Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

A time of enormous growth and unbounded freedom

You know that pull to grow. It's uncomfortable and scary and exhilarating. You start to feel it as soon as the thought comes into your head-- what if I said yes? Yes to attending an event where you don't know anyone well. Yes to applying for a job that you really want. Yes to jumping off a bridge into water. Yes to ANYTHING where you risk to fall or fail. I applied to many USAC programs before France. It was during the pandemic, so I fell and failed every time. A year passed and I was about to give up on my dream of studying abroad. But then I looked at the France program and I felt a pull. I had studied Spanish, not French. And now I was about to graduate. It didn't make any sense. But what if I tried one more time... When I received the admission notification, I said yes.

Two semesters as part of this program changed me more than the past four years of university ever had. There is no equivalent in terms of cultural, social, emotional, and intellectual growth to being plunged into a foreign country. You simply have no choice but to grow into the enormous space that has opened up around you full of new sights and sounds and smells that you never could have imagined. There is nothing familiar around you to make you feel safe. But there is also nothing familiar around you to tell you who you are or what you are capable of. This is the potential of freedom. You can be who you have always been scared to be because there are no longer any limits. You can say yes to everything. Yes to speaking a language you're not fluent in. Yes to activities and course subjects you never would have tried before. Yes to field trips to cities you've never heard of. Yes to starting conversations, yes to being confident in the face of the fear.

Of course this is not to say that you really are alone. The Pau, France program is impressively supportive. The on-site staff are kind and deeply invested in the personal development of each student who comes. You will never feel unsafe or unsure of what to do next. But the experience is yours, and whether you want to focus on the culture and language of france, the bonds of new and profound friendships with interesting people from all backgrounds, or your own growth as a competent and open-minded traveler and observer of the world, you will walk away from this program with all three. The world is waiting. Oh, and don't forget to bring good walking shoes.

  • Program support
  • Diversity of activities
  • Academics and language courses
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Yes, I recommend this program

Spring 2023 USAC Madrid

Since I was little, I knew I was different. As a latino-american with an immigrant father from Cuba, the hispanic culture would have been thought to be an everyday occurance in my life. Unfortunately, I was a part of thousands of second generation immigrants who were assimilated to American culture so as to not be viewed as an outcast in society. When the opportunity to study abroad presented itself, I remained indecisive for months before I realized it was something I needed to do to best take advantage of life while in college.
Both USAC and Madrid matched my interests and academic needs the best and I can confidently say for the first time in my life, I felt connected and embraced by a city. The city is beautiful with plenty of things to do, everyone I came across was willing to help, and I was able to live freely. To make it simple, Madrid feels like home. Even after finishing the program, I am currently researching ways to return back to Spain while still fulfilling my career goals.
In my opinion, studying abroad is what you make of it, but no matter what, students will return from study abroad a better person. I don’t see any other experience matching what studying abroad has done for me and will continue to do for me in the future. There was not a single day that I didn’t learn anything and I am forever thankful for the city and the USAC program that showed me a place where I belong. One last thing…¡HALA MADRID!

  • It is very easy to travel to another city or country for a short period of time
  • There is always an event going on to be a part of
  • The city is very accepting of people from different backgrounds
  • The food was not as good as advertised on social media
  • You need to be a little frugal. (Ex: use of water, food portions, electricity are much smaller than the states)
  • The weather is very dry!
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Experience of a Lifetime!

I have had a desire to study abroad ever since I fell in love with studying the Spanish language in high school. When I got to college, the process of applying and the whole experience seemed overwhelming and I was unsure if I wanted to go through with it. Once I finally decided to move forward with studying in Montevideo, Uruguay, USAC and the Program Staff made everything run smoothly from the moment I applied until I arrived back home at the conclusion of my program. Throughout my semester abroad in Montevideo, my Spanish language skills and cultural awareness grew exponentially. My experience with my host family was amazing - I am so thankful for them! The onsite staff and professors were extremely supportive and always made me feel at home. If you have any desire to study abroad, DO IT! Furthermore, if you are planning to study abroad, I recommend choosing a location that is less popular or well-known. I am so thankful I chose to study in Uruguay because I got to get to know a corner of the world that not many people have. As cliche as it sounds, you will not regret your decision to study abroad!

  • Coastal city with beaches and lots of nightlife
  • Extremely supportive program staff and professors
  • Spanish language emersion
  • Difficult and expensive to travel to surrounding countries
  • High cost of living, especially when it comes to food
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience

Studying abroad in Alicante was the best experience of my life. The location was gorgeous, the people were kind and funny and wonderful, the food was amazing, and the nightlife was terrific. The class I took was also wonderful; the teacher was considerate and passionate about the subject and having a morning class left the whole day open. It was VERY hot, but the beach is right there!! I absolutely LOVED my time in Alicante and would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a vibrant life experience!

  • Nightlife
  • Beach
  • Food/Culture
  • Super hot
  • no AC in the apartment
  • small city
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Yes, I recommend this program

I became a better me!

Studying abroad in Maastricht has opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and reignited my passion for my major. I have formed some of the most amazing connections with the most amazing people that I never would've crossed paths with had it not been for this program. These are memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Living in a student-dense town, with the majority being international, I felt comfortable knowing that we were all a bit nervous at first about starting a new chapter of our lives in this small town. I was able to learn about many other cultures and teach others about mine. I enjoyed all of my courses, and while some challenged me, all had shown me why I chose to follow psychology. I couldn't be more grateful for this experience.

  • You get to meet people from all over the world.
  • It's location allows you to get to Germany, Belgium, and many other countries pretty easily.
  • It's cultural events, like Carnival, are a once in a lifetime experience.
  • It is a small city and mainly occupied by students, if you were hoping for a more industrial/bigger city.
  • Our housing was mostly amazing, but sometimes having a communal bathroom and kitchen was difficult.
  • Flying out of Charleroi, Belgium was not always the best experience (a really common airport for international flights).
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 4 Months of My Life

My four months in Bilbao/Getxo were the best four months of my life. The people in my program became my family there and honestly some of them are now my best friends for life. My host family situation was also a dream. I will be going back to Bilbao just to visit them. Every time I came back to Bilbao after traveling, I was so happy to be there. It is the perfect blend of the city with true Spanish and Basque life. The best part of the program is the surfing class. It was such a memorable experience being able to learn how to surf with everyone else. We could not get enough of it. Every chance we had to surf or be at the beach, we were there. The other students in the area are also super welcoming and the people within the community are the same as well. Because I loved my time in Bilbao so much, I am studying abroad with USAC again in Spring 2024. Truly, the only bad part about studying abroad is leaving. It was the saddest moment ever but it also showed how grateful we all were for everything that happened.

  • Close to beaches
  • Clean, fun and alive city
  • Little English in some places
  • Little English in some places
  • Some rain
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best decision I ever made

Stirling, Scotland changed my life for the better in countless ways. Before I left the US, I was burnt out and exhausted. Going to Scotland and meeting people from all around the world reinvigorated me and made me realize that I was a lot more capable than I had previously thought myself to be. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, DO IT! It’s by far the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

Studying abroad has given me the travel “bug” and I can’t imagine how different my life would have been even if I hadn’t taken the leap to go to Scotland. I would’ve had a lot less courage and hope than I do know if I hadn’t gone out on a limb. It’s cliche, but studying abroad made me realize that more things are possible in this world than we think.

  • Beautiful nature
  • Cheap prices for food
  • Nice locals
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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent Program and Helpful Staff

Absolutely wonderful program. The city is lively and full of things to do, and is relatively safe as long as you follow common sense safety. The administration works really hard to create a supporting and close-knit environment with the other USAC students, and they were always ready and willing to help whenever I had a problem. The classes can be a bit overwhelming at first, depending on what sort of schedule you're used to keeping, but the language classes make a HUGE difference in proficiency, even just after a month or so. This trip was absolutely fantastic, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  • Plenty of Activities
  • Helpful Staff
  • Safe Location
  • The city can be a bit expensive, as cities are.
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Yes, I recommend this program

New me

When I went I was unable to grow as an individual in the comfort of my normal life. When I went I got to live the life that I wanted to live. I became a new person because of my friends and experiences I had. I got to have many different experiences were I went to Amsterdam, Rome, and Thessaloniki for a weekend with my friends. I got the ability to meet up with my German TA from my university. I recommend anyone that has the chance to travel to do it and go out of their comfort zone. I was able to learn so much about the language and the culture.

  • Cultural immersion
  • Language skill improved
  • Friends from other places
  • Stress of not knowing language
  • Living without your support group
  • Feeling lonely in the beginning
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Piece of Me in Germany

When I was little, I dreamed of studying abroad in Germany during my college years. Thanks to USAC's program, my lifelong dream of immersing myself in the culture that was rooted in my family for generations came to fruition. Studying abroad in Lüneburg, Germany was a life-altering experience that helped me to grow into the person I am today, especially thanks to my decision to live with a host family. They allowed me to achieve my personal goals of increasing my language skills and cultural immersion. In living with them, we now share an unbreakable bond woven with laughter, tears, and countless moments that will forever dance within our souls.

  • Lüneburg is beautiful and walkable
  • Making lifelong friends at the campus
  • Traveling to other Northern countries easily
  • The location is small with mostly American students
  • Traditional German food harder to find in this city