a great addition to the program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

22 Cities & 12 Countries!

As I boarded the plane for Munich, I was anxious to discover what awaited me. I had quite a few concerns and reservations, but upon arrival I realized all of my concerns were anticipated by the program administration. I lived in an apartment complex with five German students, who became some of my closest friends in Freiburg. The program gave us many opportunities to befriend fellow IES students and German students, alike. We spent the semester eating $1 gelato, traveling between EU countries, and exploring all Freiburg has to offer. I overcame my fear of public speaking and formed really strong connections with many of my professors over the course of the semester. I had a wonderful experience, one filled with both personal and academic accomplishments. I highly recommend studying in Freiburg!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Budget wisely! You'll blow through your money quickly unless you take the time to sort out your finances at the start of the program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Japanese improved greatly, and I made friends!

I went abroad to improve my Japanese, and I was not disappointed. The Japanese program is intense and rewarding; it took a lot of work, but I learned a lot! I loved being able to learn alongside other passionate students. The professor's were caring and helpful, which made it easier during difficult classes. One of the ways IES was helpful was the practical advice about the area, and the time spent with other international students. I especially liked having the orientation before the classes started so I had adjustment time. Also, the trips they coordinated were really fun and helped me learn how to travel safely so that later I was able to do my own trips as well.
The only thing I found a bit frustrating was it was nearly impossible to participate in clubs at the university. But overall, the program was amazing.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Items I still don't know the names of. IES gave me the opportunity to try a lot of traditional Japanese food, and I learned that a lot of Japanese food has really different textures.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Semester Ever!

My time abroad (as cliche as it sounds) was one of the greatest experiences of my life. To be completely honest, I was pretty wishy-washy about the whole idea of going abroad for a semester. I figured I would apply for a program, and if I got in and received financial aid then I would go, and if I didn't then I would stay at my University for the semester. I did not feel strongly either way, and looking back now it's a little bit funny to think how ambivalent I was given that my time in Dublin was absolutely life-changing in the best way. I got to study under some of the coolest and most intelligent professors I've ever had. They all care so much about what they teach, and they all have real-life experience with the course content. One of my favorite classes I took was the Service Learning course that IES offers. Once a week I got to volunteer at an after school program for elementary school students and help them do their homework. The program we did it through does so much for the community in that area of the city, and it was amazing to see the impact they have on the kids. It was fun to hang out with the students, and I was able to learn so much from them about the city of Dublin and about the lives of its inhabitants. This class is also where I got to meet some really amazing peers who I consider lifelong friends. The friendships you can develop abroad are so powerful, and they enrich your abroad experience greatly. You can make incredibly deep connections with people in a short span of time abroad due to the nature of your situation. People go abroad to experience new things, so everyone is very open to making friends and everyone wants to support each other during this time. One of the coolest things about being abroad is that you have the opportunity to travel to so many other places than your host country. I loved Ireland so much, and it will always have a special place I my heart, but some of my best memories are of spontaneous weekend trips that I took with my friends. There is such a big world out there, and being abroad made me realize I want to see as much of it as I possibly can.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open to trying new things, and try to not say no to new adventures. I think it can be easy to let things like tiredness or nerves ruin new plans, but you are only abroad once! Try to push yourself into doing things you might not usually do. I guarantee you will learn something about yourself.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Como Graná no hay ná

Everything about my experience in Granada was magical. From the compassionate center staff to the rigorous yet not overbearing course load, I couldn't have asked for a better program. A walk through Granada feels like a walk back in time to the Moorish days. There always seemed to be more to discover around every corner and the history and architecture never failed to take my breath away. In the fall all of my classes were in Spanish, but I did have the opportunity to take two classes in English in the spring. They were all very interesting and geared towards the experience in Granada. No class at my home university would have been as fulfilling because a key component would have been different - the location. If you go to Granada with IES, I wholeheartedly recommend living with a host family. There is no better way to truly immerse yourself in the culture and language. Not to mention, no one cooks as well as a Spanish señora (sorry mom!).

What was your funniest moment?
"Sentirse" means to feel. "Sentarse" means to sit. For about a month and a half I was asking waiters if I could feel in the restaurant.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Lovin' the city livin'

When I was applying to university, I remember telling anyone who would listen that I would under no circumstances live in a big city. Needless to say, when I announced to my friends and family that I would be living in London for nearly 5 months during my sophomore year, everyone had their doubts (including me at times!). I am so glad that I took the leap. Even though London is so large and teeming with life, the community atmosphere at our IES center in Holborn made the city feel less daunting. Getting to live and study in the same city as Shakespeare and Chaucer changed my life for the better and gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation of their works. I would recommend IES London to anyone, especially if you have never considered living in a city before.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't let the rainy weather keep you inside! Some of my favorite memories happened either during or immediately after a nice rain shower.