Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

New me

When I went I was unable to grow as an individual in the comfort of my normal life. When I went I got to live the life that I wanted to live. I became a new person because of my friends and experiences I had. I got to have many different experiences were I went to Amsterdam, Rome, and Thessaloniki for a weekend with my friends. I got the ability to meet up with my German TA from my university. I recommend anyone that has the chance to travel to do it and go out of their comfort zone. I was able to learn so much about the language and the culture.

  • Cultural immersion
  • Language skill improved
  • Friends from other places
  • Stress of not knowing language
  • Living without your support group
  • Feeling lonely in the beginning
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Piece of Me in Germany

When I was little, I dreamed of studying abroad in Germany during my college years. Thanks to USAC's program, my lifelong dream of immersing myself in the culture that was rooted in my family for generations came to fruition. Studying abroad in Lüneburg, Germany was a life-altering experience that helped me to grow into the person I am today, especially thanks to my decision to live with a host family. They allowed me to achieve my personal goals of increasing my language skills and cultural immersion. In living with them, we now share an unbreakable bond woven with laughter, tears, and countless moments that will forever dance within our souls.

  • Lüneburg is beautiful and walkable
  • Making lifelong friends at the campus
  • Traveling to other Northern countries easily
  • The location is small with mostly American students
  • Traditional German food harder to find in this city
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Yes, I recommend this program

Bilbao Experience

My experience was very unique because it was my first real semester of college. I had graduated high school and the next year, I was gone to Spain. It was a great choice. I learned more about myself and the Spanish language in those for 4 months than I ever did in high school or community college. If anyone is considering it, they should 100% do it! The USAC staff in Bilbao were absolutely fantastic and so kind. I learned so much and would love to chat with anyone who wants to go! I liked Spain.

  • You learn so much language!
  • The food is amazing.
  • You gain a lot of confidence by being away and talking to people.
  • The staff in the US from USAC were a little hard to deal with.
  • The housing I lived in was not very good.
  • You spend a lot of time alone.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Abroad in Nagasaki

The Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies is a small school with about 1,000 students. Surrounded by lush mountains has improved my physical health. The Japanese students major in foreign languages such as English, French, or Korean. This creates a friendly environment as many students are open to socializing and interacting with each other. I have met so many friends and practiced my speaking in and out of school. Waking up every day in a new country has helped me gain confidence and live experiences.

  • NUFS is a small school which leads to a tighter community
  • Class schedule is manageable and gives enough leniency for a student's personal life
  • Nagasaki is very friendly towards foreigners
  • The academics in this school are not as intense as back in my home univerisity of UNLV
  • There are individuals who I have came across whose actions can make other uncomfortable
  • Few of the courses are unrefined and a couple of teachers seem unprepared for lessons
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience Ever!!

Let me give you the run-down:

USAC needs to improve their stuff ASAP. The people helping me did not fill me in on the order I was supposed to complete the process and it was a nightmare. I was highly unprepared even when I thought I would be prepared — but don’t be scared, people will help you once you get there if it happens! Not to mention the actual USAC office is on my university campus and they still weren’t helpful. If you have questions ask old USAC students that are available pls. There are lots of us. Also ask people travelling with you — some of them have done this before!!! Otherwise, basic knowledge — pay your phone off before to use Airlo for phone plans and find a credit card that has no foreign transaction fees — also being at least 2 CC and 1 debit card — losing your stuff is possible.

The beginning is a lot, but stay active and your sleep schedule will adjust. I thought I was good at German and then I got there and it was HARD — but now I know soooooo much more German it’s amazing. The school campus is kind of far from Leuphana, but their plan is to integrate to the main campus so hopefully that happens for you! Otherwise, they have student leaders who are from Germany and speak great English and our two Leuphana student helpers were awesome, we used to go out with them and stuff and have fun. If you’re 18, go to the karoke bar in Lüneburg it’s awesome! Otherwise explore and don’t be afraid to mess up. One time I was ordering a bratwurst with this man at one of the markets and he turned out to just be a customer and not a worker and everyone laughed at me and I was so embarrassed but I laugh about it now — you will too. Try new things and put yourself out there. If you explore alone just make sure you know what you’re doing and are safe. Make friends with your USAC program people because they are awesome and all looking for friends just like you. Make friends with your apartment roomies (I still talk to mine because they were amazing — we’d have nightly dinners and chat for hours at a time together it was amazing and I miss them dearly) or if you have a host family go on family outings with them and practice your German with them — they’re very helpful. Make sure to explore other countries/German cities because it’s fun. Try to figure out public transportation and remember Deutsche Bahn is not reliable. If you’re a frequent traveler to long distance places or plan to go all over Germany, get a trial Bahn card — it’s cheap and discounts your tickets by 25% — just make sure to cancel it in time (like 6 weeks before it expires). Otherwise I can’t think of anything else, but have fun and put yourself out there! It’s a fantastic experience. You also may get home sick, but you can talk to your resident director or a therapist if you struggle with stuff it’s very helpful. I was only really home sick around the Super bowl, but otherwise it was nice. And go on the field trips!!! Our Berlin/Hamburg field trips were awesome and all of the history field trips they take you on are very educational/interesting and sometimes sad. Otherwise, I miss all my friends so use the time wisely. Locals are very nice and friendly.

I’m sad and miss it — post-study abroad depression is real. Getting back to normal life is hard, so remember to take lots of pics and stay in contact with your German/USAC friends to help missing it. And occupy yourself getting back helps too — hang out and catch up with your old friends :)

  • Making friends for life
  • Learning about German culture
  • Traveling everywhere
  • Post study abroad depression
  • Potential home sickness
  • School on top of travel/experience
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Yes, I recommend this program


My experience in Thailand was incredible, I felt so supported by the program and by those I met along the way. It was by far the best decision I've made in my entire life. I met some of the most amazing people who will now be my lifelong friends, went to some of the most beautiful places on this planet, and learned a new way of life that I would've never been exposed to if hadn't done this journey. It's also extremely easy to travel around Thailand and surrounding countries and you'll meet plenty of similar travelers along the way and make beautiful connections.

  • Extremely safe, kind people
  • Easy access to travel around
  • Cheap and affordable
  • Food poisoning
  • Smoke season
  • One time entry Visa
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Yes, I recommend this program

San Sebastián

During my time in San Sebastián, the biggest thing I learned was that living was more than accomplishing goals - it was learning from others and experiencing a new city in a different way every day! My experience in San Sebastián taught me that learning from others outside of the classroom gives you so much to think about and new perspectives that you can implement into your life! I also learned a lot in the classroom, as my professor pushed us to learn the language everyday but gave us the opportunity to mess up - it was the best class I have ever taken.

  • Walking along the beach everyday
  • Learning Spanish
  • Meeting new people
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Yes, I recommend this program

Craziest Semester of my Life!!

I had an incredible time during my semester abroad! Madrid was the perfect location for me! There are so many things to do in the city, and you are so close to train stations and an airport so you can explore other places as well. I loved living on campus and being super close to my classes. My classes definitely helped my Spanish knowledge grow exponentially, and I completed my Spanish major while abroad. My program supervisors were super helpful and were always there when I needed them! They also let me help make some Instagram content!! Overall my semester abroad was so much fun, and I will be telling my abroad stories forever!

  • Spanish language immersion
  • Lively city with lots to do
  • Good metro system
  • Jet lag
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Yes, I recommend this program

The quality of life is so high!

Many people will talk about the school, and yes it was great. But the thing that really made this trip incredible were the offerings in The Netherlands. The public transport, ease of access and proximity, bike lanes, culture, you name it. The place opened my eyes to how life should operate. The weather wasn't always the best, but that is a small price to pay for what comes with that. And it is mainly like this in the spring, so a fall semester might serve better. Although, most of the greah events happen between April - September, so either way the summer is the best time to be here!

  • Clean
  • Feeling cared for by the government
  • Average IQ
  • Food
  • Weather
  • Smaller grocery stores
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a Lifetime!

Studying abroad really was a once in a lifetime experience that I would encourage every undergraduate student to do! The new friends I made, cultures, and places I got to experience made me a more well rounded individual. I learned to try everything and be excited to do new things. There are people I met from all around the world during my program that I still keep in contact with today, some even on a day to day basis. If you do decide to study abroad, take advantage of all the opportunities to see new places! So, if you get the chance, study abroad!!

  • Meeting new people
  • Country full of history
  • English Speaking
  • Weather Jan-May is a little rainy
  • Not enough time to do everything
  • Cork does not have a huge airport